Killing the turtle

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     I woke up to a very loud bang. And it woke lip up too because I could feel him jump up. "What is that?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper. "I have no idea" he said as he hopped out of bed. That was my cue to get up too. I followed him.

    The sound came again. And we made it out of lips bedroom and I heard Fi shout "what the hell is that?" I shrugged my shoulders and we followed the noise.

     We came downstairs to see Frank, Deb and Carl knocking down the kitchen wall. "You fucking kidding me?" Lip screamed at Frank as we got into the kitchen.

     "Remodeling. Son, grab that copper wire. It's worth a lot of money these days" Frank said as Carl reached his hand in the wall. "No dad stop" Fi said and it got Carl to stop.

     "Why the fuck is our couch on the wall?" Lip asked as he pointed to the couch.

     "We need a fresh start" Frank said as she shrugged his shoulders. "There's a gas line right there" Fiona pointed out. "Oh" Frank said. "All right fine. We'll start the demolition in the bathroom kids" Frank said. Carl and Deb and jumped on and down.

     Lip out his hands on his head. His light green hoodie coming up a little. Fiona was sleeping too, you could tell by her light gray wool sweater that looked like the one from Coraline. That her other mother got her, besides the stars. They all ran upstairs.

     Lip left my side and so did Fi to discover the damages "last time he ripped up the floor boards. Remember?" lip asked as he looked through the holes. "Shirk Fi mumbled. "Said he was gonna put in Saltillo tiles. Of course he never did" Lip said as he went to see Fi. I followed him too. "Yeah and I had to date that flooring guy for a month to get him to finish the work" Fi said as she shook her head.

"What are we going to do?" Lip asked. I think the question was more to Fi than anyone else. But I stayed quiet and listened. "We have to kill the turtle" Deb said form behind us. I jumped a little. I was shocked because it was unlikely for Deb to say something like that. I guess she took the turtle story to heart.

"Daddy and Carl are up in the attic to cut a hole in the roof for a skylight. It's time to kill the turtle" Deb said as she walked down the stairs and infront of us.

"Uhh...Deb's you know that you guys are the turtle in Lip's story right?" I asked her making sure she wasn't going to do something crazy.

"Oh...right" She said as she looked down. You could tell she was confused and I got what she was at least trying to say. I hope so. "That's okay. I get what you're saying" lip added in quickly.

"Thanks" she said as the smile retiring from her face. Lip leaned down infront of Deb's. "Are you sure about this?" He asked her. I smiled at how caring Billy was to his little siblings. "It'll hurt less...than if we wait two more weeks" She replied softly. I gave her a sad smile.

Kids her age shouldn't have to go through something like that. Nothing like that at best. They're just kids. Frank was a sad excuse of a dad. You can't make someone love you when they don't even love themselves.

"Okay" Lip told her. "What's up with the turtle?" Fi asked slightly confused about what Lip and Deb were talking about. "You wouldn't understand" Deb said and walked away. Lip following right after her.

She sighed and looked at me. "I know it's kind of selfish but I'm glad I don't have a dad" I told her as I sat on the counter. "You and Kev seemed to do fine" She said as he looked at the giant hole in the wall. "Well Kev not so much when we were little. Or when I remember. He was super upset that he never got to do the dad stuff other kids did. Since we moved around so much the good people were hard to find" I told as I thought about my younger self.

She gave a small nodd. I didn't really expect her to say anything. Nor did I need the pitty form her at best. It was nice to have someone listen to you and not really talk back.

"Wanna see what they're up to?" She asked. I smiled and nodded as we heard up the stairs.

We made it up the stairs and Frank was in the attic doing something on a ladder.

"Daddy! Hurry! I think I see a mouse" Deb shouts as she quickly goes behind his latter. "A mouse? Hold on I'm coming down" Frank said as he made his way down the steps of the ladder.

"Where's the-" Frank said before lip took a taser and hit him in the neck with it. I gasped before I started to laugh a little. It was so random and I don't even know where he got the taser from.

It was sad to think that right afterwards I would see him at the bar and just build up his tab which he probably owes us maybe over 1,000 dollars. But it was better than messing up the kids in the long run.

It was nice to know that Deb understood in a way that her little brain would allow her too. Carl maybe not so much. I don't think he even knows what's going on half of the time. It sucked for them to go thru something this terrible.

I watched the scene play through. Lip wasn't much to talk about the way he felt or anything above that matter. It was upsetting to see but at least they had eachother.

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