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"Wanna tell you everything that keeps me up at night"

Drunk Voicemail - Pom Pom Squad



"Good morning my favorite people" I shouted as I walked through the Gallagher door. This was probably my favorite place.

"Hi Y/n" Debbie says as she comes to hug me. "I missed you" I said as I bent down to hug her.

"You haven't seen her for 10 hours" Ian says as he comes down the stairs. "10 hours to long, as your just jealous that I like her more then you" I tell him.

"Yes very, I stay up at night thinking of ways I could be your favorite" he jokes back at me.

"We all know why your really here" Fiona says as she pour orange juice for Carl and Debbie. "Shh he could be listening" I say.

I was really here for Lip. I have had a huge crush on him ever since we were 5. Yeah that's awhile. I would do anything for the boy. I have punched people, lied and I even broke my wrist for him.

"Listening to what?" Lip says as he comes down the stairs. "To Y/n, saying how much she...loves Debs" Ian says quickly. Thank you Ian.

Lip just shrugged his shoulders in response. Then everyone made there way at the table. I stood by the wall, as normal.

"I need dad's signature, for this field trip" Ian says as he hands Debbie the papers. "Wow you are getting really good at that" I say, I mean I was pretty impressed.

"Who has the phone?" Fiona asks from the kitchen. "I got it" Lip says as he holds it up. "How many more minutes?" She asks, her voice seemed very hopeful for more then 20 minutes left on it. "Ummm...14" he says as he throws it to her. She catches it and puts it her back pocket.

"Y/n, why are you barley at your house?" Debbie asked while looking at me. "Good question, you see my parents are not very nice people" I say trying to make it sound some what better then normal.

"Like how not nice?" Carl asks. "Like Joker not nice" I say as references to his action figures. "Not nice" he says he shakes his head.

"I need something for show n tell" Debbie says. "How much are we short?" Fiona asks. "18 dollars and 30 cents" Debbie response. "I have Tutoring after school, so that's like 10 more" Lip says. "You know I could help" I say hopefully.

Fiona looks at me with a weak smile. "We're not going to make you do that" she says. "But I practically live here, at least let me finish it off. I have old birthday money from when my dad used to remember my birthday" I say. "I guess so, but this is a one time thing" she said serenely. I smiled.

"Aye we have to go" I said while looking at my watch then putting my hand on Lip's shoulder. He hurried up, and headed out the door. I quickly followed behind.

As we were walking outside lip started the conversation. "Why did you offer the rest of the money?" Lip blurts out. "I basically live at your house and I felt the need to" I said Simply. "But you already pull your weight but just helping Carl, Debs and Liam, you don't have to pay" he said as he grabbed my hand. I felt butterflies rush through my stomach.

"I get that but, you guys have helped me so much and I thought showing my appreciation would be doing this" I say slowly. "You are perfect you know" he said as he slowly leaned closer to me. More and more butterflies rushed through my stomach. "T-T-Thank you" I say shakily. He leaned in all the way.

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