Piss food?

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"Fiona!!!" V yelled as Kev and I walked in the Gallagher house right behind her. We were telling everyone about the news. I was happy because V was happy. But Kev had a sad look on his face. We came in and Lip and Ian came in from all the yelling. Lip came over to me and gave me a quick kiss. I still had cans of beer in my hands and they were starting to get heave and he noticed and took them and put them on the counter.

"Hey, hey" Carol, V's mom came into the house with more beer. "Mommy" V says as she greets her with the biggest smile on her face. They were chorus of shouts and cheers. Fi and Steve. Ew Steve came down the stairs. "What the hell? Champagne?" She asks confused most likely by all the noise. "I'm getting married" V says as soon as the noise quiets down. Then the noise started up again by clapping from Ian and shouts from Lip of congratulations.

Next thing you know there was dancing and drinking. By the time everyone was drunk. But not for Me. I have a bad stomach when it comes to so much drinking. So Lip decided to stay sober with me too. I was laughing and having fun.

"Y/n and Fi better start planning my bachelorette party!" AV shouts happily and drunk. Fi and I share a look and start smiling. "Male strippers" I said with a big smile and Fi nodded her head. V just gives us a big smile. Lip pulls me back. "No" he whispered into my ear. "What? Why?" I ask as I look up at him. "I'm not letting some random half naked dude all over you" he said as he grabbed my hips with a thought grip.

"But there will be girl strippers at Kev's and you will be there" I said as I gave him a big pout. "I won't let them touch me, no princess" he said as his eyes got darker. I sat there in defeat. "No! It's not your party. It's V and she let us plan it" I said as I hit out of his grip stormed outside. No one noticed I was gone because they were to drunk and happy. It was freezing and I was in my work outfit. And it wasn't very ideal to be out in cold weather.

But I was pissed off and I had to deal with it. I didn't care. Lip using going to be the boss of me. I wasn't even drunk and I was acting like I was. After some odd time my noise started to get fed and I was shivering bad. "Come inside your freezing" Someone says. I turned around to see Steve. I rolled my eyes. Out of anyone it was him.

"No. And don't you have Fi to make out with?" I ask as I continue to shake. "Y/n, if you don't come in I'll go get Lip" he said trying to threaten me. "Wow oh no don't bring lip out here" I faked mocked. He looked down at me and chuckled. "What if I go get Kev?" He asked. "Oh no don't... you wouldn't dare" I said as I turned around and looked at him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't" he told me with a shit eating grin.

"Fine" I mumbled as I stood up. I walked back into the house. Still freezing. I saw Lip look at me with a sad look on his face. "Baby, I'm sorry" he said as he came up to me. I shock him off of me. "Y/n, your drunk" he said, as he firmly grabbed my waist. "Am not" I slurred. "You are. Come on we're going to bed" he said as he pulled me up the stairs. As much as I tired to argue and pull away nothing worked.

We walked into his room. He gave me one of his shirts and some of my shorts I left here. We climbed on his bed. I was still mad at him and faced the other way. "Y/n, come on baby" he said as he grabbed my hips to turn me over. "No, your mean" I said as I pulled against his grip. "We will talk about this later I promise princess, but can you just please sleep" he said as he grinned me bearded.

He gave me those stupid puppy dog eyes I couldn't stand. I nodded and I melted into his grip. He kissed my hair as I snuggled up closer to his chest.


"Lunch!" Fi shouted from down stairs. Carl and I were playing on his bed. I was trying to snap off one of Debs old Barbie dolls heads off. "Your really struggling" Ian says as he stands up to go eat. I stood up and threw the doll across the room in frustration. "Shut up" I mumbled. "Someone's mad" Lip said as he came up behind me.

"What, more piss food?" Lip asked as we saw the lasagna on the table. "Ew don't say it like that it makes it gross" I mumbled at him. He giggled. "You know it" Fi said to lip. "Cup-a-lasagna anyone?" Lip asked as he pulled out a cup. "Right here" Ian said. "Who was on dishes today?" Fi asked in frustration. "Uh, I'll get them after lunch" Ian says. "Deb? Ready to go to target? I heard V yell from the living room. Target?

"Oh yeah sure" Deb told V. "What's that smell? It's either vomit or fancy cheese?" V said as she came into the kitchen. "It can be both if you want" Carl said. I hit him on the back of the head. "Target?" Fiona asked V. "Debs is gonna go help me register for wedding gifts" V said, as walked over to where lip was sitting. He was about to take a spoonful before V took it and took a bit. "I thought the wedding was off?" Fiona asked her friend. "Back on" she said. "Kev know?" I asked. "Yep" she said.

"Damn, tell that's girl I will crap on a paper plate for her if it gets me some of this grub" V said. I giggled. "Oops, can't stay. I gotta head to work" I said as I looked at the time. I kissed Lip on the check and headed out the door.

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