Sleepover almost disaster party

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It was an ordinary day.... But really what's ordinary when you're a mermaid? Cleo was working some kind of job and Emma and I and Jordan were out in the water with Lewis while he was on his boat in the middle of the water with us when my sister called asking for Emma to talk about some kind of party.

Cleo said this party was a tradition, that she had to have it but Emma was unsure if wanted to have it this year due to recent developments. But then Cleo told her about her new job in the dolphin aquarium at marine park, and the rest of us freaked out. Jordan and I had been doing this for 8 years and we're still freaking out about her job not even we thought it was a good idea for her to do that especially since she had just gotten over her fear of the water the other day.

She said she was aware of the consequences but didn't want that to rule her life and then hung up to go do her job. On our end we saw Lewis reading a book on mystical sea creatures and we wondered if there was anything new it could tell us, and then Emma decided the best way to figure any of it out was to go back to the Island which just so happened to be behind us.

I haven' been there in 8 years Jordan said. Well then I guess now is as any good time then any I giggled winking at him. But we didn't want Lewis to come cause it was something we had to figure out on our own. And we were faster on our own. Back at the park Cleo was doing her job feeding the dolphins. As she was careful not to get wet.

While Emma, Jordan and I made our way to Mako. As we also happened to be swimming with the dolphins, and it had almost looked like they wanted us to follow them, that they were waving at us. M: I think they want us to follow them. Come on. J: Right behind you. We each grabbed a fin of one of the 3 dolphins and we went off.

We began to enter the cave, when I saw something in the sand and pointed it out to my friends. M: Jordan, Emma look. Emma swam down to pick it up it was a beautiful necklace like the one up above. After picking it up we swam into the rest of the cave that had led into the moon pool. At the park, the dolphin trainers were finishing up a show with the dolphins and then it was Cleo's turn.

Out in the audience was a woman, a special woman that you will want to remember. When she saw Cleo she got up getting closer. While Cleo was doing her job she got splashed on by the fish when she put it into the bucket and the lady had thrown her a clean dry towel just in the nick of time. She was suspicious of her and Cleo was "worried" she was gonna get salt water in her eyes and then it would've stung. And the lady said yes it did sting however, for whatever reason not underwater.

She said that these things were a mystery and that she had a lot to learn and that staying dry was a big one. And then her boss came in to get Cleo so she could finish her job. And when she turned back around the lady was gone. With us we were sitting with Rikki and Lewis pulled out all these different liquids he was trying to figure out which would turn us into fish. And that as for the necklace whatever was in was long gone and still didn't tell us why we were mermaids or in Jordan's case a merman.

And then he sprayed mysterious liquid at us. Meanwhile Emma was still going on about her party thinking that this year she would have to cancel worried about having lots of people over at the house and drinks spilling. It was supposed to be tonight. Rikki asked if she would've been invited but Emma said it wasn't gonna be the kind of party she thought it would be cause it was gonna be a sleepover.

When the 5 of us got back together again we talked about the mysterious woman and how she knew it was dangerous to get water on herself which Emma and I freaked out about but she said it was one drop and that she wiped it right off. That everything had been just fine. Cleo said she could do this, and that Emma was just scared for her and scared about having her party. Yeah, come on Emma please it will be my first sleepover in 8 years.

Farrah, you're not a fan of sleepovers. I'm not a fan of makeup, nail painting, childish pranks, or people I don't know nor like, but I like people playing with my hair and having fun with my friends. I corrected. Rikki said she agreed with Cleo just this once and then Cleo asked about the necklace. She decided Cleo was right and called her mom to tell her that the party was back on and to text everyone the invites including Rikki.

Secs later Zane brought us over fake drinks pretending to be nice, and secs later the whole place rang with text messages about Emma's party tonight. When Miriam didn't get invited, Zane said she didn't need one and that they were gonna crash the party. Later that night.... Cleo and I went over to help Emma set up we had special spill free water bottles and hand towels laying around and I think her mom was even more excited about this party then Emma was.

Hi, I don't think I know you. She said to me. What's your name? Farrah. Nice to meet you I said shaking her hand. Now you look familiar or rather your name sounds familiar any relation to Cleo? I know that was her sister's name that poor girl. Never heard her name again till well now. I knew if I said anything that she would ask my parents about it and that would blow my cover.

Then there was a knock at the door and the party began. Saved by the bell. Some of the girls said that they had to be up in the morning for training and she would set up a quiet room for those that needed to crash early she told them even if she wasn't still on the team she still swims occasionally. And the water bottles were a big hit and everyone was having a great time.

When the girls started makeovers Rikki showed up and so did Mariam and Zane her mother was so thrilled to see them even though we all knew she hadn't been invited and Zane wasn't supposed to be here at all. We also knew they had came to make trouble for the party. And she didn't want to kick them out or start a scene in front of her mom, who had invited them to stay, Emma was not happy that her mom had done that.

Later the girls decided they were getting into their pjs and then once they were they were surrounding Zane, and taking the party away from Emma and the rest of us were board cause they had done that, Emma put a stop to it when she dragged Zane away. They went up to her room to talk and Emma pretty much all but told him she knew he was up to something, and then Rikki came in to offer him one of the snacks he'd brought for the party.

He had to prove there was nothing wrong with them and then Emma made him leave. They asked to see her necklace when Emma came back and she took it off while the other girls had a pillow fight that's when things went from good to bad. Cleo and I tried to help a girl get more to drink, and we got water splashed on us. Cleo, help me find that thing in the closet I said taking her hand as we went in and closed the door. I dried myself off, but there was no time to help Cleo so I helped her instead get zipped up into a sleeping bag just in time.

They decided it was a good idea to curl up in sleeping bags and do the light as a feather stiff as a board trick and when they wanted Cleo to do it that's when things got worse Miriam tried to steal Emma's necklace and Cleo and I used our powers to distract the girls by making the water bottles all explode. And Miriam was standing to close.

When Emma came back she came up with a lie, and turned and saw the problem Cleo was having. Emma and I helped Cleo into the bathroom and out of the sleeping bag. While Emma went to go get towels I started helping by heating things up. Rikki was waiting outside the door when she heard Miriam call this the worst party ever and then saw her try to steal Emma's necklace on her way out. She was able to get the necklace back.

Upstairs we reminded Cleo it wasn't her fault she got wet, but Cleo she was the one that made her have the party in the first place, which Emma had admitted that she was glad about and that Cleo was right about the water and not being afraid, and was glad she had that job at the marine park. After that Rikki told us what happened and Emma got the necklace back, Rikki decided maybe her friends on the swim team weren't so bad after all and joined the rest of the girls. While Emma gave Cleo the necklace, she told her that anyone that could hide a mermaid tail during the party had what it took to look after the necklace.

We joined the party and the next day Cleo was working and saw the strange woman again. When Cleo approached the lady turned and saw the necklace surprised she had found the necklace at the bottom of the pool in Mako she said that's where Gracie lost it 50 years ago that Cleo had spirit and that she her friends and her sister should enjoy it that maybe we would be ok. That everything would be ok for us that when she asked the lady about being one of us, she knew what Cleo meant even if Cleo didn't, not yet.

The lady began to leave, but Cleo wanted her to stay that she wanted to know what she meant, and had so many questions for her but the mysterious woman walked away like she was never there. But don't worry we'll be sure to see her again.

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