Getting Blamed

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"Thank you for the love"
GONE GONR/THANK YOU - Tyler the Creator



"Carl, stop hurting that cat" I shout as I ran over to him. Fiona asked me to take Debs are Carl to the park for a bit while she went out with Steve or something. Lip had to go tutor and Ian was at the store. "But it told me it wanted to die" the little boy said. I grab the hat from him. "I told you, only hurt bugs. Bugs are gross" I saw as I let the cat go in the other direction.

"Bugs are easy to kill" he said as he crossed his arms. "Not if you torture them, like drown them" I suggested. He gave me a smile and he went to go look for bugs. "Y/n! Come push me" Deb said as he was on the swings. I smiled and walked over to her. "He is not very bright" Debbie says mentioning Carl. "You guys will be close" I say as I pushed her. "Do you have any siblings?" She asked me.

"Used too. I had a brother but he ended up shorting him self in the head when he was 13. I watched it happen. I was 8. Maybe that's why my parents are so fucked up" I said. "That must be sad, what was his name?" He asked. "His name was Eric, he was my best friend but he did get bullied a lot. He was a smart and sweet boy never deserved anything like that" I said sadly.

"I bet he is watching over you now" she said with a smile. "I bet he is" I replied.


We had to leave early because Carl kept chasing cats with sticks. "Carl you should be nice to living creatures" I said as we made it to the door. "Sorry" he mumbled. "You will never get a girlfriend if your mean" Debs said. "Girlfriends are stupid" he said.

"Ok cut it out you too" I said as they ran into the house. I saw Fiona walking downstairs and greeted the kids she gave me a small smile. I heard out the house but then as I opened the door Lip came in. "There you are" he said as he kissed me on the lips. "Hi" I said as we broke apart. "I'm going to go see Ian wanna come with?" He asked as his hands grabbed my hips. Instead of saying yes I kissed him.


We walked into the cute small store and he grabbed my hand and took me near the back. We saw Cash and Ian stocking stuff up in the back. "All right, you stack the butter. I'll do the snacks" Cash told Ian. "Oh Jesus Christ, Y/n! Lip!" cash said as he saw us. "Hi" I said shyly. "Yeah, sorry. Sorry, Cash. I just thanks for the tools" Lip told him. "Ah, anytime as long as I get them back" Cash said. "Right" he said quietly.

We stayed there quietly for about a couple minutes. It felt awkward so I ya led on his arm. I get quiet around people I am not used to seeing or big crowds of people in not comfortable with. "You have got to be joking, your fucking him?" Lip asks Ian right in front of Cash too. Ian looks up, and Cash looks shocked. Lip grabbed my arm really hard as we ran out of the store. I felt super bad.

"Lip, how could you tell?" I ask as we made it out of the store and he still had a tight grip on my arm. "There shoes Y/n, they were wearing mismatched shoes" He said, he was clearly pissed off. "Maybe it's not what it looks like" I said even though it was completely obvious what it looked like.

"Ian is fucking with a married man, with god damn children. You know how bad that's sounds?" He asked now clearly yelling at me. My eyes started to water. Every time someone yells at me I get scared. Brings me back down memory lane. I yank my arm from him and start waking away. I could hear him calling after me because he knew he fucked up.

I knew who I could go see, Kev. He was like a brother to me in fact when my parents left me on the streets one time he picked me up. Later on I found out that Kev and I were siblings, fun fact my parents aren't my real ones we were put in foster care and got split up. I walked into the bar and sat down at the counter.

"Hey what's wrong y/n/n?" Kev asked as he saw me sit down. "Lip yelled at me for something Ian do" I sobbed. "What did Ian do?" Kev asked. Of course I could not tell anyone so I kept my mouth shut and made up some lie. "I don't even remember" I said. "He was probably just upset don't take it personal" he said with a smile.

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