Flowers, money, winter coats

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"Well who is gonna save her?"
Safe word - TV Girl


"Is it me or this house is getting colder?" I ask as I head to the kitchen of the Gallaghers. "When do you start that training?" Ian asks as he sits down. He was talking about my paramedic training. "What training?" Fi asks. "Paramedic training. This summer, my birthdays next month therefore I'll be 17. So I can start the training" I said with a big smile.

"But you have to be 18 right to be one?" Fi asked. "I have it all figured out. It's starts this summer. It's a 4 year training, it's also at night so I can go to school finish high school and do the training. By the time I'm 20 I can be one" I said. "You got in all figured out" Lip says as he hugs me from behind. "Yes I do" I said.

"Where's my damn toaster?" Kev yells from the door. I looked to see Carl putting his action figures over it to melt them. "Carl no, I told you. Use I blow Torch" I said grabbing the toaster. "Thanks Y/n" Kev says as he sits down and toasts his bread. "Oh Fi, some dude was looking for your address" he said while heading her the flowers. "There're from from him so toss them" Fi said mentioning Steve. "No there not" Steve said as Fi throws them in the trash.

I walk over to the trash and look at the note attached to the flowers "I had a great time last night" I read to myself . "Back for more abuse, your like a boomerang" Lip says as he heads to the fridge. "Yeah, no. I lost a bet to Ian on the game. Need to see what tickets he wants" Steve said, as he put his hands in his pocket. "And we live in the 1700/ where telephones haven't been invented yet, so you couldn't have just called " Fi says. I giggle a little bit. "Not when you dying to see me" Steve said. "You really can't read women" I told him.

"Yo got my tickets?" Ian asks as he walks into the room. "Yeah, what game? Philly on the 12th or Edmonton on the 27th?" Steve asks. "Uh, the oilers. Yeah definitely" Ian said. "Good choice. The flyers are fags" Kev said from the table. "No gay slurs" I said as I fit him on the head. I saw Ian tense up, gotta defend his honor. "Dammit the gas bill is late. No wonder why it's freezing in here" Fi says. I shiver a little. Lip sees and grabs my hand to pull him into his lap. He puts one hand around my waist as he eats his cereal. I could see Kev eyeing Lip.

"Fiona, thanks for a night I'll never forgot, Tony" Steve reads. He read the letter off the flowers. "Gimmie that" Fiona says as she grabs the note form Steve. "Who the fuck is tony?" Steve asks trying to hide his jealous. "You hooked up with tony?" I ask Fi. "Wait Tony the cop? That Tony?" Steve asks. "You hooked up with a virgin?" I asked her. Everyone looked at me. "It's not like that. He was drunk one night and spilled everything" I said. "A virgin?" Kev said. "Never hook up with a virgin. Only when it's your first time and there a virgin too" I said while looking at Ian and he looked at me.

"Agreed never ends well" Kev said. "Aye Tony is really sweet and he has a real job" Fi said defending him. kev makes snoring noises. "Ah sorry, I feel asleep while you were talking about Tony. How long was I out for?" Kev asks. I giggle a little.  "Lip phone" Fi says. He throws it to her and she catches it. "What exactly does hooking up mean?" Steve asks. "You have got to be stupid. The PP goes in the whole" I said. Ian, Kev and Lip laugh as I Demonstrate it with my hands.

"Wow" Steve said. "No okay? We're going have oatmeal this morning. Go get the hot plate" Fi says as she goes over to Debs. "Jesus you sure did not waste any time. Did you?" Steve asks Fi.


It was freezing in this stupid house. All of us were in our winter coats. "Your nose is turning red" Lip says as he boobs my nose. I push his hands away and giggle. "We need 587 dollars or they won't turn the gas back on" Fi says. Liam was sitting on Lips lap, and I had his toy dinosaur and messing with it to make Liam giggle. It did work. "I'm taking the PSATs for some polish kid over in Ridgrdale" Lip says as he hands me Liam.

"Your going to get caught" I told him as I grabbed Liam. "I won't but, the kids supposed give me 100 bucks" Lip says as he walks over to Fi. "I saw online that we could get an extra 200 a month from the state if we saw Carl is retarded" Deb says. I giggle a little . "I get paid Friday" Ian said. "Okay, I'll figure out the rest" Fi says. "I could always turn to Prostitution, I hear they make big bucks" I said. "No" Lip says. "That's always a good idea" Ian says smiling. "Or a stripper" I suggested, making Ian laugh. "You can barley walk in high heels you will fall on your face" Ian says laughing. "That's so mean" I told him giggling too. "School, let's go everyone" Fi says as she rushes us out. I hand Fi Liam, as we all walk out.

As we were walking to school. Deb and Carl were walking in front of us, while I was in the middle of Ian and Lip. "I'm still gonna try prostitution" I said. " I told you no" Lip says as he grabs my waist. "Come on, in the end of the day I'm still gonna be sleeping with you" I told him. "We gross" Ian says. I nudge him with my arm.

"See that guy over there?" I ask, I point to some homeless dude. They both nod. "Watch" I say as I walk up to him. "How much money will you give me if I let you fuck me?" I ask him. "200 dollars" he says as he like me up and down. I wink and go over to Ian and Lip. "See big money" I told him. "For the last time no" Lip says as he grabs my hips and pulls me towards him.

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