House Next Door

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I was sitting on Ian's bed with him as Lip went to put Liam asleep. Ian was telling me all about what happened at the store and how he really liked Mickey but Mickey never payed him any mind. It was nice to like listen to him being really happy about someone.

"Liam is officially asleep" Lip said as he softly tried to close the door.

"That was fast" Ian said as he leaned his head back. Usually it took Liam forever to finally go to sleep.

"Yeah, we'll, three pages from Debs's Eat Prey Love and he's out" Lip said as he kissed me on the head and sat down next to me.

"If James Franco wasn't in the move, I would've nodded off too" Ian said as he handed Lip a joint. Lip took a hit and offered me one and I shook my head. I wasn't in the mood to smoke at all.

I went off to go to the bathroom. I did my very best to make sure to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake up Liam at all because he is horrible to put back to sleep.

I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I know things could definitely be better but I didn't know what to do with my life anymore.

Karen was always in the way. I was definitely afraid that lip was going to leave me for her and it was a constant fear of mine. I huffed as I left the bathroom. I walked back into the room and shut the door.

I woke up early and I was pulled against lips chest. I tried to get up but he mumbled something I couldn't hear before he pulled me back into him. I sighed slightly. I definitely did not want to start my day like this.


     It was another day almost everyone was sitting in the living room watching a movie. I was sitting on Lips lap in a chair while the rest crowded around on the couch or floor.

     "Hell hath no furry like popcorn burned" Fiona said as she placed a bowl of popcorn down on the table.

      "Steve coming?" V asked as she looked at her best friend.

     "Hope so" Fiona said with a small smile.

     "Are you guys gonna make a baby while we watch Cosmos?" I heard Carl asked, I let out a tiny laugh. "Because that's gonna make me throw up"

     "Billions and billions of sperm" Fiona joked and she moved her fingers in Carls face.

     "Ew!" Carl protested as he ran away.

     "Can you please turn it on already?" Lip asked as she came in carrying armfuls of beer.

     "Yeah, hurry up, I gotta get back to work." Ian said as he placed down orange soda on the table.

     Lip came over to me and I got up and he sat down and I sat back on his lap. He had a beer in his hand with the other one wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him.

     As Fiona started the movie Steve came in. And announced that he was here. Steve and Fiona started to kiss and Carl made a face.

     "Get a room" Carl said as he munched down on popcorn.

     "Get your tickets?" Steve asked as he looked over at Lip.

     "Yeah. Thanks" Lip said with a smile. I looked at him with a confused look.

     "Glad I can help" Steve said with a smile. I looked between them not sure what was happening.

     "What are those for?" I asked Lip in a hushed voice not trying to involve everyone.

     "Karen, she is going through a tough time and she wanted to go to a concert" Lip said, he seemed like he didn't have a care in the world. I felt a tight pain in my chest. I nodded my head and got up from his lap and sat down next to Ian.

     Ian heard the conversation and put his arm around my shoulder. Lip loves to sleep with me but when Karen is around all goes south.

     "Glad you glad" Lip said as he handed Steve a beer. "Steve" Lip said, Steve looked and gladly took the bottle. Lip looked at me with a confused glance and motioned me to go back on his lap which I shook my head no.

     We were all chatting and mostly having a good time before we heard the door open and saw Debbie walk in.

     "Deb's?" Fiona called out to her youngest sibling. "Honey what happened?"

      "Dad have one to many again?" Lip asked and I reached over and slapped him. She doesn't need that right now.

     "You just gotta ignore him when he's like that, Deb's" I mumbled as I tried my best to calm her down. She looked scared almost. She fiddled with her hands and looked around at all of us.

     "Why do you always blame dad first?" Debbie asked and I looked at Lip.

     "Who else is there?" Fiona asked, she was making a light joke but I don't think Debbie got it.

     "She's over at Sheila's" Debbie whimpered out. I looked at everyone else tryna catch the She part.

     "Who?" Steve asked as he looked around waiting for an answer.

     "Monica." Debbie said. Fuck, everyone looked around and put their heads down. I hadn't had many run ins with her but I did know how much she destroyed this family.

     "Who the hell is Monica?" Steve asked, I groaned, the boy was full of questions.

     "Our mother." Lip almost whispered out. I wanted to reach out and comfort him but I couldn't.

     Fiona gave Liam to Steve and she went over to her sister. "Debs, did you s-?" Fiona tried to say before she was cut off.

     "What do you care? You'll be living with Steve in that house he bought next door." Debbie sobbed out as she ran past Fiona and up the stairs. We all looked at eachother. What house?

     "Surprise" Steve said. I glared at him. Now was not the fucking time. Fiona all looked at us and Ian was the first to get up.

     "I'm going to work" Ian said as he quickly got up. Fiona tried to stop him.

     "Ian, come on. Wait." Fiona tried to say before Ian went straight out of the house.

     "Mommy. Mommy" Liam cooed out. I looked at him with a sad expression on my face. Fiona just sat back down on a call while listening to Liam's cries.

     That was a shit show if I ever did see one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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