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The blonde man's dark blue eyes widened out of shock and confusion after catching Luffy in the air before the boy could tumble to the floor.

When he battered his fist in the air before falling, Sanji caught a glimpse of something hidden within his hand.

"Pfftcffhh- Dumbass! Just what are you doing?!" The older questioned when a paper was pressed against his face by the Captain.

"It's not following you. You... You really are the real Sanji. Thank goodness." Luffy sighed.

"Of course I am..." Sanji held the boy in his arms, trying to hoist him back upwards.

"Help me out a little here- Argh.. Luffy, why are you so heavy all of a sudden?!"

No matter how much strength Sanji put into lifting Luffy back up, it was no use. The boy wouldn't stand.

After two attempts, the younger started to chuckle, letting himself fall onto the rough marble floor, on his knees, leaving bruises all over them.

"I'm not heavy at all, Sanji. I feel lighter than dust." He grinned, making invisible snow angles on the ground.

"Why're you lying here then?! Jeez!" Luffy's lips widened to the sound of Sanji shouting at him.

"Why? Why?? Because I can't move from my waist below. Th-that's why. HA!! HA!!" The boy could barely feel his face as he continued to laugh.

Luffy laughed so much on that night, his chest started to close up, causing him to wheeze.

If he didn't stop, he could ultimately run out of air and pass out.

"Luffy! What the hell's so damn funny!? What's on this paper? Hey, stop laughing! You could hurt yourself!"

"UWAHAHAHA!! SANJI, YA' STILL DON'T GET IT! I want it to hurt. Yell again.. Yell at me louder, you bastard! SO MUCH, THAT I GO INSANE. INSANE!!"

Sanji's heart rate started going up while he realized what was happening to his friend.

"It's a panic attack... Luffy, I need you to breathe with me-"

The man moved back when his mentally unstable Captain started swinging his arms around.

"AHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA!! AGH.. HAHA!! AHA!!!" Coughing halfway throughout his laughter, tears began to stream down Luffy's cheeks and drip onto the ground.

His lungs were on the verge of leaving the boy completely breathless as he started to turn bluish across his lips.


"What!? Luffy, why would you... What did they do to you..."

Soon... Sanji started to understand everything.

The elegant man ruined his perfect posture, sliding down to the floor beside Luffy who was squirming on the ground.

"Luffy, look at me! Snap out of it or you'll end up going mad!" He held onto either end of the boy's shoulders.

Luffy no longer enjoyed the man's presence, he couldn't bare to look him in the eye any longer.

"Grab me here, right here!"

Sanji struggled to release himself from Luffy's grip as the boy dragged his hand up to his own jaw, making the man hold onto it with force.

"Stop! Luffy, I'm gonna go get Zoro, I need help-"

"You need me!!! Let me satisfy you with my mouth! OPEN IT!!"

"Please, stop this! Luffy!" Sanji's locks of hair covered his eyes as he was shifted from side to side in Luffy's hands.

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