We are who we are

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It was another morning, I wasn't sure how we went the rest of the day without anyone seeing me, or anyone else hearing that I was back, but today I'd make an appearance to the rest of my family. Hey Cleo? Do you mind if I wore one of your old outfits? Go ahead, actually some of your old stuff is in the closet on the top shelf but it's a little high up.

Where's the old step stool? In the bathroom where it always is. Thank you. At Emma's house she was taking a bath and almost right away transformed. And at home, I went through the closet looking for something of my style. Something that would fit me now since none of my old stuff would probably fit me again after 8 years.

Where did you get this goth/scene/ what have you clothes? You don't wear those kind of clothes. I chuckle. That shows how long you've been away. I give her a look looking her up and down as she stood by the fish tank with a pair of gloves on. What are you doing anyways? I ask her finding something that might fit me, as I removed my night shirt and threw on a different set of clothes.

Girl you have massive abs. Cleo exclaimed. Lots of swimming will do that to you. Just be careful will ya. You don't have nearly as much experience with this whole mermaid thing as I do. I giggled. I finished changing (outfit 32) You are the palest person I know and we live in Australia. Well you'd say the same thing if that were the case and we lived in Arizona. I'm as pale as a vampire when it comes to the sunlight. I don't understand how it's almost always sunny here. And I'm guessing you've probably been living more or less in the water a lot. Sun always on you.

Where have you been staying for the last 8 years? Cleo focus! I warn her rushing over to her when she stuck her hand in the water for water to drip onto her arm. Quickly wipe it off. I'm trying. Cleo! Cleo! Kim called from the other side. Dad says you better hurry if you want a lift to school. Cleo?! It's ok Kim I'll walk. She tells her in mermaid form. BTW whose in there with you?

I'm on the phone Kim. Whatever. If you must know people have been housing me like bed and breakfast type deals but I always come back to Mako most of my stuff is still there I'm never in one spot for too long. What kind of I.D. do you have? I have my real I.D. and I have all kinds of money, I do very legal might I add side jobs. And it saves me time when I don't have to drive or fly places or take a train. All I have to do is find bodies of water.

What about your mermaid powers? BTW those clothes I gathered while you away they reminded me of you. Awe that's sweet. Here allow me.... I say taking my hand and drying her scales. Anyways it wasn't always easy but people always think they see mermaids out and about in different areas of the world. Some of those legends are my doing.

Well fish wise if you must know I was rearranging. If you say so. We need to get the gang together. I'll get my friends you text Jordan. Done and done. On Emma's phone there's a noise and her mom yells up to her there's a picture of a fish on her phone. And then Rikki's phone goes off and she's in the water. When Jordan's phone goes off he's getting ready for school, after his swim at the beach. He comes in through the open window, and changes into real clothes.

Morning Lewis. Morning where have you been? On a jog. I'm about to change into real clothes. He tosses his phone on the bed. It goes off almost as soon as he does. Hey your phone's going off. Who is it? Farrah. What does she want? IDK there's just a picture of a fish. I gotta go he says grabbing his stuff and heading out the window. I'll meet you at school. Where are you going?

To meet up with Farrah. Sure you are that's just like you. Lewis no one's seen or heard from Farrah in 8 years. I'd like to have some time with her. Whatever you say. We all meet up in Cleo's room. This is a catastrophe! Moisturizer is mostly water. Cleo states. If dolphins an swim for miles so can we Rikki states. Been there. I say laying upside down the other way opposite of Rikki. Emma was by the foot of the bed Cleo was leaning on it with a bottle of moisturizer in her hand and Jordan was sitting criss cross on the floor right under my head.

You have beautiful hair he compliments. Thank you. I smirk reaching out to play with his hands. We can never moisturize ever again. Cleo scolds in a worry tone. We could swim all the way to Fiji have you ever thought about that? Rikki asks. Been there done that. IDK if I'd want to do it again my skin got so pruny and wrinkly for what felt like forever.

Emma admits she missed training today, first time in 6 years. See? Cleo points out. That got my attention. Emma I'm so sorry. I say sitting up taking one of her hands. I know how much that means to you. Gone 4 8 years or not. This is not good we have to tell someone our parents a Dr. the police. And then what end up mermaids in a straight jacket with stressed skin? Rikki asks. Yeah Cleo I could've never told anyone my secret that's one of the reasons why I left remember.

