No, not a chance

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"Yeah, you bleed just to know your alive"
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls



I won! Yep! I mean it was kinda obvious who won but I got the money. Today was a Saturday which means busy day at work. I worked with Kev at the bar. Your 16 you shouldn't be serving drinks, ya I know. But I got a fake ID and Tony knows, that's why he covers for me.

I put on some clothes and headed out of my house

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I put on some clothes and headed out of my house. We really never had a dress code it's just look presentable.


I was serving a drink to one of our regulars Bobby. Sometimes Kev closes up with him still here. It ordered the same thing everyday. Just a plain beer. I'm not complaining because it's easy and simple.

Frank storms into the bar. I smile, I knew this was going to be fun. People were holding up Canadian flags. And singing the Canadian national anthem. I giggled a little. He sat right next to Billy.

"Y/n, who is you and lip?" He asked, as he lit a cigarette. My heart dropped a little. "He rather date a whore then me" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Well damn" Frank shrugged his shoulders.

I always liked Frank. He tried his hardest but he made hurtful and stupid decisions. But we all do, but I knew Frank had a good heart.

I walked away to serve someone else. I looked at the clock. "Break time Kev" I told him as I walked to the exit door. "See you in 15, no later" he warns. I giggle to myself. I walk out side.

I breath in the fresh air. It was extremely cold but it's not so bad. I leaned on the door and closed my eyes. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I opened up on of my eyes to see Lip. "Hello Phillip" I said. "Hey Y/n, I wanted to talk to you" he said as he walks closer to me.

"Spill I got all day. Well no really, I'm on break I have 15 minutes" I said as I closed my eyes again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep going back to Karen. She is a whore and she only uses me for sex. But you don't, and I wanted to try us again. I love having to wake up next to you or smell your perfume. Please can we? " he said in a pleasing tone.

I look at him. "You know Shakespeare, it seems like this is a pattern with you" I said honestly. "Please one more chance, I'll make it up to you" he says as he walks closer to me. I can't help but cave in.

"Your such a fucking dick" I say, as I connect our lips. It felt good to feel his soft lips on mine. I break away from the kiss. "Work calls" I say as I looked at my imaginary watch. "Can I stay with you on your shift?" He asks. "Yeah, but it's 5 and it's doesn't end till closing" i say. "I don't care, as long as I can be with you" he says smiling.


My shift was finally over. "Let's go Lippie" I say as I grab his hand and take him out of this hell hole. "Lippie?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "Yep, Lippie" I said nodding, I mean lip for being so smart is kinda slow.

"How's Ian doing?" I ask, as we walked hand and hand to Lips house. "Okay, I just don't like the fact he is messing with a married man" he said honestly. "Yeah, it's like cheating they at least have to feel guilty" I said. I honestly had no clue what I said because I'm my mind I put lips cheating past in the past. He tensed up. "Oh I'm sorry. I did not make the reference to you" I said quickly realizing what I did.

"It's fine, and I did feel guilty. I couldn't sleep for days" he said with a small smile. I smiled back at him. I kissed him on the lips. Only a quick kiss because we couldn't have a full make out sesh in the open.

We eventually made it to his house. "Oh I forgot to tell you, when I was serving Frank like usually he asked if we were together and I told him what happened. He kinda looked disappointed" I said as we walked into the house. "He did like you though. I don't know if it was because you give him free drinks or just generally" he said as he kissed my head. I shrugged in response.


We were studying in his room. No he was, I wasn't. I was just laying in between his legs, before he said he was thirsty and we went down stairs to the kitchen.

As we were walking down stairs, there was a knock at the door. Lip looked at me to go get it. "Ah why do I have to?" I say as I make my way slowly to the door. "Please babe" he called from the kitchen. "Please babe" I mocked him quietly as I opened the door. "Hi Steve" I said as I opened the door. "Fiona?" He asked, do I look like Fiona? "Hello to you too, and as you can see I'm not Fiona" I said, as I walked away. "Oh sorry, but Fiona?" He asked again. Bro does this dude have more words in his Vocabulary. "No" I said as I heard to the kitchen.

"No, she does not here or no, she does not wanna see me?" He shouts as he closes the door. "Both" I say as make it into the kitchen. "Ugh, she coming back?" Steve asks as he leans on the counter. "No. Work, won't be home for hours " Lip says as he makes himself present. "Looks good" Steve said as he mentioned to lips sand which he made. "It is" Lip said with his mouth full of food. "Don't talk with your mouth open" I said as I hit him on the back of the head, lightly. "Did she say anything?" Steve asked.

"About you?" I ask. "If so, no. No. Not a word" lip says as he pulls out a beer "so you guys are saying...?" Steve asked. "You fucked up beyond the capacity of a the human mind to process" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Lip looks at me proudly. Yeah I know I never uses big words. Or words that took some people a while to process. "Yeah" Steve mumbles. "Yeah, it's a distinct possibility" I said shrugging, lip looks at me with a bigger smile and grabs my waist. "Hopeless?" Steve asks. Damn this dude really does loves Fi.

"Hard to say" I said honestly. Steve goes and walks to a chat and sits down. "Even odds?" He asks. I think now he was testing me. "No, less" I say.

"Sixty 40?"

"Much less"

"80 20?"

"Maybe one in ten"

He nodded his head. "Pretty colossal fuck up" I said shrugging. "Yeah" he responded. "Your moderately clever you'll figure something out, right?" I ask him. "Ah right, we have to get back AP biochem" Lip said as grabs my hip and leads me to the stairs. "Wow that's impressive" Steve said as he jumps up from his seat. "Not really, but if you think so" Lip says shrugging. "Any advice?" Steve asks, as we head up the stairs. "To help you dive back into my sister cooch?" Lip asks, I giggle a little. "Or good graces yeah" Steve says. "That's the same thing right?" I ask Steve. "Hopefully" Steve said with a smile.

"No, no, not a chance" I said with a giggle and run up the stairs. Lip follows after me. I slow down as I reach the top and I feel someone creep up behind me, with one hand Lip grabs my waist and with the other he was holding with sand which and beer. "You know when you try to be smart it really turns me on" he growled in my ear. I felt something grow on my ass I smiled. "I learn from the best" I say as I rolled my hips a little and walked to his room. I knew I was going to get it.

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