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And in that moment, Sanji's mind shut down.

He didn't know when to move, or even how to move, since the bottom half of his body had partially frozen because of the cold water he submerged himself into.

"Your turn." He exhaled, pushing the Swordsman back in a friendly way.

"Fair point, let me take off my boots so that they won't weigh me down so much."

When the man bend down to remove he boots, Sanji placed his hand over his arm.

"Trust me, ya' don't wanna jump in there, I can't feel anything from my waist below right now."

"What? Think I can't handle a little cold water?" Zoro snickered at the Cook, laughing at him.

"Oh, so you wanna mock me? Let's see you last three minutes in there. You won't do it."

"Hold my swords, Rapunzel."

Before Sanji could make an attempt to push Zoro over the edge, the Swordsman dived head first into the Sea, causing a louder splash than Sanji.

~A while later~

"Hey, Flinn Rider! How's the weather down there?" Sanji smiled innocently, waiting for a response.

After about ten seconds went by, he spotted a strand of lime green hair rising up to the surface of the Ocean.

"Rapunzel... Let down your hair...."

Sanji let out a loud chuckle, similar to the high-pitch noise a kettle emits upon boiling tea.

Zoro's teeth were chattering loudly, and his shoulders were shivering like never before while he climbed back up to the deck.

"Mmm ~ It's nice and warm, right?"

"Toasty. I can't feel my balls."

The laughter Sanji was attempting to suppress before, erupted like a volcano.

Zoro picked up his swords and wrapped his dark green kimono over his shoulders, walking back into the Sunny with Sanji, who was still playfully bullying him.

"Do you wanna build a snowmaaan? ~ ♪ PFT!"

"Wanna get cut by this Swordsmaaan? ~ ♪"

The hot headed misfits hit each other as if they were kindergarteners throwing a tantrum, all the way to the entrance of the Sunny, and even while walking to their individual bedrooms.

"You smell like ass."

"You look like one."

"Yeah? Well you- you-"

"All outta insults? Just admit to defeat like a real man... Or what ever you are." Zoro teased while they continued to get on each other's nerves.

"You get no bitches!"

"Who needs-"

"Nooooo bitchessss." The curly browed Cook continued, drying off his hair with a towel while tossing one at Zoro's face.

"Here, dry your seaweed."

"Thanks, make sure you don't dye your hair brown with that towel."


"Because that's the one I wrap around my 'rear end' to store away my package when I come out of the shower."

Sanji's body began to malfunction upon discovering such unpleasant news from his frenemy.

"I can't use these to cook ever again!!! You just ruined my entire career, you dirty moss head!!"

"Just use my 'residue' as your secret ingredient." The Samurai smirked.

"You disgusting Swordsma-" Sanji started to gag immediately, feeling sick to his stomach.

Zoro couldn't help but to laugh.

"Take a joke. I'd be more grossed if I let anyone use a towel I dry my junk with, jeez. We use that towel for our hands and face."

"You alcoholic bastard!"

Reverting back to the mindset of a child, Sanji and the Swordsman attacked each other with their stack of towels, rolling them up and launching them at their arms and neck, leaving their skin reddened.

Despite trying to hide the fact that they were enjoying their childish actions, Sanji's smile wouldn't disappear.

Zoro's expressions were motionless on the outside, yet even the Cook heard a chuckle or two escape from the older man as their immature war went on.

Sanji's memory of leaving Luffy with Chopper in his office, faded away during the time he spent making a mess in the bathroom with Zoro.

However, hidden behind closed doors, was Luffy... Who wasn't having as much fun as Zoro and Sanji were.

~Back in Chopper's office~

"Luffy, what you have is called Palatal petechiae." Chopper announced, rather quietly, yet loud enough for Luffy to hear.

"Plate.... Platal... What's that?" Luffy asked, unaware of such a strange diagnosis.

"It's these small reddish dots or bruises that appear during- how should I say this- They appear... During Intercourse."

The young Doctor breathed out, looking back at Luffy who was just as nervous as he was.

The Captain stood still, memories washing over his body, leaving it drenched in regrets and bitterness.

"Do you... Wanna talk about it?" His gaze grew wider at Chopper's unanticipated question.

Luffy knew of the consequences he would be faced with, after Sanji was told to leave the room.

But under these circumstances, even Sanji himself wouldn't be able to provide him any help in answering.

This was a decision Luffy had to decide on with patience...

Something he hardly ever does. Yet, for the first time, his mind was actually stuck, and unable to find the correct answer to give his short friend.

"If I say "yes", what other questions is Chopper going to give me? They'll get more difficult and awkward for me to respond.

But if I say "no", then it'll look like something actually did happen to me, for my mouth to end up this way.

How will Chopper react to either one of those answers? My mind is about to break again..."

Before the brunette could let his thoughts interfere with his decisions and lead him down the wrong path, he hunched over, wrapping his left arm around his ribcage.

"Chopper... Hah... Help..." He struggled to catch his breath, shutting his eyes.

"Luffy!? What's wrong, Luffy?! H-here, lie down." Chopper held Luffy's arm, and guided him gently on top of the flat bed he has in his office.

The boy began to squirm uncontrollably, shifting his weight from left to right, unable to find comfort no matter what position he was in.

"Luffy!! What's happening!?" Worried about his Captain, Chopper started to examine the boy.

"Argh!! Chopper... My stomach hurts... I think I ate too fast earlier!!! Haargh!! Agh!" Luffy informed the younger.

"Indigestion. It must me indigestion!! Wait a second, I got just the thing for that, Luffy!"

The sound of Chopper's tiny hooves clattering onto the hardwood floor began to disappear into another room.

This was enough for Luffy to stand up from the bed to start walking perfectly fine, and completely pain free.

"Chopper, I'm sorry. You'll understand me, someday... But not tonight. Not yet..."


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