Miriam on ice

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Today Emma was working her shift at the juice café. Wilfred asked her if she needed a hand but she happily told him no that she didn't need any help. She seemed to doing it all and all on her own without a care in the world. Reporting to Wilfred about who wanted what and then going to go back the drinks. Emma I'm really glad that I took you on for this job. He told her. I wasn't so sure about some of your ideas he reminded her. Like alphabetizing the fruit? She asked him. And color coding the juice bottles. He finished. But it all works he corrected. But as Cleo and Jordan and I grew up with Emma we knew that organizing is kind her specialty. It's her thing.

Leaving Wilfred to tell her that he felt comfortable with letting her ruin the café on her own while he was away during the weekend. Is that too much responsibility? He asked her with a big smile on his face. No, no she told him. I love responsibility she told him. And he was even giving her free reign to hire anyone she needed to if she needed someone to give her a hand. But Emma was sticking to her no I don't need any help story. But that's our Emma. She promised that she would be fine and that she wasn't going to let him down. But knowing Rikki I knew if she got involved in anything even though we haven't seen her yet that those words were gonna go out the window. As things normally do when someone responsible hires or works with the lest responsible person they know.

And Wilfred had all the faith and belief in her. He knew nothing could possibly go wrong with Emma in charge of everything while he was away. At home (outfit 5)Rikki was over upset that she was broke and couldn't buy tickets to go to this concert she wanted so Cleo was trying to talk her into getting a part time job like Emma. Nah jobs have this hidden downside called work she complained as I rolled my eyes not that anyone knew that except for me. And then Emma walked in all happy and said she was the new manager of the juice net café. Nice going Em I smiled at her high fiving her. Not surprising since this is you we're talking about but I'm still proud of you. Thanks Farrah she nodded back at me as if she needed the approval in the first place.

She then happened to manage that Wilfred was going out of town for the weekend. Perfect timing Rikki was just saying how she needed money to go to XYZ whatever the name of the concert was called. While Cleo mentioned it to her. I was thinking that since you're the manager now you could give Rikki a job at the café. I cut my sister off finishing her train of thought. So by I you mean we? Rikki questioned turning between Cleo and I because that was a Cleo sentence that you finished cause you don't really care about work either. You just wanna splash around in the water all day with your boy toy that would literally anything for your heart's desire. Rikki teased. That's so not true. I scuffed playfully hitting her arm. Jordan where ya at? She called for him.

Next thing I know a sandwich is plopped down in front of me. A granola bar on the left fruit cup on the right a cup of sprite with extra ice and a bendy straw in purple on the top left and an obviously homemade chocolate chip cookie from a stack of chocolate chip cookies bottom right. Awe did you make her lunch? Cleo cooed. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist a head resting on top of my own as he turned his head to kiss my cheek. Before resting his chin on my head again. Hey uh Jordan did she ask you to make her lunch? Rikki asked him. Nah I just did it because it's about lunchtime and I know my girl hasn't had anything to eat yet today. Right and you were saying Farrah? She teased me. You have the both the worst and best timing. I turn to him. Now what's this you were saying about Rikki working at the Juicenet café? I questioned. Yeah I don't think Wilfred would want me to. Emma shakes her head.

I can't believe you just did that! Cleo whispers at Emma pulling her away while Rikki stays in the kitchen heating up hot water in the machine. Fun isn't it? I lift an eyebrow at her a coy fun smile on my face. Yeah its also really face and really convenient. Just be careful not to set off the smoke alarms I warn her. Do you know how long it took me to figure out how to make heat just the right temp of something I wanted and not set alarms off? I asked her. Because let me tell ya lots of close calls on that one. The alarms go off water everywhere tail on the floor. Look this job is a big step up for me. Emma was telling Cleo. And I get it Rikki is irresponsible but Cleo's point was is that she's our friend and she should give Rikki a job because she really needs the money for her tickets. Not that Rikki actually wanted to work anyways.

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