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"Haa... Ha... Hey! Seen any more?!" Franky asked, rushing over to Zoro as soon as he noticed him at the rear end of the ship.

"Any more what?"

"I saw a Marine ship earlier on the other side of the Sunny. They must've taken off by now." He admitted, snapping his fingers out of frustration.

"What?! We must've missed them. Franky, stay in guard here. I'm going to go-" The men flinched as they heard a splash in the Ocean.

Zoro wielded his swords out and Franky aimed his fist at any potential intruders, causing the loud disturbance.

"See anything!?"

"Nope! Not over here, at least." Franky mentioned, leaning over the wooden rails.

Not long after making this statement, they grew unnerved by the sound of another splash.

This time, the noise was enhanced by the ringing of a bell.

"Huh?!" Franky extended his arms out beneath the Ocean, letting his ears follow the strange ringing.

"What is it?" The Swordsman questioned, standing beside the Shipwright with his swords in hand.

"Can't reach it. Something's in there, and it's alive!"

"Leave it there."

"It's alive, what if it needs help?"

Zoro continuously shook his head at the older man, reminding him, again and again, that this was a bad idea.

Franky bend down to his knees, reaching out to grab the mysterious floating shadow that was swaying back and forth in between the waves.

"Don't fall for it! It's a trap!"

"Wait, I think I got it."

The Cyborg quickly latched his hand onto the disturbance that had him and the Swordsman so captivated.

Zoro moved closer to Franky, holding his swords out at what ever rested in the older man's arms.

The look on their faces slowly began to change when the thing that Franky secreted from the water began to spring out of the round position that it was in.

It was clear to them, that the unidentified creature that was on the verge of sinking, was alive.

"This was the thing that was ringing before. Let me see this for a sec." Franky shined a light at a tiny golden collar.

"There's a name on it."

He focused his eyes on the words engraved within the small name tag, gathering a new source of information.

"Ki... Ri? It's a little faded, but it says "Kiri" on it."

"Kiri? That name rings a bell."

"LITERALLY, RINGS A BELL. See? Even this little guy's laughing about it!" Franky let out a short laugh with the fuzzy creature, patting its head.

In that moment, Zoro was caught up in his own memories from when they went to an Island, not too long ago.



"C'mere!! Don't go! KIIIRII!!!!"


"Gaah! You're so damn cuuuute!! Who's a super good boy? Who's a good b- Are you a boy or a girl? ... Ah well. Who's a good what ever you are? You are, yes you are!"

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