Stolen Child

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"Before I did I'd like to do something nice"
Money - Drums

"Lip, you look pretty hot" I said as I watched Lip try to fix the water thing. "Guys I'm right here" Ian said as he was helping Lip. "So? I can still flirt with my hot boyfriend" I said. "All you baby" Lip said

"Oh, my god. That's uh... it's dead" lip said. Talking to Fi. "You sure?" Fi asked. "Uh huh. The elements rusted out" Lip said looking at the cords. "Anyone wanna make some cookies with me?" Debs asks. "How much to replace it?" Fi asks ignoring Debs. "Uh, two bills used, four new" Lip says. "Shit" Fi muttered. "How about pie? I can get started on the crust" Deb said again.

"Go take your shower" Fi told Debbie. "I. Wanna. Make. Pie" Debs said. "You know what, had me the obits, maybe we can scavenge a dead persons water heater" Lip said. "That's seems kinda sad, I would let you guys take mine but John and Lisa would get mad" I said, John and Lisa were the people who adopted me. "It's alright" Fi said. "Even if there still alive" I said.

"Do you wanna go check up on them?" Lip asked me as he sat down next to me. "Why? Shouldn't they check up on me? I'm the child" I said as I shook my head. "I can go with you" Ian said. "Yeah, let's go then" I said getting up. Lip grabbed my waist first and kissed me real quick. "Be safe and hurry back" he said as he whispered into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine.


"Why are we doing this?" I ask as we started walking towards my house. "Your boyfriend wants you too" he said, while shrugging his shoulders. "I hate my boyfriend" I mumbled. We got up to the house. My heart started to beat really fast. I looked at Ian. He gave me a small smile.

We walked to my front door. I didn't wanna knock so I opened it. It was messy. Like real bad messy. I walked into the kitchen and a whole bunch of beer bottles everywhere. I looked on the counter and there was a note.

Dear Y/n
Your father and I are going away. By the time you get this we would be long gone. We but then house in your name so do whatever you want with it. Like you always do. You were such a ungrateful piece of shit.

Tears were forming in my eyes. I turn around to see Ian. I run into his arms crying my eyes out. How could they do this to me?


He took me to his house. I still have not done crying. It hurt so much. And I couldn't breath because I was crying to much. We got into the house and I saw Lip run towards us. The second that he looked at me he sprung into action. He took me from Ian and he pulled me tightly into his arms.

A few moments later he pulled away from the hug and he looked at me in the eyes. And grabbed my face. "What happened baby?" He asked. I didn't stop crying. "They... they.. left and... gave the... house.. to me... there.. g-g-gone" I said between sobs.

"Hey it's okay. I got you baby" he said as he hugged my tighter.


I stopped crying hours ago. I got over it. They never loved me so who cares? No one. Definitely not me. But I had bigger problems to worry about Debs just stole a kid.

"We need to get your story straight for the police. Why did you take the boy?" Fi asks Debs as we were all sitting on the kitchen table. By all meaning Debs, Fu, Ian, Steve, Lip and I. I was sitting next to lip. And I could feel him scoot the chair closer to my and but his hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

"He was crying for his mom and his mom wasn't around" Deb says. "Did you try and find his mom?" Fi asks the little girl. "No. He was crying and nobody cared. So I  took him" Debs said I tended up a little. We were not going to get away with this. "You can't say that! What is wrong with you?" Fi says no getting frustrated. "Debs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?" Lip says now taking control. "Inside" she said.

"Uh okay, so how did you get him?" I asked. "I waved snickers bar at him" Debs said with a smile. I leaned my head back. Shit. "Did anybody seen you?" Ian asked. "Good job Sherlock. If anyone saw Debs she would have been caught by now" I said. He looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so, we just ran" Debs said. "That wasn't suspicious" Fi said.

"We you were running down the street?" Ian asked. "No I used a stroller" Debbie corrected him. "What stroller?" Fi asked. "Liam's old one" Debs said . "The one I told you to throw out?" Fi asked Debs. "I fixed it. For emergencies" Debs said. We all jumped when we heard banging on the door. Shit. I felt Lips hand move from the thigh to my hip and pulled me closer.

"Open up! Hurry!" V yelled. Thank god. I ran to the door and opened it. "What the hell is going on?" She asked as her and Kev came in. "Is this that missing kid?" Kev asked as he had a laundry basket with a towel over it. I closed the door and went back to my seat. Lips hand moved back to my thigh. "Debbie stole it. We have to give him back without getting her in juvie" Fi said standing up."there most be a couple hundred cops out there" Kev said.

"Thanks captain obvious" I said. He flipped me off. This was going to a long day.

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