No phones until 18

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since i won't be able to write for two weeks, I know dreadful. I will try to but out as much chapters as possible!!

     "Gotta love these half days" Ian said as we were walking down the street.

     "Good thing public education is broke" I said as I shivered more because of the cold weather.

     "Yeah waste of time"Lip said as he shook his head.

     "But it is worth it. Right lip?" I asked him. I always had a fear he was going to drop out like Fiona did. But the thing is with Fiona she had a reason.

     Lip is a smart kid and he can go places that I can't go. I am probably going to be stuck in this shit hole for the rest of my life.

     "What ever you say babe" he said with a smile. That's not what I wanted to hear but it will have to do.  "Only thing those people are equipped to teach is how to with disappointment" Lip finishes his off. My smile dropped from my face.

     "Hey wanna catch a movie later?" Mandy asked us. She has been hanging around us a lot to be Ian's fake girlfriend.

     I never had a problem with her because she is one of my best friends and I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Like sleep with any of my boyfriends like Karen did.

     "Can't. Gotta be at work by 3" Ian said. We al knew what Ian was doing at work. Maybe not Mandy though.

     "I'll see if I have to work tonhight. But probably not and I can go" I told Mandy with a smile.

     "How comes Y/n is the only fun one?" She asked us.

     "Nice jacket Kash bought you" Lip said as he looked over to Ian.

     "Thanks" Ian said as he looked away. Probably hiding the embarrassment.

     "Yeah. Tell Kash I'll take it in the ass if it gets me free stuff" Mandy said.

     "If it worked like that, I would have already got a new jacket from him" I said, apparently lip didn't like my comment and he glared at me. But Ian and Mandy did.

     "Hey!" Someone shouted. We turned around and saw a guy with a broken down truck walking towards us. "Yeah I'm talking to you" he said as all four of us turned around.

     "Yeah?" Lip asked as he walked toward the guy.

     "You got a phone?" He asked lip as he stilled pointed at Lip.

     "I hat your truck broke down?" Lip asked, I mean lip babe, I think anyone could have figured that out.

     "No genius, I like standing in a shitty neighborhood with my duck in my hands. Look, I'm already two hours late on this load. I try to take one shortcut, this is what I get. My goddamn kid drained my phone playing doodle jump. My goddamn wife took my charger. Listen, I'll give you 5 bucks if you let me use your phone. Just one call" The guy pleaded.

     I was about to open my mouth and say I do but I think this is one of lips plans so I guess I will keep my mouth shuts

     "We don't have a phone. Our dad says not till we're 18. But you know what? There's a bar. I think about 10 blocks that way." Lip finally answered. Yep it is a plan. "Yeah what's it called O'Flagerty's. Tell them your family's from the County Cork." Lip said. I was doing my best not to smile.

     "Ten blocks?" The guy asks in shock. This was way to good not to get in on.

     "Maybe five. Straight shot" I said as I grabbed Lips arm.

     The dude sighs and pulls out some money out of his wallet. "This is yours if you keep and eye on the truck" He tells lip waving the money in the air.

     "Five bucks?" Lip asks as his eyes light up. "Oh cool, thanks mister" I said with a sweet smile. He walks away. We all watch him leave.

     "Hey! Make sure no one gets near it!" They guy shouts as he walks away. I nod at his response.

     Lip takes out his gloves and pulls out his phone and calls someone. "Yo Kev. Forty third and Halsted. Bring a crowbar" Lip says as he he hangs out. Oh boy my brother is going to be happy.


     "What happened to you?" Lip asked Frank. We were sitting around the table having dinner. With the meat we stole from the trucks.

     "Uh, a huge guy jumped me. Two eighty, 290, steroids...who knows?" Frank said out of breath.

     "Good for him" I said as I took a sip of orange juice.

     "I need your help" Frank said as he looked around to, Carl, Lip, Deb and I.

     "I got like two bucks" Deb said as she shook her head at him.

     "No, no, no, no. Show of hands, how many of you. At one point of another wanted to see me dead?" Frank asked us.

     I raised my hand, lip, Carl and so did Deb. "Yeah! Here's your chance" Frank said with a huge smile.


     So these guys were trying to kill Frank for not paying him back. So his plan was to die so they would get them of his back.

     "Got nothing, you?" Lip asked Kev and I. "Nothing" I said as I stood to crack my back. "Empty. Hey, I gotta leave in 5 minutes" Kev said as he started to walk with us.

     "I can't believe you guys are getting a foster kid" Lip says as he shook his head.

     "I think it is kind of nice. I get to be an aunt. I always wanted to have a niece" I said with a smile.

     "See, Y/n loves it" Kev said. He walked to another car. "Bingo" lip said as he looked inside. "Looks like a good one too" I said as I leaned down with him.



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