Getting Married?

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"Did you ever really love me?"
Violent - carolesdaughter


"What's going on with her?" Fi asks, us. Us being V, Lip, Ian, Steve, Kev and I. "Maybe it's because your mom bailed and Frank's a big drunk" Kev suggested. "Didn't you grow up in a foster home?" I ask him. "Didn't your parents leave you?" He asked me. "Didn't you not have parents?" I ask him. "Didn'-" Kev said before V cut him off. "Jesus you two are siblings, not animals" she said. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Debbie still is a little kid. Worst thing is she gets help" Steve said. "Help?" Ian asked Defensively. "What kind of help?" I asked him. "She stole a baby" he said. "She's not crazy. She just sort of accidentally stole a baby" Fi said. Now that she said it out loud it didn't sound right. "Not if she lurked him with a candy bar" Steve said. "What are you suggesting?" Fi asked now getting angry.

"She just needs some professional-" Steve said before Lip cut him off. "A shrink?" Lip Asked him. "Gallaghers do not do therapy" Fi said. "Hey, I agree no one needs therapy. I'm perfectly fine" I said. "Didn't you try to kill yourself last year? Show us your wrists" Kev said. "You bitch. Your really starting shit now" I said getting up. "Come one Y/n you don't need therapy show us your wrists" Kev said. "Ya know what? Here you go" I said lifting up my wrists. It wasn't a pretty sight. My whole wrist and up my arm were covered in scars and so we're still fresh and it was all bloody.

"Y/n" Lip said quietly. "You know what? Forget it" I said as I stormed out of the house. I'm sorry Debs but I couldn't do this not right now. I didn't even have a coat on. All I had was leggings and Lips hoodie on. Kev started it and he should be the one storming out. Not me.


It was 4 hours later and I had a shift at work I had to suffer through. Kev was probably the last person I wanted to see but I'm not skipping pay for his sorry ass. I walked into the he bar and I saw him talking to V's mom. "Kevin" I said. "Y/n" he responded. I bumped into him trying to serve a drink. "Okay look I'm sorry" he said. "Oh he is sorry?" I ask him.

"Can you please forgive me?" He asked in a pleading tone. "Let me kick you in your balls then yes" I said with a grin on my face. "Fine" he said he closed his eyes really tightly and stood up. I leaned my foot back and full force hit him in his small balls. He fell straight to the ground. "Should I tell V that no more children?" I ask him giggling. "You bitch" he said as eventually he got up.

"You know those girls are staring at ya Kev" I said as I poured Frank another shot. "Yes I know" Kev said. "How's life going Frank?" I ask him. "Have you ever had a 10 inch dildo stuck up your ass?" He asked me randomly. "No, I don't recall" I said as I scrunched my face up a little. "Well it hurts like hell. Don't try it" he said. "I'll keep that in mind" I said as I walked away to Kev "What has Frank got his self into?" I ask him.

He just shrugged his shoulders. One of the girls that were looking at Kev came over. "Hey Kev" she said clearly flirting with him. "Hey" he said with a smile. "See my friend over there? I know she acts like she hits on everyone, but she doesn't. She likes you" She asks him. I was drinking some water when I spit it out on Frank. The girl gave me a weird look. "Sorry Frank" I mumbled and handed him a towel.

"Well I'm flattered, but I can't" Kev said shaking his head.oh come on. What could a little drink hurt?" She asked him. "Bartenders aren't allowed to drink so sho" I said mentioning to the girl. "Who asked you?" She said, she was clearly drunk. "And who asked you to come over here?" I ask her, she was for real testing my patients. She just gave me a disgusted look.

"Look she doesn't care if you have a girlfriend. Neither do I" the girl said. "I care, so scoot along" I told her. She just ignored me. "What the both of you?" Kev asked. "Kev" I said. "I can't really actually I'm getting married" Kev blurted out. My eyes widened. Shit Kev. "What? What's that? Your getting married?" Frank slurred. You could tell he was clearly drunk. "No no no. Can u get you a shot Frank?" I ask trying to distract him.

"Veronica? Hey Jess roll of the champagne. Our boy here is getting married" Frank shouts. There were a whole bunch of cheers and shouts from people. "Frank no" I said trying to get him to stop. "Kev is marrying Veronica!!" Frank yelled. Then Vs mom came running over. What a shit show.

Kev and I were closing up. We were the only ones in the car. "You know your already married" I told Kev. "Thanks for stating the obvious" he said as he put some tequila away. "I'm just saying the news will role around to V" I told him. "I'm fucked" he said. "I know let's go before someone tells V" I said as I took him out of the Bar.


I missed Debbie bringing back the kid. But I was proud of her and I did tell her that. She did get a whole bunch of Money from the parents and she bought a new water heater. I always knew Debs had a good heart. Debs was always worth it. Debs probably was my favorite Gallagher just don't tell Lip.

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