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"HUH? You're out of your mind! Of course we should let everyone else know, they need to be cautious too!" Sanji whispered out loud to the Swordsman.

"If Luffy reacted that way when I lashed out on you, imagine how he'd end up when he finds out that everyone else is on a scavenger hunt for a total stranger on the Sunny!"

"There's ladies on this ship too. Think about how much danger Robin Chan and Nami San's lives are in as well!!"

The thought of Nami or Robin falling into the wrong hands made Sanji's blood boil.

"They know how to defend themselves better than any of the guys in our crew." Zoro argued, being dragged by his collar.

"If something were to happen to them because of you, I'll cut your head off with your own swords, shitty moss!"

"I'd chop your arms off before you even lay a hand on my swords, Crapunzel."

"A new shitty name at a time like this, piece of shit!?"

Just as Sanji was about to get into a fight with Zoro, their chances of fighting decreased when someone bumped into them.

"Zoro San? Sanji San? What're you doing out here?" Brook asked, holding onto his violin.

"Outta my way." Zoro rushed ahead of Sanji, leaving him to explain everything on his own.

"W-what's going on?"

"That's what I'd like to know as well, Brook. Don't mind us, we're in a bit of a pinch now."

"Yohoho!! When are you not?" Brook smiled at the younger man, returning to his habit of playing the violin on the deck.

"OI, BROOK. I almost forgot!" Sanji said, retracing his steps back to Brook.

"If you happen to see Luffy, let him know we'll be-" The man paused, looking ahead of where Zoro was headed to.

"In the area that Franky recently remodeled."

"The Library?" Brook asked, to which Sanji shook his head in denial.

"No no, the other area."

"The gym?"

"He remodeled the gym? N-never mind that! No, not that one. The newest one!"

"Ah, you're talking about the aquarium. Right?"

"Bingo! That's the one!" Sanji clapped his hands together, praising Brook.

"If you don't mind me asking: What type of trouble did you get into?"

"I'll explain it... In time. I promise."

"I understand. Seems like you're in a hurry either ways." Brook patted Sanji on the back.

"You don't even imagine, Brook. Thanks!" The younger man pardoned himself, beckoning his friend.

Seconds later, he descended to one of the largest areas within the ship: The Aquarium, where he gathers most of his finest fish from, to prepare his delicious meals.

As he reached it, he found Zoro near one of the four large biorb tube tanks that were on either corner of the Aquarium, talking to Luffy with a silent tone of voice.

Taking one step into the Aquarium, Sanji spotted a large Marine ship that had been completely vandalized.

Oppose to having a white flag with its normal blue symbol, it was painted black with the same logo, only it was spray painted white.

This not only disguised the flag and kept it from being noticed at night, but it also made it easier for others to take little to no notice on it.

"Hey... H-hey, guys!" Seeing this, Sanji snapped out of his trance and rushed over to Zoro and Luffy, minding the new renovations Franky made.

The aquarium was gigantic and made a decent amount of echo, depending on how much noise was to reverberate throughout it.

In most cases, not much noise was made, out of respect for the fish, and the enormous glass tanks that surrounded them.

All eyes landed directly onto Sanji when he rushed over to Luffy and Zoro.

"Luffy! Zoro! Hey- H... hmm?" Staying a few steps away from them, Sanji listened closely to what the couple were saying to one another.

"Luffy, that bastard could be anywhere, so stay away from everyone. Especially that Cook."

"Damn, offensive..." Sanji quietly thought to himself.

Subsequently, Luffy spoke right after him, with an apologetic tone of voice that was soothing for the Culinarian man to listen to.

"Zoro... I'm starting to trust in Sanji again. I think we should stick together."

Sanji's eyes lit up out of joy and relief, hearing those words coming out of his Captain's mouth.

"Oh, is that so? That's good." Zoro smiled fondly at the boy.

Watching as the ship got further and further away from where he was standing, Sanji had to act fast before it vanished completely.

For all he knows, the unknown man could have already boarded the ship and might be plotting his grand escape, just to torment the younger boy.

"Over my dead body. I won't let this usurper use my face and get away with something he has hell to pay for." The man sprinted into the Aquarium, flailing his arms in the air.

"Ship!! I found his ship! He's planning on getting away again!!"

He announced, alerting Luffy who clenched his fists, automatically activating his powers.

"Come on, Zo- Ow! H-huh?" The boy was held back when his shirt was tugged at by Zoro.

"Hey hey, hold on... How do we know you aren't just a clone?"

"WHAT!?" Sanji and Luffy shouted in sync. The blonde haired man was fuming with rage.

"I'm Vinsmoke Sanji, you dickhead!!"

The suited man insisted, turning over at Luffy, who seemed to be second guessing his sincerity.

"You're Vinsmoke Sanji? Prove it, then."


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