Finding Frank and Contests

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"I was just falling in love with you"
Almost to the Moon - Daisy Grey



"Y/n has not been here lately, that's odd" Fi says, in fact it's been 3 days since I have talked to her. I know it's my fault but I don't know what to tell her. "What's up with that?" Ian asked. "I accidentally yelled at her, for something that wasn't her fault" I admitted. "Have you talked to her since it happened?" Debs asked. "No" I said quietly. "No wonder" Ian said.

"What?" I asked. "Stop being stubborn and talk to her" Fi said. "That's like telling dad to stop drinking" Ian said. All of the sudden Y/n walks through the door.

"Hey Gallaghers! Thanks for letting me borrow your shoes for that party" she said and handed her the shoes.


"What party?" Lip blurted out. Ah, it was working. Phillip was getting jealous. I did go to a party with V and Fiona it was nice a lot of guys hitters on me. I payed no attention to them because this was all a plan to get back out Lip. "She went out with V and I" Fiona said. "What?" He asked standing up. "Yeah I was bored and they invited me, I couldn't have said no" I said.

"But you hate crowed places" Debs said. "Correct but I needed to get out of my comfort zone" I said shrugging my shoulders. "If your changing does that mean you won't take us to the park no more?" Carl asked. "No of course not I'm only changing a couple of things" I said.

"Are you serious?" Lip asks. "Yes very much so" I said. "Only because I yelled at you... on accident too" he put it. "You yelled at me for something I didn't do and don't forget you knew how much of PTSD I had with that and I trusted you with that shit and you threw it in my face!" I shouted at him, I took a deep breath. "Thank you again Fi for the shoes. By guys" I said as I walked out of that house.

As I walked to the gate I felt someone spin me around. It was Lip instead of saying anything he smashed his lips to mine. The kiss was different instead of it being rushed or heated it was like I'm sorry. It was soft and sweet. I pulled away. "This Still does not fix what you did Phillip" I said as I put my hands around his neck. "I'm sorry, I was pissed and I took it out on the wrong person. Please forgive me" he said. "Did Lip Gallagher say sorry?" I asked him.

"For such a dork" he said as he kissed me again.


"Has anyone seen Frank?" Fi asked, we were all back in the kitchen. "He was asleep behind the armchair" Debs replied. We all walked out of the kitchen to the living room. "It's a tent, why is there a tent in the living room?" Fi said. "Oh uh, drying it out. ROTC training in Wisconsin next week" Ian said. "I thought it was dad, I left him a cup of coffee this morning" Debs said. Lip took a bite out of his donut, I snuck a bite. "Ew it's jelly filled" I said as I chocked it down. He shrugged his shoulders and kissed my temple. Fi and Debs walked out.


Everyone was on the phone trying to get ahold of Frank or asking around.  I was on the phone with one of the old guys that go to the bar. "Have you seen Frank?" I asked the males on the other end. "I tell you if you come over to my place" he said. "Fuck off your creep" I said then I hung up the phone. Lip looked at me concerned. "He would tell me if I came over to his house" I said as. He grabbed my waist protectively.

Someone pulled V phone, out of the window. I assumed it was Kev I'm not sure. But she ran to chase after it. We went back to what we were doing. "Anything" Fi asked hopefully as we sat down. "Nobody's seen him since last night" Ian said. Debs gave a small sigh. "Hey, hey. Don't worry Debs. We're gonna find him okay?" Fi says as she rushes over to Debs.

It hurt my heart to see her so sad over Frank. "We'll split up. All the regular spots okay? Go" Fi told us. I stood up and felt Lip grab my hand and rush to the door. "Where are we going first?" I ask him as we head down the street. "Well let's check the Alibi and talk to some people in there" he said as he yanked my hand to keep going forward. "Why so rough?" I ask as I catch up with him. "Frank, he always does this. It's pathetic" he said as he shook his head.

"At least try to find him for Debs" I suggested. "He is going to keep doing this. And it's going to hurt Debs and Carl, I don't want him to go through what I did as a kid" he said, I could tell he was upset too. "I'm sorry" I said quietly. We walk into the alibi and see Kev. He smiled at us. "Have you seen Frank?" Lip asked him. "Like I told Fiona, he was here last night but left early" Kev said. Lip let go of my hand to talk to some other people at the bar.

"This sucks" I said as I sat down in defeat. "Hey, Friday night we're holding at singing contest the winner gets 200 bucks. You should try" he said as he was pouring a glass of beer for a dude beside me "You know I hate big crowds and when people stare at me" I told him. "I know but big money and it's worth it. You have a good singing voice" he said. "I will think about it" I said as I smiled and got up. "Let's check somewhere else" lip said as he grabbed my hand.

Today was going to be a long day...

Hey, thanks for reading my story! Really appreciate, please feel free to leave comments and thoughts it makes me happy to read them and see others are enjoying my story. And also check out my other ones if you like Stranger things, Outer Banks, Harry Potter. Give me more ideas of stories to!

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