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     We ran into the room and we see Peter on the ground holding his crotch with Carl standing over him with a metal rod with a smile. Thank god nothing happened to him.

     "Looks like we got a priest for V's wedding" I said in amazement.


     I decided that I shouldn't go to V's thing because it would have made Lip mad. Instead we were sitting on his bed studying. More like he was I didn't care that much.

     "Please can we take a break?" I begged him. We have been at this for hours.

     "No, we have to get this done" he said as he took some more notes.

      "Maybe you have too. But I don't, I hate high school" I said as I laid down.

     "Well sorry baby, but don't you need to complete highschool to be a EMT?" He asked me.

      "It's a paramedic ok" I said as I rolled my eyes.


     I opened my eyes to a bright room. Oh my god, I must have fell asleep while studying. Meh, doesn't matter I couldn't care less.

     "Good morning sunshine" Lip whispered. I looked up he was already sitting on the end of his bed studying. When does this boy not?

     "Meh, what time is it?" I asked as I slowly tried to get up.

     "It's like 8 o'clock or something" he said. 8 o'clock? Boy you have to be kidding me. Waking up this flipping early to studying. My life's hell.


     I got up and finally followed lip down stairs. Slow as possible. I am not a morning person at all. In fact I hate mornings.

     "Arson? What are we talking about?" Lip asked as he walked into the living room. V was in her usually bra and underwear. And Kev and Fiona were sitting on the couch.

     "V's brother" Fiona said. "Oh Marty?" I asked as I sat on the bottom of the steps. "You knew about him?" Fiona asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought everyone knew" I responded.

     It's not like V to keep secrets especially from Fiona. But I guess the topic of Marty never got brought up.

     "Remember the fire at Curves in the mall? That was him. He loves setting fires to things and he hates women. It was the perfect storm" v said as she struggled to put her pants on.

     "He's nuts. No I'm serious. He came at me. I had to fight his ass off. Then one time I'm having a brew and he came up to me and his all like: 'Ass cunt fuck' on me" Kev said, I did my best not to laugh.

     "Is he retarded?" Fiona asked. "I wish. Tourette's coupled with bipolar disorder and a drinking problem. He's a shrinks wet dream" V said as she shock her head.

     "What are we going to do?" Fiona asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

     "Kick his ass back to prison. If there's one person you can always count on to fuck things up, it's Marty" V said she she grabbed her stuff.


     "Does this dress make me look fat?" I asked, lip. We were in the bathroom getting ready. It was of hard when all the other rooms were occupied.

     "Baby, you look perfect" Lip said as he kissed me. He had been struggling for the last five minutes to put on his tie.

     "What some help?" I asked as I pointed to his tie. He nodded his head . I pulled him closer to me. It's funny how much things you can learn while working at a bar.

     One time this guy came in and he was wearing a suit. Three drinks in his drunk and tells me how to tie his tie so he can go back to his house and see his wife. Without anything being suspicious. Funny thing is, he was never back again.

     "We're did you learn this?" He asked me as his hands grabbed my hips.

     "I have my secrets" I said as I finished tieing it. "God your perfect" he said as he kissed me again. This time it was different. It felt like we haven't kissed in years. Then he ruined it by pulling away.

     "I'm afraid, if I start I can't stop and we can't be late to this wedding" he said with a smirk on his face.


     "May daily problems never cause you undue anxiety not the desire for earthly possession dominate your lives. But may your hearts first desire be always the good things. Waiting for you in the life of heaven. Amen. You have kiss the bride" The priest finished. The were many cheers and awes coming from the crowd.

     I was so happy. And finally it happen. I have been waiting for this one for ever.

     "Carl stop with the camera" Lip said, Carl was talking pictures but only when people were kissing and making out. I giggled.

     "But it's funny" I said. "No it's not it's weird" he said. "Fine" I told him.

    For the rest of night it was all dancing and cheering. And then Franks speech. Oh boy.

     "Uh... folks, let's face facts. When it comes to the good things, most of them come in pairs. Like your fa jeans. New socks and Kevin and Veronica" Frank said. Awe this actually might be a sweet one this time. "And as it turns out, most people's testicles" there we go. I was kinda waiting for it.

     "So here's to the happy couple. Kevin and Veronica may you always only have two testicles between you!" Frank finished. Everyone has was cheering.

    "It could have been worse" i whispered to lip. "It was kind of nice" lip said. "But speaking of nice, wanna go to the bathroom?" He said. I knew what he meant and I was kinda feeling it.


     I have never done it in a bathroom stoll before but this is new. And I kinda liked it.

     Lip was holding me up by my waist as he was pounding into me. It felt like fucking great. All I could hear was his praises and groans.

     "Oh yeah, give it to me" I moaned into his ear. He kept going harder and harder until I couldn't breath. It felt so fucking good.

    "What me to give it to you?" He asked as he went harder. "Oh yes please" I moaned.

     "Yeah, she said she wants you to give it to her. So just give it to her already! Okay" someone shouted.

     "Marty?" I asked. I man this wasn't the first time he walked in on me having sex with someone and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last time.

     "Y/n?" He asked.

Omg it was kinda a weird chapter n to end it off with but anyway. Thank you sm for the reads n all of the support I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!


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