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"So?" I asked Lip as they walked out of the room. "Steve is wonderful" Lip whispers in my ear. What ever Steve did I'm glad because now Carl can finally stay in school.

We were walking down the halls towards the exit when Deb said something.

"Daddy!" She said, we looked down the hall and there Frank was. With Karen. At her parent teacher conference.

"Debbie we gotta go" Fi said as she was trying to keep a smile for her sake.

"But I wanna say hi to daddy" Deb told pleaded. "Daddy!" She shouted again. Poor thing.

"Hello pumpkin" he said as him and Karen kept walking towards us.

"Karen, what's going on?" Lip asked her. Her smile dropped a little.

"You said you never come to those, so I thought you weren't gonna come, so I asked Frank to stand in for my worthless father" She said awkwardly.

"Did they expel Carl?" Frank asked trying to change his subject.

Fiona shook her head no as she put her hand on Carls head.

"What did I tell you? Drama and threats, all for naught" Frank said as he laughed at his own joke.

It all got quiet. Debs mood has totally changed. I grabbed ahold of her arm for comfort and i but my arm around Carl. Carl was never much for hugging and stuff like that so I never wanted to make him uncomfortable.

"Come on guys. Let's go" she said to all of us. In situations like these I'm glad I don't have parents so I don't have to keep getting disappointed.


Carl, we're serious. The stakes are really, really high. We love you and we need you in this family, in this house. You need to stop biting and punching and hurting people" Fiona told him. We were all sitting around the couch talking to Carl.

"Well, how else do I make them cry?" He asked. "Gossip and slander" I told him with a smile.

"You know, when I get really angry, I usually just count to 10" Steve said.

"Yep and when I get angry too, I go around and bake cakes and pretend live if cup cakes and rainbows" I said, Ian tried his best not to laugh.

"Hey, little man, tell you what well do. We're gonna get you some bars and skates, get you out on the ice. You can take your frustrations out on a hokey stick" Lip said hopefully.

"You can come to karate with me. Remember when I broke Kyles leg? Took three pins to put it back together" Ian told him.

"You can't beat karate when it comes to regulated sanctioned violence for children" Debbie said.

He looked back at Fiona and gave her a small smile. I knew from right here if we tried to keep Carl out of trouble he could be something great.


    It was a couple hours later after the talk we had with Carl. Ian, Deb, and Carl and I were sitting around the tv watching some old black and white movie. Lip was at his desk talking to someone on the phone.

     There was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other. I was way to comfy to get up. Then came another knock. Deb sighed and got up to get the door.

     "Hey, I'm here for Lip to pay him for the balance for the SAT test" Someone said at the door. I grabbed the remote to turn the tv down.

     Carl gave me an annoyed look but I didn't care because I wanted to now what Lip did this time. Debbie welcomed him in and went back to her seat. Lip got up from his a little to quickly.

     "Tire" Lip said as he stood awkwardly. "Lip, my man" Tire responded as he closed the door.

     "Why is his name Tire?" Carl asked from beside me. My cheeks quickly flushed with red and I covered his mouth before he said something that could be way worse.

     "They invalidated my score" Tire shouted at him hitting lip and knocking him to the ground.

     "Okay, Deb and Carl let's go upstairs" I said as I grabbed their hands and rushed them upstairs.

     "What's going on?" Deb asked as we made it to the top of the stairs and there was more yelling.

     I heard more running as they brought it upstairs. I locked the kids in the bathroom.

     "Don't open the door unless I say the words chicken ok" I said as I locked it and went to get Tire off of Lip.

     "Tire get the fuck off of him" I shouted as I grabbed my back of his shoulders to pull him off.

     "Your little boyfriend is going to make me fail" he shouted in my face.

     "Oh yeah? Your about to have no fucking cock. So if I were you I would match your little ass out of this house or I will cut your duck off and hang it over my fireplace" I shouted right back. He seemed little taken back of the threat.

     "I was just joking, okay?" He said with his hands up as he walked towards the steps.

     I went to the bathroom and said chicken and the door clicks open.

     "Why was he so afraid of you Y/n?" Carl asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

     "Because she actually did cut a guys dick off" Ian said with laugh.

     "You weren't supposed to tell them that to they got older" I said as I pushed him.

     "They were going to find out of day" Lip said as he walked over to me.

     "You feel okay?" I asked as I checked his face for any bruises.

     "You really have to learn how to fight" Ian said as he shakes his head.

     "I know babe. You really are all bark no bite" I told him as I shook my head.

     "Well, I think is enough excitement for tonight. Carl and Deb get ready for bed" Ian told the two younger kids.


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