Just for the money

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okay so guys, this is like super hard. I'm just now remembering stuff that I put in this story. So like bare with me. But first, I want to take out the sh. The way I did it was kinda goofy. Ummm she still works with Kev. And I did kinda of rush the SA. So I'm very sorry about that. I'll start writing the story's and but song lyrics in the beginning because it was cute. Anyways on with the story...

"It's not your fault I ruin everything"
          Angels like you - Miley Cyrus


     "Oh shit" lip said as she watched his dad eat more candy. "What?" I asked as I turned to look at him trying to read his face.

     "He's done this before" Lip said as he looks at poor Deb.

     "We gotta help Daddy stay busy and keep off of drinking, so he can make 3000 dollars" Deb said as she slowed down her jumping.

     "Hey, everybody, come here. Gather around. I got someone I wanna say" Frank announces as everyone piles up in the living room. I scoot closer to lip and he wraps his arms around my waist.

     "I know I haven't been the most exemplary father for the past three or 15 years. But I'm going need your help to get through this. From this point forward we're going to be a family again. What the hell id that?" Frank stopped and interrupted his wonderful speech to look at Kev foster daughter. I chocked back a laugh.

     I knew this was complete bull but It was funny to see him try and get passed out drunk the next day.


     So, we kept Frank busy. Very busy. Kev even set up and obstacle course. Though Fi won it was still funny to watch the other chase after her. Frank was about to run up the stairs again until he stopped and pointed at the piano.

     "Hey the piano" Frank said as he hopped down the stairs and went to the piano. He was playing something and I had to admit I was pretty impressed.

     I looked at lip and he shrugged his shoulders in response. I was sitting on lips lap. We got the occasional glances from Kev. But I thought it was funny.

     Then Frank started to sing. Great. I put my head down in my hands trying my best not to laugh. Lip tapped my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I said yes and I let out a rather loud cough which got a few weird looks.

     Then everyone started to sing along. Lip tapped my hip and I got up, he got up too and walked over to them. "I can't believe you guys are buying into all of his bullshit. Come on let's go for a walk" He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the door.

     "What difference does it make? He'll be drinking by tomorrow" Fi said as she looks at lip.

     "No. Not when money's involved" lip said. He walked towards the door I mumbled sorry to everyone and followed.

     Even though I wanted to stay and discover more of Franks secret talents, I couldn't leave lip.

     "Lip what's wrong?" I asked as I hurried up after him. Again it was cold and I only had a small jacket. I have to stop doing this.

    "I'm not going to sit in there and listen to Franks stupid apology just for it to end up hurting Deb and Carl. You saw the look on there faces. There dad is finally being back. And when he leaves we have to pick it up. And I'm tired of lying to them" Lip said I could tell his was upset and he wasn't trying to take it out on me.

     I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him. Maybe that would make him feel better. I'm not very good at comforting people. He hugged me back and kissed my head.


     "You walk to fast in the mornings" I said as I stumbled down trying to follow him. We got home late last night. I hate mornings. He turned around and grabbed my hands to help me down the rest.

     "What did I tell you? Still not drinking until he gets his money" lip said as he walked into the kitchen.

     "If I ever drink again" Frank said as she looks at lip. I walked up to Carl and took a bite out of his pancake. Not bad.

     "Java's my vice now" he said as she held up his cup of, I hope so was coffee.

     "Drunk or sober, you still an asshole" Lip said as messed around in the kitchen.

     "Lip" I said as I looked at him. He was doing this infront of Carl and Debbie.

     "It's okay Y/n. Everyone's got a right to his opinion. That's what makes this country so great. Want orange juice?" Frank said as he went to the kids at the table. They nodded there heads.

     "Where'd you get this to make breakfast?" Fi asked him.

     Traded some old Hustler magazines with Rusty the drunk. He's a dishwasher at the Dennys on West 95th street. You want some OJ?" He asked Fi as he went back into the kitchen.

     "Found it. I'm taking this to the job center for a few hours" Fi says as he holds up a computer. She races to the door.

     "Come on, Deb's, Carl, Y/n grab your coats. Told Kev we'd be over in five" He said as he looked at me about the coat thing.

     I followed the kids and grabbed mine. Carl put his on upside down so I had to help him fix it.

     "Does that werid girl have to come with us?" Deb asked lip.

     "She is not weird Deb. Maybe you should get to know her. She would be good playmate" I said as I helped her with her coat.

     "Bowling, lip knows a kid who can get us in for free. Wanna come?" Deb said as she walked towards the door.

     "No Debs, I don't think he can" Lip said as he ushered us closer to the door.

     "Hey I'd love to come" Frank said with his arms wide. I could hear Lip sigh. "Just let me clean this place up first" Frank said. We all headed go the door. "Excuse me? Clear the table" Frank said. I turned to look at lip. He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward to kiss my forehead and he wrapped his arms around me.

     I feel like after last night he has gotten closer with me. Like he can trust me more. And I love that. Because I felt like I could trust lip even more.


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