Franks funeral pt 2

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"Nobody move" Rob said as his buddy made a phone call. This is complete lode of bull. Can't have a nice peaceful funeral. Oh what am I kidding this is hilarious. Good old Frank, always brings trouble even when he is dead.

Fi moved her head to Ian and let Carl go as the guys had there back turned. "Yeah, there's nothing here worth taking. Unless you want the little girl. She's 11, 12" that made my blood boil I was ready to grab him out ian grabbed my arm.

"No, she's cute, but not really a looker. How about Frank? Any toes, fingers, you know for proof?" The guy said. If anyone was cutting off any limps from Frank it would be me.

"Okay keeps his extremities" The guy said as he hung up the phone.

"And you will be gone?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Soon as he's in the ground" the guy said. Well it was to good to be soon.

"What? No. Why?" Debbie said as she moved away from the cuffin.

"Boss's orders. Stay with the scumbag till his buried" the guy said as he looked at us.

All of the sudden we heard a Carl alarm. Good old Carl.

"Damn it that's me" Rob said as he sighs and heads to the door. And as soon as they left I moved from Ian's side to lips.

"There gonna bury him?" Stupid asked. To be honest I don't even know why Fi even liked him.

"If we keep our mouths shut" Lip said as he looked to the door. I moved closer to him and he put his arm around my waist.

"Shit. We need something to put in this coffin" I said as I looked up at him.

We all went outside. We knew exactly where to go. It was freezing out here and I wasn't wearing a coat. Deb lifted up the garbage can and smell of rottened meat hit us in my face.

It made me shutter even more and I wrapped my arms around myself. "What are you doing out here without a coat?" Lip whispered to me. I looked up at him. "I didn't have time" I said as I looked down. Hiding the blush from my face. He id worried about me even though we could be in a lot shit.

"We need more time, can you stall them?" Fin looks at Veronica. V unzipped her jacket and the tight shirt she was wearing gave away a lot of boob.

We all dumped meat into the coffin. The smell of killing me and I couldn't stop coughing.

Stupid looked at me. "You alright?" He asked me. "Be better if you were the one in the coffin I said as I walked away from him.

"Okay" Fi said and we all shut the coffin doors.

"Ready? Lift" she said as we all lifted the coffin. Frank would of been a lot easier to carry then all of this shit.

A chorus of groans left multiple people's laughs. This shit was not easy to carry. Or it had to be the fact that I wasn't strong enough either.

"Carl is not lifting his share" Debbie whined as he took it down the stairs.

"Yes I am" Carl yelled at right at him. The argued back and forth. "Shut up you two" Fi said. The arguing brought ribs attention to us. "Let me help" he said as he hurried over to us.

Maybe he wanted to embrace V with his big muscles. "Jesus. Stuff is starting to get ripe" he said as he shook his head and helped us take it to the funeral car.


I was sitting with lip at the entrance of the bar. Every few minutes he would have to push someone out because of the 'private wake'. We were to afraid of people telling everyone that Frank is not actually dead.

"This is boring" I saw as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I know. The sooner this is over the sooner we can leave" he said as his came back over to me and sat down next to me.

"I wanna sleep" I said as I yawned (tell me how many of you guys made you actually yawn).

"I know baby, it will soon be over" he said as he patted my thigh. Then he had to get up to stop another person.

"Oh sorry, buddy it's a private wake" he said as he closed the door.

"You know it's hard talking to you when you have to get up every 3 three seconds" I said as I look at him.

"Well we are kinda at a bar" he said a she put his arm around home pulling me closer to him. He felt so warm. If he didn't have to get up I would probably be sleeping by now.

Kevin started banging on a glass and made me groan. This was supposed to be a quiet sad wake.

"Could I have your attention please? Uh, Frank Gallagher. Loving husband, devoted father" I giggled and lip smiled down at me. Truley respected and cherished member of this community. He was a good friend and a good neighbor and he will be sorely missed. I just hope that in the afterlife.. they treat him as kindly as he treated us. To Frank" he said as he raised his glass. There were a chorus of cheers.

"This is stupid. I can't even raise any glass" I said as I buried my head deeper into lips chest. He laughed at me and rubbed my back.

Rob and dick head we're heading to the door lion let go of me and followed behind them and as soon as they were gone he closed the door and locked it.

"Gonna take more then that to put out the lights on Frank Gallagher" Frank shouted as he came out behind the stage. Everyone cheered me


"Gimmie a sip" I said as I reached out my hands to grab Lips drink he shook his head.

"Nope and your brother would kill me" he said as he moved the drink away.

"Ugh your no fun" I said as I turned away.

"You don't handle drinks good anyway" he said as he shook his head. Even though he was completely right, which I hated.

"I hate you" I said as I looked back at him.

"I love you too" he said as he kissed my on the cheek.

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