Not your fault

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     The only thing I didn't like about the Gallagher house was the yelling. People were always up. And I love sleeping.

     I pulled lips blanket more over my head. I can't be doing this right now. I hated that lip was a early riser. Means I have to wake up alone.

     Ian walked into the room. And I looked up he had a towel around his waste.

     "Ew your naked" I said as I went back under my hide out.

     "Oh hush" he said as he throw someone at my hide out. "Hurry up I wanna get out" I yelled as it was starting to get hot under that blanket.

     "Okay you can go" he said. I get out and see he has pants on. I hurry up and get down. On my way down u out my hair into a ponytail and go downstairs to find lip.


     "Lip where are you going this time?" I ask on our way home for school.

    "I have to see karen" he said as he hurry's off and walks off.

     This is stupid. All he ever does if see her now. It's like he has no time for me.

     I start to walk home kicking the rocks on the pavement. It is freezing outside. I look behind me to see a guy start to walk behind me.

TWWWW (sa)

     i feel a weird feeling in my stomach. Like something bad is going to happen. I start to walk faster and I turn around he is starting to run. I dart forward.

     Hopping that my two years of track did my any good. I was making a good lead before I trip and fall straight to the ground. He guy soon catches up and pools me into an ally. I try to kick and scream but nothing is working.

     And then something I wouldn't even wish on anybody happened.


     He left hours ago. I stayed there. On the ground. I finally got the courage to pull on my pants. I feel nasty, used. Like my skin is on fire. I feel the need to take 800 showers. If I can ever manage to stand up.

     It hurts. The places that only a few people have touched. Or only deserved too. You know maybe if lip was here it wouldn't of happened.

     Maybe if he didn't leave me for another girl. I knew what I had to do. I got up. My legs felt shaky and I didn't know what to do.

     I started to walk. I wanted to have a chat with Karen. Maybe even beat her up. Which is a complete lie. I'm just going to tell her that she won. That she can finally have him.

     Her house wasn't that far. I knocked on the door. Sheila opened it up. "Hey Y/n, haven't seen you in awhile" she said with a smile. I gave her a soft smile. "Is Karen home?" I asked in a small voice.

     My voice didn't even work. It felt like that man took it from me. Like he took everything else.

     "Yes she is. She is in her room. You don't look so good. Do you need water?" She asked as she opened the door for me. I knew the routine, take of your shoes. I took them off and shook my head.

     I walked past her and upstairs. I knew the house. I used to go here growing up. Karen was my best friend. I used to spend every day here.

    I knew her room was the same. She told me she never wanted to change it because it was the easiest to sneak out from. And we would sneak out and go under the train tracks.

     That's when we had no care in the world. Sometimes I miss her. But I have Mandy. But she is not the same.

     I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I head her say. I opened the door and saw Karen laying on her bed. She looked shocked to see me here.

     "You can have him" I said with tears in my eyes. She looked at me confused.

     "Huh?" She said as she got of the bed standing up. "Lip. You can have him" I told her as I wiped my eyes. "Lip? I don't know why you mean" she said as she shock her head.

     "Gosh Karen. You see him almost every day. It's like you don't even know. You guys are obviously fucking" I said as I started to get angry.

     "Fucking? Y/n you have it all wrong" she said as she looked at me.

     "Then how is it then?" I asked as I looked at her. Does she think I was stupid?

     "I wasn't supposed to tell you this but Lip wanted help planing your birthday. He wanted to do something special and meaningful. So he came here asking me for help and I helped him. And you can look at the plans if you don't believe me" she said as she moved to her closet.

     My Heart broke. Lip wasn't lying. Now I feel terrible and I blamed him for that guy. And it's all my fault. I collapsed on the ground crying. Karen rushed over to me and hugged me.

     "Hey what's wrong? You can talk to me" she said. That's all I needed I told her about the guy, my wrist and everything. At the end of it she was crying with me.

     This is the only true friend I got and it made me feel good again. She told me what that guy did to me wasn't my fault, that nothing that ever happened to me was my fault and that I was a good person. And I knew she wasn't lying because she saw me though everything as a kid. And I new I could trust her. With anything she said. We sat there for hours. It was starting to get late and I definitely didn't want walk outside. Karen said she could offer me a ride home. I knew I had to talk to lip.

OMG TWO IN ONE DAY. sorry if it's rushed and I rushed all the topics I mean I'm just so exited to do this. Please check out my other stories I'm going to try my best to update daily. And if you have any suggestions please let me know. You can always message me.

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