The king of Brazil

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     "I know your upset and all but at least be happy for Carl and Deb's" I said as we watched everyone bowl. Lip was in the back and I didn't want to leave him.

     "How am I supposed to be happy for them if he is gonna leave after he gets that money?" He said as he lets out a sigh.

     "I don't know. I mean like growing up it was foster parents. Kev told him that dad left because he was going to become some king of the world and he would be back for us" I said as I hunched over.

     "He told you that? And you believed it?" He asked me. "Yes and I did until k was 12 and I searched up the king of Brazil. And I think Kev believed himself too" I said as I sat back up.

     "That's cute though" he said as he poked my side. I blushed a little. "Yeah whatever" I said as I mumbled. "How comes you never told me?" He asked as he looked at me.

     "Well I didn't want you to feel bad that your dad was a drunk and mine was some king" I said as I laughed a bit at my stupidity.

     "Well when we have our own kids, we will be better then our parents" he said as he grabbed my hand. My heart fluttered a bit.

     "Our kids? Already planning our future?" I asked as I looked at him in shock. He was never the type to do that.

     "Sometimes when I can't sleep" he says as he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back. Before the kiss could of gotten any deeper I heard a very loud cough.

     "This is a kids place. Keep it PG" Kev said as we pulled about.

     "Says the guy that was about to make love to this foster kid" Lip said back to him. "Wait what?" I asked him as I looked at Kev in complete shock.

     "That is not what happened and you know it" Kev said as he went up for his turn.

     "Guys don't get to used to this okay?" lip says as he went to Deb and Carl.

     "What?" She questioned him. I felt so bad.

     "Well dads not always gonna be so nice" Lip said to the two kids. "Yes he will" Carl said. "No. Not when he starts drinking again, okay? He'll go back to his ways. I don't want you getting hurt" Lip says sweetly.

     "Hurt?" Deb asked her older brother. "All right, Deb. Here's a spare" Frank called out his younger daughter which stopped the conversation. "Umm remember that turtle you had last summer?" I asked her trying to help lip.

     "Walter?" She chimed in. "Yeah yeah, and you guys really really into him for two weeks? You talked to him and you fed him. I mean you took him everywhere  with you right?  But after awhile you know, you guys got busy with other things. So Walters water never got changed and nobody fed him. Then like two months later, Deb's you wanted to show off Walter to your friend Susie and you guys started looking for him and when you found him. He was all dried up and dead. Now you see, you guys are the turtle okay? And dads you. You get what I'm saying?" I asked as I tried to back up lip the best I could.

     "Dads buying us another turtle?" Carl asked as he looked around to fully face us. "No, no forget it. Never mind" Lip says as he got up.

     "I tried" I told him as we sat down in our original spot.

     "I know baby" he said as he kissed my temple. "Don't worry Y/n. daddy's gonna forgot about us when he starts drinking again. It's okay, I don't mind I'm going to enjoy this while it last, if that's okay" Deb said as she walked over to us.

     "Of course it is honey" I said as I gave her arm a squeeze and she walked away. "Well at least one of them understands" Lip said as he rested his head on my shoulder.


     I walked down stairs. I was thirsty and lip was already fast asleep. I couldn't sleep. All I was thinking about was our dad in Brazil.

     I was Fi in the kitchen crying as she was emptying her groceries. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked her as I walked towards her. She wiped her tears.

     She was in her work uniform. Which is a little over sexualized. But that isint the point. "Hard day" she says as she waves me off.

     "Why is lip so upset with dad?" She asked me as I took a seat on the counter.

     "I think it has something to do with Frank doing this all the time and he never makes his promises" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to speak on his behalf.

     "Yeah. So?" She asked me. "I don't want to speak on his behalf. But when I was younger Kev told me that our dad was a king in Brazil. And when I found out he wasn't I was crushed. Kev told me that so I wouldn't worry so much why dad didn't love us enough to stay. And he admittedly regretted doing so because I was lied too. I just don't think lip wants them to be lied to and get hurt" I said as I got up and gave her one hug before I went back upstairs.

     I went up to lips room and collapsed on his bed, "where were you?" He asked me as he hugged me closer. "Getting water" I whisperer as I cuddled closer to his chest. I had trouble sleeping.

     We never found out what our dad did and I guess I didn't care. I was stuck in the headspace of if he cared he would show up. But boy I was wrong. Completely wrong.


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