They're right Cleo. Jordan don't you agree? Emma asks him. I'm sorry it's 3:1 Cleo take it from someone who stayed after the incident. Not even my own twin knows my secret. No one can know. Not even mom? No Cleo not even our mom can know I'm still thinking of how to let myself be known and explain why I've been gone for so long, think about how long I was away and think about this. But I tell mom everything. Not this Cleo.

I shake my head. What stopped you from telling anyone I came home yesterday? It wasn't my secret to tell as much as I wanted to. Exactly this is all of our secret if you expose one of us you're exposing all of us, we're in this together. This is just too dangerous we could be locked up. Emma reminds her. Why would be locked up? She questions. Because we're different. Because we can do things other people can't do because they're afraid of us.

Another reason I was gone for so long I point out. No one would ever understand, no one that's not like us. One of my biggest fears. If you weren't like me would you be afraid of me? No, but you're my sister. I'd be over the moon that you were home. Nothing else would matter. Yeah nothing until I got wet from tears landing on me. Then I'd transform you'd be scared and wouldn't understand what was happening to me, family or not if there was something abnormal about me the first thing anyone would try to do was try to figure out why and how to put a stop to it.

I'd be treated like a monster and a freak and be isolated in my own home. Or even in a place away from home where no one could contact me or have contact with me. I'd be part of some traveling circus or in an aquarium. It would never be safe for me. I'd have to leave permanently. If you weren't just like me, if neither of us were just like each other. But it's not just me and whose to say there aren't others like us out there?!

Fine I won't tell anyone. Except Lewis. No Cleo not even Lewis why do you think Jordan hasn't told Lewis. I'm not sure I would've even told Jordan if he wasn't like us but Jordan and I always pretended to be mermaids. He might've thought I was playing the part of one of our games. I'd never hurt you or tell anyone even if I did believe you, because I'd believe you and we would've played those games. I would've been so excited.

What is it with you and my sister you're both as pale as a couple of vampires? This isn't Seattle this is Australia. Bright and sunny everywhere almost everyday. But fine I won't tell anyone I'm really good at keeping secrets. She says tossing the bottle of moisturizer. Come on let's go to school. At school the schools popular mean girl was handing out invites for her party.

In honor of Byron. Oh yeah I remember him. What prize did he win? Cleo asked. Whatever it is they give out for surfers. When she gets to Rikki and I she says she might have a blank for her. That the party seemed to be an all show that it was more or less mandatory. Sorry I don't need one I'll be flossing my teeth that night. She states. And you're new here. What's your name?

I bite my lip.... Everyone looks at me. I close my eyes, and take a big breath. My name is Farrah. Nice to meet you. That's ironic haven't heard that name is like 8 years. I want to invite you to my party. Sure. I shrug. Then Lewis shows up morning again Jordan hi Cleo hi Farrah. So, Cleo are you going to Miriam's party? He asks us. Of course why wouldn't we be?

But then Miriam says its a pool party and we all quickly change our minds. On sec thought I think we're staying in that day. I changed my mind I'm not going. And I don't really want to be around a lot of people right now, they all think I'm just some new girl it won't take long before they realize I am the same Farrah. And you Jordan? I'll be hanging out with Farrah instead besides I don't really like Miriam.

After school is over we talk about the party. *UG* its so uncool to miss one Miriam's parties and she'll never ask us again. I'm sorry Cleo don't take it the wrong way but that's a plus. I never really like Miriam in the first place. Look I know it's a pool party and it's dangerous but if we told Lewis maybe he'd be able to look out for us. As much as I agree with wanting to get over your fear of the water Cleo this is not the time.

No you did the right thing Cleo none of us are going. No she's right let's go not for Miriam of course but for Byron. Emma states. Surfing's just like swimming it takes a lot of hard work and training. You need to know everyone's supporting you. You like Byron don't you? Rikki asks her. No way Emma denies, it's just that if we can learn more about ourselves maybe we can control it enough to go to the party.

