Watching Trains, I love you, Mandy?

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"Your lips, my lips, apocalypse"
Apocalypse - Cigarettes after sex


Laster that night, Ian, Lip, Carl, Deb, Fi, V, Kev and I were all sitting in the living room watching tv. I was sitting with Lip on a chair, I had on my legs over his and my head on his chest, his one hand had a beer in his hand. The other was around my waist. I really wasn't paying much attention to the tv because I was super tired. It was hard for me to keep my eyes open.

Someone's phone started to ring. Lip looked at me and looked at my phone. It was in his pocket because he likes it that way. I didn't mind because I never had a problem with it. He looked at it and shock his head. I guess it was Fi because she answered it. A couple minutes later she shut the phone and sighed. I looked up at Lip and mouthed Steve. He nodded his head.

I saw Fi get up and head to the back door. I shook my head. For some reason I really couldn't trust Steve. Something about him, wasn't right. A few minutes later she came back with a sad and tired look on her face. I always felt bad for Fi. She deserved so much. "What did I miss?" She ask as she say right back down. Of course I could have not answered that question.


A couple of nights later. I was hanging with lip and his room. I saw thirsty and I told him I was going downstairs and also he was working on some papers that he was heading out to people for money and I didn't wanna mess that up. So it was an excuse to get away. I headed down stairs and I saw Mandy and Ian sitting on the couch. "Hey Ian, hey Mandy" I said as I walked into the kitchen. Then I stopped. I walked back into the living.

"Mandy and Ian...what are you doing?" I ask. Mandy only hangs out with a guy to fuck him, and Ian doesn't like girls. So... "oh I was just thanking Ian for saving me from our pervert of a teacher" Mandy said with a smile. Ian gave me a pleasing look at save him. "Yep... just trying to help" he mumbled. "Ah Mandy don't you have a date with that Austin boy?" I asked trying to save Ian. "Nope he canceled" she said and smiled at Ian.

I shrugged my shoulders at Ian. I couldn't help. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I saw Carl sitting on the kitchen table. "Hey Carl" I said as I sat across from him. "Hey Y/n" he said sadly. "What's wrong?" I ask him as I take a sip of my beer. "Ian's stupid girlfriend kicked me out of the room" he said as he played with his action figures. "You know there don't dating" I said as I grabbed one of his action figures and messed with its hands.

"Oh" Carl said, I took the action figure and playing hit Carls action figure. He looked at me and smile. And that's what I did on my Tuesday night. Played action figures with Carl for 3 hours straight. When it was Carls bedtime I went with him to make sure he brushed his teeth.

Then I lead him to his room. "Good night Carl" I said as he went in his bed. "Goodnight Y/n, tomorrow can we play more?" He asked as he hopped in his bed. "Sure thing" I told him as I closed his door. I turned around and lip was standing there. "Oh shit, you scared me" I told him as I hit on the chest.

"You were playing action figures with Carl for 3 hours?" He asked me as but his hands on my hips. "Yeah I was so what?" I asked him as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "It's cute, your hanging out with my younger siblings" he said with a smile. I started to blush. "There fun, they keep me entertained" I said as I tried to hide the redness on my face. "I wanna watch the trains with me?" He asked as he leaned closer to me. "You know that scares me" I told him honestly.

It's true. I always thought they were going to crash on us while we layer under them. "Please?" He asked as he kissed my sweet spot. He knew that was my weakness. "Fine" I said.


We were laying under the trains watching them go by. It was super cool and loud though and thrilling at the same time. I looked over at him , he was looking up at the trains. He was so perfect. Smart, sweet, kind, caring, protective, loving. Everything I ever wanted. And he was mine. He looked over at me. "Take a picture and it will last longer" he told him as he positioned himself to look at me.

"Your so cheesy" I told him as I giggled a little. "I love your laugh" he said as he pulled me closer to him. "I love you" I said. Oops, I never told him I loved him before. Maybe he will say it back or I don't know. "Sorry I didn't mea-" I quickly said before his lips crashed on to mine.

Instead of the kiss being full of lust, it was sweet and soft. I loved it. It was completely different but not in a bad way in a good way. It was like something I never have had before. He pulled away. "I love you too" he said as he kissed me again. I smiled, a really big smile.

I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with this boy that was laying right in front of me. I wanted and needed him. He completed me. And I needed to tell him that. Find someway to show all my love towards him.

Mr Gallagher (Lip Gallagher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now