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"There nothing to keep you from falling in love"
Where'd the time go? - Dr. Dog



"Are you sure? I mean Steve did look pretty suspicious" I told him as we were walking back to the house. "There's something up with Steve babe, and I will get to the bottom of it I promise" he said. "I just don't wanna be wrong and Fi like hate us" I said, he grabbed my hand. "She won't I promise you" he said as he kissed my temple as we walked into the house.

"Why would your dad be in Halsted when he lives in the opposite direction?" Steve asked Debs as we can I to the living room. "Depends, how was he looking when you, uh, left him at the Alibi last night, Steve?" Lip asked him. He stood up facing us and so did Fi. "What?" Fi said. "Uh, ten thirsty. Went to apologize, bought him a drink, then went home" Steve said as he lit a cigarette . That seemed impossible. I knew he was lying and I squeezed Lips hand to maybe try to tell him.

"Why didn't you say?" Fi asked him. I could tell she was starting to loose some trust. Before Steve should answer the door opens. I kinda hoped it was Frank. But it was Kev. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked as he came into the room, he looked at Fi. Kev kinda looked out of breath and a little scared. I couldn't pick up on there conversation. I looked at Lip worriedly. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.


We ran down to the El. Kev said that they found a body under the El. No way it was Frank right? I was so worried about my boyfriends drinker of a dad. Not because of cared for Frank more because I did not wanna see lip hurt. I know he never admits it but I know he does care and love for his father.

"Do you know who that is?" Fi asked the police officer guarding. "Stay back, okay? Stay back" the officer said. The body looked similar to what Frank was wearing last night. I leaned closer into Lip and I grabbed his hand for support.

They slowly turned the body over. When we all got a good look of the face V screamed. I looked at Lip and let out a breath. He grabbed my face and kissed it. I guess we got a whole bunch of strange looks because we were cheering, when there was a dead body there...


We were back at the house. V, Fi, Kev, Steve and Tony were sitting around the couch and Lip and I were behind in listening to what they were talking about. "In Canada?" Fi asks Tony strangely. Frank was in Canada? He hates Canada.

"Wait how?" Lip asks. "Email form the Embassy says he admitted to drug charges but that's before they accused him, so they think he's a juicer" Tony states. "They charge him?" Steve asked. Steve was acting pretty weird. "They just want him off Canadian soil as soon as possible" Tony says. I mean I would not blame Canada, if I had a country there would be a ban of all Franks.

"But the U.S, won't let him back in without his passport" Tony says. Well shit. "Frank doesn't have a passport" Fi says. "He'll have to apply for one" Tony says. "How long does that take?" I ask, Fi hands us both a paper and Lip grabs it and read it. "Couple months" Tony says. "Months?" Fi asks in Disbelief. "He can apply for an emergency one, at the embassy in Toronto" Tony says trying to be helpful. "Well how long does the emergency one take?" Fi asks.

"I don't know, a week maybe" Tony says honestly. "Kev has a passport" I said. "And what good does that do?" He asked me. "You could drive up and help him Ah the embassy" I said walking over to there side of the couch. "Could I?" He asks Tony as he closes his ears. "Cars not insured. Border patrol asks for proof of insurance to get back in, I wind up in the loony bin net to Frank" He tells me. I tilt my head to my side he does have a point. He pants Tony on the back and unplugs his ears.

I walk back to Lip. "I tried" I whispered to him, he smiles at me and pulls me into his side. I saw Fi walk out of the room and head into the kitchen and Steve following.

"I don't trust Steve" I said as I whispered into lips ear. "Never do I but it was Fiona happy" he said shrugging. "Ah, your so sweet it's stupid" I said as I leaning my head on his shoulder.


Later that night I was sitting at the table right next to lip while he was doing his homework. Of course I get lip to do it for me, math is to hard. Plus I give him a thank you present if you know what I mean. "So you take the 2 and add it to the 5 and subtract the 7" he said while pointing out the numbers. "Where did the 5 come from?" I ask in pure shock. None of this made sense.

He laughed at how confused I was. I heard a knock and I walked over to the door to grab it. It was Tony. "Hey tony" I said as I let him in. "Hey y/n" he said. I guess he came here for Fi, because he rushed Lop and I out of the room. He headed upstairs to his room.

"Don't make me try to do that homework again" I said as we hoped up on his bed. "I promise I won't" he said and put his hands up in defense. I looked around and I guess we were the only ones in the room and I scooted closer to him. I hoped up on his lap (lord please forgive me for what I'm about to do)

We connected lips. He hands were on my hips and my hands were resting in his neck. Normal making out of boring so I wanted to add some excitement. I slowly rocked my hips back and forth, I felt him grow a little. He grabbed my hips tightly. "I don't think this is a good idea princess" he said as he bite down on my neck. "I think it's amazing" I said as I rocked faster. He was growing more and more. I smiled at the thought. He flipped us over to wear he was on top.

"Since you want to be a little tease" he said as he brushed his hand against my throbbing clit. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. I moaned out softly. "I barley even touched you" he said as he continue to leave hickeys all over my neck. "Please" I moaned out. "Please what?" He asked, I could tell he was getting a kick out of this. "Touch me" were the only words I could manage to say.

He yanked off my shirt and then my bra. He attached his lips on to my breast, he sucked one and squeezed the other one. I couldn't help but moan from all this pleasure. He moved his hands down to my pants, he unbuttoned it. And pulled them off. He looked right up at me. "Are you sure?" He asked, asking for consent. "Oh fuck, please" I said, all I wanted for his hands to touch me.

Then next we're my panties. He pulled them off. He spread my thighs apart. He smiled, "your so soaking wet for me" he said as he kissed me on the lip. He dived in to me using his tongue. I felt like I was in heaven it felt so warm and good against my pussy. He licked up and down, then he smashed his fingers into my. "Pleas lip please don't stop" I moaned out as I grabbed his hair, yanking and pulling.

But That only made him go faster. I started to clenched around his fingers and he could tell I was getting close. I felt a burning sensation in the bottom one my stomach. "L-lip I'm gonna" I barley said before I could hold in in any longer. Waves of pleasure rushed over he as I comes onto his face.

"Good girl" he said as he sucked up all my juices. He came up to kiss me, "you such a such a sweet girl, being so good for me" he praised as he kissed me.

Mr Gallagher (Lip Gallagher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now