I told you Emma that's not how this kind of thing works. I say shaking my head 10 secs tail if anyone would've figured it out by now it would've Jordan and I. There's nothing to learn it's really simple. Maybe it's about having discipline exercising some control? I'd think Jordan and I would've learned that by now. But you were 8 when this happened you didn't have a group to help you, you were all on your own.

That's great we'll learn control and then we can go to the party I'll text Lewis.... Cleo you do know you're gonna have to swim to test this theory? Never mind. We head over to the secluded area and the two girls change into their swim gear. Please Cleo? No. She complains. Please? I beg her. Reaching down for her hand. No! She says pushing my hand away. Fine come on Rikki, Farrah, Jordan. Emma calls us.

It's ok Cleo I said tapping her leg in comfort. When they try to test this theory. Jordan and I wait on the rocks and watch them. But it didn't work. I told you I giggled. Emma splashed water at me. Hey?! I grabbed Jordan's hand and we dove right into the water.

Quick hide. Jordan not a word out of you. Girls hide behind the rock. Why? Lewis is coming. He can't see you. Why not? You'll see. Ok, someone gave away my very classified top secret fishing spot, and I bet it was Jordan if for no other reason to spend as much time with Farrah as possible. Before Jordan could object I covered his mouth. BTW I got your message about the party.

Oh about that, that's an old message I'm not going anymore. Fine, maybe I'll just join you all for a swim then. Hey is Farrah back there? Jordan was looking for you. My eyes go wide. Um great where did you last see him I'll go find him? He was right behind me. He says looking over his shoulder, but maybe that was longer than I thought. He says scratching his head. I guess I'll just join you all for a swim then. He says starting to unbutton his clothes.

You can't Lewis we're naked. My face looks mortified. That's hard to believe. I know that Farrah's been gone for you know 8 years but she doesn't skinny dip. She's the only one with a suit on we couldn't convince her. Just a quick dip then? Goodbye Lewis. Fine. He says picking up his fishing stuff.

See, that's why. I point out, then I splash the girls. We're naked?! You couldn't had said we're having a private girl talk or something? And this is why you couldn't be seen because if he saw you and they had an excuse like that he wouldn't had cared what we said he would've seen you and thrown a fit that you got to come with us and he couldn't join us. You knew they'd make up that excuse? Not entirely but how many other excuses can you think of?

When we left we came back to the house or rather it looked like maybe Emma's house. We're never gonna be invited anywhere cool ever again! And why because we've got tails?! My swimming career is over! Emma complained as she went into the fridge and Cleo pulled out a cup to fill it with water. As Emma pulled out the orange juice.

I just have one question.... Why me? I never asked for any of this to happen! Maybe it's some kind of destiny thing I mean Jordan and I always pretended to be mermaids and then we became them, and you're my twin Cleo. But so is Lewis and he's not a mermaid like Jordan. Merman. Right. It's got to be fate or destiny, or some 3rd thing. Cleo takes her hand and makes the water go out of the cup and into her mouth eating the water in midair.

I use my own hand to do the same, as I form little bubbles like circus balls and begin air juggling them and then plopping them into my mouth. You think you've got problems I've been training to be a swimmer since I was 6 months old. Emma complains using her powers to create an orange ice pop. Well say goodbye to those dreams because we're mer-freaks now. Cleo reminds her.

You two are unbelievable. Rikki points out. Look at yourselves! Cleo you're drinking water out of midair and Em you just made an instant ice pop. And then there's always wannabe mermaid twins A and B over here with all kinds of powers that they've have for the last 8 years and anyone would be grateful and amazed to be able to do these things. The two of you have these amazing powers and all you do is whinge, whinge, whinge!

I don't even have a power! Do you hear me complaining? Yes you do Rikki I remind her, you just haven't found it yet. It will come. Trust me. But my point is I don't have one at least right now and I'm not complaining but I'm not gonna stand around with these two if all their going to do is whinge. I'm out of here. Rikki leaves. I know how she feels sometimes I don't even want to hang around me Cleo *sighs* in disappointment.

Cleo decides she needs a second opinion from someone non bias. So the 4 of us Cleo, myself, Jordan meet up with Lewis at the Café and ask him what he thinks about Rikki. You know those stonefish that look like a rock that could shoot enough poison to kill a whole football team in half a second? She kind of reminds me of one of those. Jordan nudges him. Hey you asked there's your answer.

