Parent teacher conference

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     "Lip?" I heard someone ask. It didn't sound familiar. Or maybe it was because I haven't got a chance to really wake up. I opened my eyes too see Warren at the foot of the bed.

     Oh my fucking god.  Of course it was about some stupid paper. I pulled the sheets over my head and turned the other way.

     "Warren" lip said groggily. "Where's my paper?" Warren asked. I knew it.

     "Where's my money?" Lip shot right back. Oh my god could they talk any louder?

     "I got it" Warren said as lip started to get up. That dick is pulling the covers off of me.

     "Okay, I wanna see it" lip said as he got off of the bed. Which made a even louder noise.

     "Thirsty five right?" Warren asked to make sure. "No, 50" lip said. Oh poor boy won't have enough.

     They walked out of the hall and I could distantly hear the argue something about Korean. I don't fucking know.

     "Can you do thirty six?" Warren asked. Oh my lord. "For the love of god. Lip take the fucking money out of my purse. Warren your welcome and get the fuck out of here" I shouted as I flipped around and pulled the cover farther over my head.

     "You heard the lady" Lip said, I heard some crumpling of paper, and Warren saying thank you in Korean.

     "I swear to god lip only take 14 dollars" I said as I finally got up. "Good morning to you to baby" he said as he walked over to the bunk and pulled me down.

     "Gosh why do you have to be so mean to the poor boy?" I asked as I was looking around to find some clothes.

     "I'm not mean. He just didn't get the memo" he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind.


     "It's a Buck 50 up front. When you get your SAT results back and see how great Lip did, it's another Buck 50" I explained to some idiot. Swear I have never met someone stupider.

     "And we do this today?" He asked. "No. Todays session is booked. Three weeks" I explained slowly. This was like the third time already.

     "So i sit next to you while you take the test?" He doofus asked.

     "No. He's pretending to be you. You can't be there" Ian said. I was about to walk  away.

     "Why would they think your me?" He asked with a smile. Well turns out no one is more stupid then Carl.

     "I'll have an ID that says that I am you" Lip said.

     "But what if they ask me for my ID?" Doofus said. Oh my god, he was seriously giving my a headache.

     "I'm going to make a fake ID" Lip said trying to keep his cool.

     "But I'm tall" He guy said. "Yeah and I don't care. Are you in or not?" I asked trying not to loose it.

     "Yeah that's a chance we're just gonna have to take" Lip said ignoring my statement.

     "Saturday night. What time can I pick you up?" He asked me with a wink.

     "Seven" I said as I twirled my hair. "Done" he said as he winked and left.

     "Your not going are you?" Lip asked as his body tensed up.

     "Fuck that shit" I said as we started to walk away. Lip smiled and grabbed my hips to pull me closer to him. "That's my girl" he said as he whispered in my ear and kissed my temple.


     "So you guys going to the parent teacher conference?" Karen asked as we were in the bathroom.

     "I don't have any" I said as I giggled.

     "Don't you need a parent for that?" Ian asked as he laughed with me.

     "Hey Louise big an A on the paper you wrote her English Class. How do you keep doing that?" Karen told lip. I mean I'm not a big fan of Karen but we worked things out and were cool.

     "Well too master the art of book report, you just take any novel, no matter when it was written. And then you argue that the main bc is a latent homosexual. No seriously, now most English teachers are either gay and agree or there straight, but too scared to disgrace and get labeled as intolerant" Lip said as he finished with a smile.


     "Hey, sorry I'm late" Lip says as he walks up to the school.

     "It's okay m, I brought you a shirt" Fiona says as she hands it to him. We were going to the parent teacher conference for Carl to hope he doesn't get himself into to much trouble.

     "Okay now listen up. We are gonna stand united and show them we are a family that is thriving. You got it?" She asked Deb and Carl. They nodded.

     I was here for moral support and for Debs. She needed someone their extra for her since she never really got to enjoy these things.

     I had to wait outside since I wasn't a family and I could take to Carl and Debs.

     "So Carl, why do you get into so much trouble?" I ask as I took a seat between them. We were sitting on the wall together.

     "I don't know. It's just fun" he said with a smile on his face.

     "Yup, see how fun it is when you get sent to juvie" I said as I shake my head.

     "You went to juvie?" Deb asked me. I was surprised she didn't hear about it.

     "Oh yeah. Remember that one year, where I went to that school thing? Yeah I was in juvie for a year" I said as I brought back the memory.

     "What did you do?"Carl asked me with full curiosity.

     "I think that's a story for another day" I said as I was thinking about telling them. But they might be to young, but then again they have learned a very big amount for being to young.

Hey babes!! So I just wanted to say wow!! I and no idea this story would take of this much. I am like lowkey proud of myself. So give me any ideas or feedback you think that will make the story better!! And comment, I love reading them!!

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