Franks funeral

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Here is another one!!

     "You know, a lot of those foster kids are messed up" lip said.

     "Wow that hurts. I was in foster care with Kev and we turned out pretty fine" I said.

     "I said a lot of kids. I didn't mean you guys" Lip said as he kissed my temple.

     "Lips right. That's why they need a positive influence" Kev said as he looked around as he tried to break into the car.

    "Hey Kev. When you say positive influence does it mean breaking into cars?" I ask as I smile.

     "You know Y/n it does actually" he said as he laughed a bit. He got the door open and Lip went inside.


     "Stuff the ice in his shirt" Fi told Carl as he was stuffing ice in down franks shirt, while Debs was putting make up on him.

     "Stop enough" Frank said as he kept shifting uncontrollably.

     "Your body needs to be cold if you want this to work" I told Frank as I crossed my hands over my chest.

     We were all wearing black dresses, well the girls were to make this funeral more believable. And let me tell you this thing is uncomfortable and scratchy.

     "More morphine" Frank says as he lets Deb and Carl continue what they are doing.

     "It's horse tranquilizer" V corrected him. "Get in the coffin before you pass out" Lip says as he can up behind me and put his hands on my hips.

     "Just a little taste?" He asked V. I rolled my eyes. "I don't even know why we are doing this for you" I said as I was starting to get pissed off.

     "You think it's easy being a parent? Letting Fiona be the good cop. The important thing is you kids. Carl. I remember when the nurse in the hospital handed you to me" He said as he cupped Carls face in his hands.

     "Carl was born in the back of a van. You weren't there" I said. I was there because I helped Monica give birth to the baby.

     "I slapped his little ass myself" Frank said pointing fingers at me. Lip didn't like that and he got infront of me and punched Frank in the face. Frank fell back. There were screams and shouts.

     "Okay" Fiona said as she rushed towards them. "Get him in the coffin" Lip says quickly.

     "Okay, looks dead. Shallow breathing, clammy. Hey Carl more ice" V says as she starts to check up on him in the coffin.

      Lip pulls me to the side near the stairs. "You okay baby?" He asks as his arms grip my shoulders.

     "I am. Maybe you should ask Frank that when he gets up" I say as I giggle a bit.

     "Sorry I just don't like anyone talking to you like that" she said as he pulls me in a hug.

      "That was pretty hot. I might have to reward you later" I told him as I gave him a smile and walked back up front.

     Wow this is knees I'm talking to Lip about him fucking me at his dad's funeral.


     "Okay there coming up" I said as I get back next to standing next to Lip. Everyone was fake crying or having a look of grieve on there face. I was standing next to lip covering my fave in my hands. I did this because I knew I was going to laugh. He puts his arms around me.

     We heard the door open and we all look back. He walks over to where we are. Him and his buddy.

     "Sorry for your loss" the first guy said. "It was a shock" Fiona said quickly and turned the other way.

     "I'm sure it was. Accident was it?" He same guy asks.

     "Suicide"he said as he rubbed my back. As soon as Lip said that Debbie and Fiona started sobbing. Debbie is quiet the after I do say so.

     "I know your faking it. Come on, open your eyes, you lying, squirrelly sack of shit." The guy said as he slapped Frank. Debbie screamed louder.

     "Jesus rob" the other guy said as he pulled him back.

     "I know your alive!" Rob shouted. "What's a matter who you? Look at him his dead!" His buddy said as he pulled him back.

     "Sorry. He has been under a lot of stress" the other guy said as he was pulling rob out of the house near the door. I held on to lip tighter.


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