She's really not that bad. I tell him. Suddenly there's a bunch of clapping and then we turn and see Byron and Cleo asks him what his rank is up to now. Next to him Zane. Hey Zane you're dry now that must feel different. Lewis teases. When they leave that's when Cleo says that Emma was right that we should go to Byron's party to support him, and after hearing that I begin choking on my drink. Then glare at her.

Fine then let's go. Really? Yeah, look Cleo I don't get you one min your going the next you're not. And now you're going again. Lewis gets up to leave. Are you coming with me Jordan? I guess. See ya later Farrah. Bye. Another day passes I'm still hiding there's a right time for everything and right now just isn't that time. Emma sits eating breakfast and turns to see her parents walking up the stairs.

Emma has missed another practice, and her parents are worried with regionals coming up. Her mom mentions that she trained when she had the flu and when she had a broken wrist that she swam with one arm. Her dad says if she's really that bad she should see a Dr. But that would be the last thing we want. The next part gets even worse, she doesn't want to see a Dr. but her mom mentions that she notices she's been spending a lot of time locked up in her bedroom and in her bathroom asking if there's something they need to talk about.

Not wanting to have that kind of convo Emma gets up and walks away. At our house Cleo is in the bathroom in a wetsuit and hair net, and gloves with a bucket of water next to the tub in the shower telling Miriam that she's going to her party. To bad after all that and trying to dry herself off that she still transforms but this time everything stays on during transformation.

At the café Rikki sits alone, and Lewis comes up to her asking her if he can sit down. I sure hope so just not with me. He sits with her anyways. So, Rikki I know we've had our differences but I wanted to ask you if you knew what was wrong with Cleo. What makes you think there's anything wrong? It's just that I've asked her to go to Miriam's party with me like 100 times but then she keeps changing her mind.

Like its just that Farrah shows up out of nowhere after 8 years of disappearance, they used to be inseparable, and then she was gone and then she came back and she's always with her again now and so is Jordan. Look Lewis maybe did it ever cross your mind that she just doesn't like you? Actually yes it did but then I know she hangs out with you so that can't be it.

Goodbye Lewis. Wait come on, I didn't mean it like that. Can you tell me what's wrong or not? Not. Please? Look I'm not even talking to her right now and I'm kind of trying to be alone right now, so if you could just keep your distance?! She turns her hand into an almost fist and the drink starts heating up. Now that she's found her power she goes to the beach to test it out.

She then calls Emma, Jordan and I and Emma apologizes for what happened before but its ok because she has something she wants to show us. You found your power didn't you? I ask her. You'll see. We chase after as we head to the beach. But then when they get there. I see Lewis coming and tap the rock. This time I didn't bother getting in, I had a bad feeling about something.

He sees the girls and asks if they're naked again, they say that they're having girl talk and want him to go. No, no I'm here to fish. If anyone's leaving it's you guys. I tap Jordan, and look at my phone. T: Oh no! We gotta go I whisper in his ear. I'll need back up. He nods. Where are you two going? We'll explain later. We run off. Right about that, shouldn't you be chasing Cleo around? Emma asks him.

No, I'm totally over that, trust me, she just can't make up her mind lately. See what I mean she's going to the party again?! The girls give scared concerned looks begging Lewis to go help her. No I'm here to fish. Lewis please this is very important Cleo could be in trouble. But as he's complaining he's not some lackey that jumps when we tell him to he picks up his phone to try and call her back only to hear that her phone is off now.

Look Lewis Cleo could be in big trouble! You like her don't you? Rikki asks him. Yeah, but I mean I guess in a friendship sorta way. Cleo goes to the party saying she's sick and won't be swimming at all. But Jordan and I hurry to the house a couple secs later just after she arrives. She's been told to go outside and not to touch anything and to stay away from all and everybody.

When she goes outside she looks into the water as flashbacks cloud her mind of the night I disappeared. Zane comes to up her.... I quickly knock on the door of the house. Hey, you're that new girl Farrah right? She asks me looking me up and down (outfit 24) Hi Miriam listen we won't be here long, I'm looking for my sister.

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