Happy birthday are you 6 or 16

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Today (outfit 25) was the day before Cleo and I's birthday and it was the first one together since I disappeared we are 16 now the last time we celebrated our birthday together we were 8 and it was just before I disappeared. Only our parents seemed to be worried about us getting to school on time. Downstairs our parents and Kim were whispering about what they were going to be for our birthday.

And I mean of course they were excited to have us all under the same roof again you know me not dead and stuff. And Jordan was over at the house they were getting ready to have breakfast. And I watched as Cleo has done the same thing we always did as kids and that was cross off everyday of the month until our birthday.

Cleo looked exhausted and who can blame her she had been through this every year and probably tried to surprise her by throwing her a party that she didn't want and or wouldn't be surprised or at least pretend to be surprised by them trying to throw her a party like they did every year.

Good morning girls. Dad had greeted us. Pretending like they weren't just whispering about a birthday party. Hey baby girl. I heard Jordan call me. As I felt him lean over and kiss my cheek. Dad kissed our foreheads. Cleo hoped that they weren't just talking about a birthday party for us but she knew better. I gave Jordan a little smirk pretending to play along he turned and gave me a pleading smile. After all they hadn't celebrated my birthday since I disappeared.

You better not be planning our birthday party. Cleo announced. What? No. Of course not. They lied badly. I turned to Jordan with the help us look watching as dad walked away and Kim just shrugged at us as they all left the kitchen while I pulled Jordan back by his shirt. Where do you think you're going? I asked him. Come on babe its your first birthday after coming back home. After 8 years. Let them celebrate it again. Throw you a party even if it is a not so surprise, surprise party that you know about and don't want.

And when its totally lame and it looks like 6-8 year old girls birthday like you know it will be because they're your parents and why would it be anything else especially since your 16 now and its been 8 years since you were here. Lewis and I will figure out a way to throw you a great mature girl people party. And yes I heard what I said we can have OUR party at like the juice bar or Mako or something when it goes terribly wrong.

I'm thinking Cleo knows that that much is true as well but probably not thinking it will be as bad as WE know it will be because they have a lot of lost time to fill in for to get back the last 8 years and probably your parents still feel like you're 8 years old because that was the last time they saw you until a few weeks ago. Meanwhile Zane and Nate were at the harbor and he was on a lifeboat and Nate brought him a fish detector thing so that Zane could find whatever it was that saved him from drowning.

But Nate didn't have the right thing so Zane was upset with him. You know Nate I don't really think you're cut out for this kind of thing Zane was telling him. Oh yeah? Me? What are you doing anyways he'd asked him but that was kind hard to explain because Zane didn't want to seem like he was crazy. I'm on a hunt and when I figure it out I'm gonna rewrite the history books. Nate walked away when he thought Zane was losing it.

Next thing I know Lewis and Jordan showed up at the juice café and Emma was also in there. Hi guys Jordan I thought you were connected to Farrah's hip. She teased looking at his side. I don't see her. Ha-ha very funny Em. We actually came to talk to Wilfred. In all your time living here when was the last time you ever road the waves? Lewis asked him. Never but what can you do business is business. Well then that's gonna all change today you're gonna hire us and go take a nice long relaxing day on the beach. Which didn't sound like a bad idea to Wilfred.

Us? Jordan asked him. But the next thing he felt was an arm around him in a one arm sided embrace and knew nothing good come come out of it this was his twin brother he was talking about after all. He knew what was to come if he didn't just do what his brother asked of him. LT: As bad as you always wanted to be a mermaid it must be challenging you transform and your worst spots are left open. Yeah what he said us. Jordan agreed. I knew you'd see things my way. He pat his shoulder. Lewis gave him a sideways glance that translated into "and that tactic also keeps you out of trouble" as he was also reminded in the back of his mind that it was usually his punishment when we went around pranking people as the trouble twins. So, when was the last time he caused that much trouble?

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