Aunt Ginger?

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"I wish I was heather"
Heather - Conan Grey


School was over and Lip was doing the test thing. I was working at the Alibi to get some extra money to help out. Since I did get payed today. "Hey Fi" I said as she came in. She waved and smiled. Kev and I were standing in front of Frank. "Well the hell is aunt ginger dad?" Fi asks Frank. "And hello  to you too, my first born child" Frank says as he takes another sip of his beer. "Can I get you something cop lover?" Kev asks. I giggle a little. "No, Dad does Aunt ginger live in Wisconsin?" She asks Frank.

"That's what I told you right?" He asks her, as he puts another word down for his crossword puzzle. "Then why was a women from the social security department at the house, saying that Ginger cashes her checks in Chicago?" Fi asks him. "Gingers in town and she didn't call me? After all I have done with that women?" Frank says. "If I was in town you would be the last person I call" I told him. "Oh, shit Frank your cashing the checks?" Kev asked Frank.

"What?" Frank exclaims. "Do you know how much trouble you would be in?" Fi asks him. "Why all the sudden interest in ginger Fiona? Now that you know there's money involved you looking for a handout? Well that money is mine. I'm the one who's taken care of Ginger all these years. I calm her every week and I've even busted her" Frank says trying to change the subject. "Good. Then you can go get her and bring her home with you. Cause that social security lady will be here with a federal agent to interview Ginger." Fi says as she storms out. "Your in dip shit" I told Frank as she leaves .

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" Frank says. He grabs his cigarettes and runs out of the bar. I laugh to myself. "He forgot his shit" Kev says holding a bag full of random food items. "He practically lives here he'll get it" I said while shrugging and walking off.


My shift was over so I headed to the Gallaghers. I walked up to Lips room and he was sitting on Ian's bed. His face was all bloody. "What happened to you?" I ask as I walk in his room. "Ian fucked up, remember when Mandy was over?" He asked as I kneeled in front of him to check out his face. "Yeah?" I ask, as I brushed my fingers over the bruises.

"Well, he didn't wanna sleep with her, she made a big deal and she got her brothers to attack me" he said as I tilted his head to check out more bruises. "Why you?" I asked him. "Because I said some stuff to Mickey" he said shrugging.

"I'll be right back" I said standing up. He grabbed my hips so I couldn't move. "Don't leave" he pleaded. "I will be right back babe don't worry" I said kissing him on the lips.


"Mickey?" I yelled as I walked into his room. He was laying on his bed. "Y/n" he said, as he sat up. "Why did you beat up Lip?" I asked him. "Because he said shit about my sister, and his brother hurt my sister" he said shrugging. "You know damn well Ian did not touch Mandy. He probably told her she didn't wanna have sec with her and she freaked out. You touch any of them again. I will rip you balls off" I warned him. He put his hands in defense. "Fine" he mumbled.

I walked out of his room and saw Mandy. "Hey Mandy" I said greeting her. "Hey" she said with a smile. "I heard what happened, maybe try to talk to Ian. I'm pretty sure you have a misunderstanding" I told her softly. "Maybe, I will try" she said.


Lip and Ian were starting at the window. "What are you two doing?" I ask. "Shh" Ian says quickly. "Mickeys out there" Lip whispered. "That son of a bitch" I said, I stormed out of the room. "Where are you going?" Lip asked as they followed me. "Doing what I should have done a long time ago" I said as I walked down the stairs. "Y/n your gonna get hurt" Ian said. "No I won't" I said as i walked out of the door.

"Mickey! What did I tell you? Leave Ian the fuck alone" I said I was walked over to him. "He hurt my sister" Mickey said back. "Have you ever thought what really might have happened? Maybe Ian didn't wanna fuck your sister and she freaked out because no one says no to Mandy. So if I we're you I would leave. And if you ever show up here again. I swear it will be the end of you" I yelled at him. He looked at me. Kinda hurt.

"Mickey, please. I don't wanna yell at you. But please" I said not yelling anymore. He just walked away. I know I shouldn't have yelled. But love makes you crazy right? I watched him walk away. My heart hurt like crap. I knew I was going to apologize later. I walked back inside.

"How did you do that?" Ian asked in amazement. "We have history together" I said shrugging my shoulders. "What type?" Lip asked. "Not relationship, friendship" I said. I was not ready to tell them the full story. But maybe one day.


I woke up alone. Ian of Lip was there. Don't matter anyway because today was a Saturday. I got up and put on one of Lips hoodies and but my leggings on and walked out of the room. I walked down stairs to see an Old lady and Debs cooking together.

"Debs who.." I saw before the lady looks at me with a smile. "Oh it's aunt ginger. Not the real one. The real ones dead" Debbie said with a smile. I connected the dots to the conversation Fi and Frank had a couple days ago.

Carl walked in and started to melt his action figures. "What happened to the blowtorch?" I ask him as I walk over to him. "Couldn't find one" he said shrugging. "I know where one is" I said. He looked at me with amazement in his eyes.


Lip and I were laying on his bed, while Mandy and Ian where  laying on Ian's bed. Mandy and Ian would fake there relationship just to keep boys always from Mandy and Ian keep his gayness down low.

"Okay, who did you lose your virginity too?" Mandy asks us. I quickly look at Ian and he looks at me. "I lost mine to Abby Spark" Lip said. "Really her?" I ask, if you seen Abby you would have understood. "Okay I lost mine to Jackson Dunn" Mandy said while laughing. I giggled too. I remember her telling me about it. "Okay Y/n you turn" Lip says.

I look at Ian and he nodded. "Mine was too Ian" I said. Lip looked at me shocked and so did Mandy. "Let us explain" Ian said quickly. "Okay so I was 13 and he was 12" I said, I know we were young. "I was finding out if I was really gay or not" Ian said. "And I wanted to have my first time with someone I trusted" I added. "So, we did it on each other" Ian finished.

"So you turned my brother gay?" Lip asked. "You fuckface" I said as I hit on on the shoulder. He laughed

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