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"Zoro, wait!" Climbing out of the tub, Luffy's body trembled as a cold breeze traveled throughout his body.

He looked up at his friends who were all crowding the exit towards his bedroom, then looked over at himself in the mirror, realizing that he was undressed.

Franky turned his head away from the young Captain while Zoro and Sanji kept their eyes on each other, never once looking away, even for one second.

"Franky saw me for a while. Did he notice the marks?"

Luffy asked himself as his pupils shrunk with an uninvited worriment that was beginning to culminate inside of him.

The very thought of anyone else, other than Zoro and Sanji seeing his marks, was nerve wracking for the brunette.

The amount of gruesome scarring from unattended wounds and the hickeys that remained tattooed onto his skin, causing it to swell up in certain areas, made Luffy feel nervous at all times.

Now more than ever, given that he had exposed his body to someone else.

"He's not moving. Not even a muscle!"

The back of Franky's head was all that anyone could see at the moment.

Luffy didn't know what to do in a situation like this, neither did he have the time to think of a resolution, because the longer he thought about what to do, the closer Sanji was to being sliced by a sword that was pointing directly at his neck.

Seeing this, the words that had been spoken to him before came flooding back to his mind.

"I have a knife too, so let's see which one can stab who faster: If yours against your hand, or mine against your brother's jugular vein."

The young man's core tensed up when he analyzed the situation he was in, and how eerie the comparisons of his Swordsman and his unknown abuser were.

Both were threatening someone close to him with a sharp and deadly weapon that also happened to be positioned at their victim's jugular.

Both of them had that same sinister gaze.

The amount of sickening, overwhelming emotions Luffy went through in the presence of his abuser, were the same ones he was feeling with the person that was standing right before him.

The only man who the Captain could trust in with his eyes closed, slowly turned into one who he was keeping a close eye on.

The hand gestures Zoro was making with his swords weren't helping him in his situation.

"Zoro, drop your sword."

Luffy said, tightening the knot that connected to his bathrobe, to keep his body covered.

Droplets of blood continued to drip down onto the floor after the boy stood out of the bathtub, forgetting about the open wound he had on his hand.

"Who did that to you?" Zoro questioned, unwilling to comply with his captain's order until he obtained a proper answer from him.

"Drop your sword first!"

"Who did it! Was it him!? Tell me, or I'll sheer his head off right now."

Luffy's heart rate began to spiral out of control, the closer the blade was to touching Sanji's neck.

"It wasn't him! I did this to myself!"

"Luffy-" Sanji attempted to defend the younger, fearing that he would expose too much information to Zoro, in front of Franky.

"Guys, what's happening in-" A short deer widened his eyes, staring at the scenery in horror.

"Chopper, bring us some bandages, hurry!"

Nodding in response to Sanji's request, Chopper rushed out of the Captain's room to get his medical supplies.

"Now that you know, put your swords down." Although his response was convincing to Zoro, it wasn't enough proof.

Not the exact proof he needed, at the very least.

"Why'd you do that to yourself then. Was it because of him? Or because of them."

"Them?" Franky's voice left Luffy paralyzed.

The blue haired male had developed the urge to ask questions, meaning that he was beginning to suspect.

"Zoro and Sanji already know, but if Franky knows too, especially now, it'll complicate things by a lot."

"Heyyyy, Zoro?" The Shipwright raised an eyebrow, turning over to face everyone after making sure that Luffy was fully clothed to not make him feel uncomfortable.

Though, as he turned around, Franky began to realize how unstable the young boy appeared to be.

"Who's them supposed to be?"

Paying close attention to Franky's questions, Luffy could feel a knot tightening in the back of his throat, and so can Zoro and Sanji.

The tension was strong enough to overpower Zoro and make his sword slip down to his feet, but not enough to make him release the tight grip he had against it.

He slowly dragged it back up, but Sanji kicked it out of his reach.

In spite of doing this as an act of self-defense, this movement was prejudice against Sanji's favor.


Everyone but Zoro and Luffy froze after the Swordsman activated his haki, letting it flow from his left arm, directly to his sword.

He then pointed it up at the ceiling, preparing to create a massacre with his enchanted weapon, bringing it down at the speed of light.

"SANJI! Don't move!!"

Luffy shouted, swinging his fist against Zoro's sword.

By the time he reached it, the sword was already headed towards Sanji's leg, and Zoro refused to change his mind on what he was about to do, even if it meant that a personq within his crew would be left without their leg, permanently.

In a matter of seconds... The bathroom was splattered with a gush of blood, followed by the sound of screaming from one unlucky crewmate that happened to enter the bathroom right then and there.

"You... You..." Distracted by the imagery in front of him, Zoro was brought down by Sanji.

As he descended to the bloodied ground, all that his eyes could witness were the streaks of vital fluids spilling out of one man's arm.

"Sorry, I'm not usually one to come in between someone's fight. But this was a life or death situation."

Luffy admitted, watching as something fell out of his hand, sinking underneath the blood that was pooling above Zoro who was stood right beneath the cut he had unintentionally given his Captain.

"What's this?"

Sanji and Luffy looked down at the Swordsman as he held up a small wire in front of his eyes.

"This came out of Luffy's hand... What the hell is going on?"


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