No baseball bat Carl

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"Come breakdown these walls"


I woke up to Lips soft snoring. He had his hands around my waist. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but his hands got tighter around me. "Lip, we have to get up" I whispered into his neck. "Just 5 more minutes baby please?" He whispered back in his morning voice. Probably the hottest thing I have ever heard ever. "You have to get teeth pulled and we can't be late. I don't wanna listen to that stupid prick dentist complain" I tell him as I try to pull his hands off my waist. "Stop" he said as his grip got tighter.

"Baby, you have to get up please. Do it for me?" I asked him sweetly. "Fuck you" he said and he let go of me. "Thank you Phillip" I said as I hopped off his bed. It was still early in the morning and Ian, Deb, and Carl were getting up and going to school. "No baseball bat" I told Carl and grabbed it out of his hands. "Why?" He asked with a frustrated look on his face. "Because you could get in trouble" I told him. "Fine" he said as he stormed off.

I walked into the living room and I saw Ian. He was looking at some magazine. "Ian?" I asked as I got a good look of the magazine. "Oh... hey Y/n... please don't tell anyone" he said quickly. "I won't your secret is safe with me" I said holding out a pinky to do a pinky promise. "Thank you" he said as he did a pinky promise back. "Justin Timberlake by the way, is not that hot" I said as I walked out of the living room.

I headed into the kitchen. "Okay kids come on off to school" Fiona said as they headed out the door. They all walked out with a chorus of goodbyes and I love you. "So how was it with you and Steve?" I asked as I poked her stomach. "It was not like that" she said as he put a mug in the sink. "Really cause I heard a lot of banging and moaning" I said. "We were that loud?" She asked quietly. "Uh yeah. I think the whole neighborhood heard it" I said as I put they eggs in the fridge.

"Didn't even get to finish before Frank came home. Tony had to escort him in" she said as she rolled her eyes. "Have you tired rehab? That's what my grandma did before she hanged her self in there..." I said. "He won't go, I mean I would love to send him there" she said. "I wish you the best of luck but I have to get Phillip up to take him to get his teeth pulled" I said as I headed up stairs. "Thank you for taking him" she shouted back. "No problem" I said to myself.

I headed to his room. I looked around, I could not find him there. I turned around to see him standing in the hallway, sweatpants on and a tooth brush in his mouth. "Looks like the princess wanted to get up" I said as I headed back into his room and he followed.

"Iwouldhavesleptlongerifyoudidnot havetowakemeup" he said. It was all bunched together. "What was that?" I asked as I buy my shoes on. He held up a finger, and then went back into the bathroom. I tied my shoes and but my hair up in a messy bun and he came back in. "I would have slept longer" he said as he walked I got he room. "I'm sorry but you have to get dressed" I said as I threw a shirt at him. "Afterwards can we sleep more?" He asked as he put it on. "Yes I promise" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.


"How does your mouth feel?" I ask as we were walking home. We were swinging our hands back and forth. "Better" he said. "I'm glad" I said as I kissed him on his cheek. "So you know Ian's gay right?" He asked me. "Yeah... I saw him looking at a magazine in the living room" I told him. I mean if Lip knew I'm not breaking the promise.


Lip and I were sitting next to each other on the couch watching something on tv. Well not really. I was sitting on his lap while he had his hands on my hips, making up. "Do you hear that?" I ask as a pull away. "No" he mumbles as he kisses my neck definitely going to leave marks. "No it sounds like people talking" I say as I went to get up but his hands were locked on my hips. "Your not getting away from me, it's probably just Fiona talking to someone" he said as he kissed my neck again. "Can we just go see and then we can do more then just making out" I saw saw and my hand trailed down to his pants.

"Yeah, I actually do think I heard something now that I think about it" he said, I gave him a smile and I got up. We walked into the kitchen to see Steve and Fiona talking. "Aye it's Phillip and Y/n" Steve said as he mentioned to us, he stayed at the doorway, as Lip grabbed my waist. "Hey it's dead man walking, Jimmy Clifton called today looking for you" Lip replied. "No school?" Steve asked us.

"Nah, I got some teeth pulled today" lip said. "Wisdom teeth?" Steve asked him. "No Sugar rot" I said. "Ah, little known fact. Don't just chew your food on one side. It can buckle your jaw which will buckle your hips and affect your posture" Steve said tasty. "That's a fact?" lip asked. "Skeletal fact" I corrected. "Smart girl" Steve said mentioning me. "Guys" Fiona said pointing to us. Then she mouthed 'fuck off'. And I walked out. I think lip said something else but I'm not sure.

"What do you think there arguing about?" I ask as we head in his room. "I have no idea" he says as he closes his door. I hop up on his bed and he follows. He smashes his lips to mine. He slowly moves us to wear he is on top of me. "Well hello there" I said as I look into his eyes. "Now can we have fun?" He asks his lips inches from mine. "I don't know" I say teasingly.

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