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Zoro's POV:

"What're you talking about? If Luffy chooses to ignore you, then it's his decision." I groaned, swiping the Cook's hand off of my collar.

The nerve of that guy to wrinkle my damn shirt all the time, I swear he's gonna bury a chunk of fabric underneath his nails one of these days after doing that for so long.

"A decision that you most likely influenced! Look, I know that we're never on good terms, but don't drag him into it. What'll I do if he starts hating me?"

That look he gave me just now made me feel odd. To make matters worse, I don't even know what the hell to respond.

Talking about such a sensitive topic is tough, even for me!

"That's not my problem." I say, stepping down from the barstool.

"Did you two... Get into a fight?" Though I was tempted to walk away, the Cook managed to grab ahold of my attention, once again, so I couldn't leave.

"I'm asking because I heard Luffy saying bad things outside of his bedroom door."

"Shouldn't be spying on him in the first place, weirdo." I inhaled deeply, crossing my arms in a dominant stance, remaining there for the time being.

"That's not the only reason why I'm asking," he slammed his fist against the bar, almost as if it were a person's body.

"Everyone here has seen the strange marks and bruises all over him! Are they hickeys or what!" My usual urge to strange this man seems to be kicking in right now.

"Keep your voice down, he might hear you." I hushed him, taking a gulp of sake.

"On top of it all, you're trying to hide it?"

"Hide what? Who's hiding, huh?" I raised my chin, bumping heads closely with him as he kept on talking.

"The asshole sitting in front of me, that's who."

"I think that title belongs to you, not me." I defended myself, wondering what he was really trying to tell me.

Where do all these sudden questions come from? He rarely ever speaks to me.

We never acknowledge our presence, even if we were trapped together.

The only time we talk to each other is during a battle.

And what am I doing now? Sitting down at the bar, and getting drunk with someone my spouse, my own Captain, can't even look directly in the eye.

"Everyone can tell something's wrong with him! He's gotten his ass kicked countless times, beaten to a pulp, yet he's never gone this silent!" He's starting to really get on my nerves now.

I clenched my fist, grasping tighter onto my bottle.

"He fights with you once and becomes a mute? Don't give me that shit! What's really happening with Luffy!"

"He's just upset." This won't end well... I have a gut feeling about it.

"Bullshit! Luffy isn't like this."

As much as I hate to say it, he's right. Luffy isn't good at keeping anything hidden, and even if he tries to forget about it all, something always reminds him about that night.

"It's not my fault you all settle for seeing his soft side and can't handle the guy when he's a little down. Grow up, man."

I made my way out of the bar but alas, the damn fool followed me.

"Why don't you grow a pair instead and learn how to treat your Captain better!?" My spine curved as I landed on the ground.

"You... Asshole..." I grabbed him by his collar and started to strangle his neck.

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