Attached to the hip. Literally.

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     Karen dropped me off at lips house. I thanked her and I got out. I walked to the front door thinking about what in the world would I tell him.

     I got to the front door and opened it. I walked inside and the gallahers plus Kev and V we're there.

     "Where and the hell have you been?" Lip asked as he ran up to me and kissed me and hugged me tight.

     It was good to be touched by people that were important to me. And that it was what our school teachers would call "safe touches".

     "I went out walking" I said. I knew it was a complete lie and I felt bad. But lip obviously knew what was going on and he gave me a look.

     I gave him a look saying I'll tell you later. I was then greeted by more hugs and don't ever do that again.

     Later one everyone went there own ways and me and lip went up his room. He asked Carl and Ian to give us some space. But Carl was to interested in the Tv and Ian had to go to work. At an odd time.

     We sat in his bed. I looked at him and I knew I needed to tell him everything. So I did. I didn't leave out anything.

     By the time I was done I had tears in my eyes and I was extremely nervous on how he would react. He gave me a hug. A tight hug.

    "I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I should of ever left and none of this would of happened to you" he said, I felt something went on my shoulder. He was crying.

     "I don't blame you lip. Honestly, it was all that guys fault. The world is a ducked up place and it's filled with disgusting people" I said as I hugged him tighter.

     "What did that guy look like? I'm going to kill him" he said in a serious tone. He looked at me his eyes searching my face.

     "I don't remember and quiet frankly I don't want to. I just want to go to bed right now. And please don't tell anyone" I said with pleading eyes.

     "Of course not. I'll be there every second of the way supporting you if you tell anyone and I won't leave your side"


     And he did just that. Everywhere I went his was. Even at school he almost changed his classes for all of them to be with me. He didn't like leaving me alone one bit. Even in the bathroom. He would wait outside.

     He had a meeting to go to, to meet with the collage guys. I didn't want to intrude on his person behave so I stayed kinda far behind. Still following but not so much. He constantly looked behind making sure I was still there.

     "You planning on going to collage?" A girl beside me asked. She had curly finger hair and she looked like a straight A student.

     "No. I don't need it" I said as I looked at the ground. She would probably think I'm stupid.

     "You know professor Hurst thinks lips a genius" the girl said as he went down an escalator.

     "I think he is to" I said lightly as I looked around. This place was to fancy. Ya know?

     "That's cute" she said as she walked ahead of me. That bitch. I'll show you something cute. My fist in your face.

     Like god damn.

     If that shit couldn't even get any more awkward she looked around like this was some la la land. Her face is so punchable.

     We kept walking around which what felt like hours. My legs were starting to hurt and it was getting cold. They stopped walking and I felt stupid just standing behind them.

     And we started to walk again. And again. This is not ending. I want to be supportive to lip but at the same time I feel dumb doing it.

     Like he is some genius and I feel like I'm going to bring him down.


     I was sitting on the couch with lip as Fi comes in saying that the foster kid is coming over.

     Kev and v got a foster kid to help pay off some of her tickets. And I knew Kev always wanted a kid and maybe this will change V viewpoints.

     "Hey, hey, I want you guys to meet our new daughter" Kev says as he through the door. I smiled, seeing him be happy makes me happy.

      "Foster daughter" V says as she walks past them. She was a small girl maybe Debs age. Who was wearing a long dress with her hair tied up. She was going to be interesting.

     "Why you gotta do that?" Kev asks as he sighs.

     "Let me help you with that" Fi says from the kitchen.

     "Hey I'm Y/n nice to meet you" India dad I turned around from the couch to get a better look. She gave me a little curtesy. "Oh right cause this is 18th century England" I mumbled.

     The door came open and Deb and Frank burst through. "Oh my god im so wired" Deb shouted as she jumped up and down on the couch.

     "Deb what is going on?" Fiona says as she comes out of the kitchen.

     "We got high off of sugar because daddy quit drinking" Deb says as she continues to bounce.

     "Whose daddy?" Fi asked that made me laugh as k got up because of the  punching started to make my head hurt.

     "Me daddy. Me, me, me" Frank said as he put more sugar into his mouth. Oh boy.

     I was glad Deb was happy that her and Frank were getting along but I knew it wane t going to last very long and poor Debs would get upset and Frank would leave us to pick up the pieces to the poor little kids heart. But that's what absent fathers do.

Mr Gallagher (Lip Gallagher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now