Our home away from home

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Emma and Cleo were coming out of the movies. IDK where Rikki and Zane were and if they were together when they were there. But Jordan and I had gone for a swim. To our home away from home. Everyone enjoying their time together. Well minus that the other girls didn't trust Zane and it wouldn't be long before they would ask her to choose between the two. Zane or them. And none of us trusted him. But we did trust Rikki. That should've been enough. Zane and Rikki are perfect for each other. At the movies Cleo was very upset because the girl in the movie was wearing her top she was wearing now and in another scene she had her exact same blue dress. Cleo felt she had to clean stuff out because she could not be seen in clothes that was worn by a zombie.

But then that's when they saw Rikki and Zane together. They were also at the movies. They were walking with each other and talking. And they may had just gotten out of their own movie themselves but like probably as a date. Is that Rikki? What's she doing coming out of 30 days of love? Cleo asked Emma. Not even my sister would be caught dead watching that romantic stuff or at least nothing like that. Too mushy for her. They're not one of those couples that sits in the back of dark places like the movies and make out the entire time while watching a chick flick. Cleo continued. So why is Rikki? The least girly of a girl that we know. They didn't seem to know that she and Zane were together. And they didn't like that they were walking out of a romance movie and with Zane none the less.

At first they thought that she bumped into him and she was being polite. But they never knew her to do that. And then they watched as Zane wrapped his arm around her and they smiled and laughed as they walked together. At school the next day (outfit 45) Lewis asked Emma Cleo and I if there was something strange going on with Rikki. What do you mean what's going on? Cleo asked him. They asked him to tell them everything he knew about Rikki and Zane. So Lewis gave his thoughts on Rikki about who she was like how she was stubborn and sassy. But recently he's seen a more softer side to her. Probably most likely from after meeting Farrah. How can anyone not like her? Well there is Zane and Miriam but I can't blame them for not liking her or my brother after what the trouble twins did to them both but as for Zane he's just a rich spoiled kid that needs to buy himself a brain. And then they told us they were dating. Which the 3 of us were confused by knowing how Rikki feels about Zane and vice versa. But they confirmed that they saw them both at the movies.

How together like meeting up with each other? Lewis asked. Like arms around each other and holding hands together Cleo and Emma confirmed for us. But Lewis was in denial. No what you saw was probably just people that resembled Rikki and Zane. And then despite all our denial the other girls wanted Lewis to watch them and follow them and report back. No! Why is it always me that has to do the following?! Do you think I have nothing better to do? Like what? Jordan asked him a raised eyebrow. Well you know uh.... Lewis stuttered. Lewis you are better at blending in. You have one of those every guy kind of faces. Emma stated. And then Cleo begged him a please. And Lewis didn't say no. But he did say he thought she was just waiting for the right time to tell us. And then we all got silent when Rikki showed up. What's wrong? Did someone die? She asked. We're just talking about movies Emma told her. But Rikki was very confused. Why are you all looking at me like that?

Cleo said she wanted to know if 30 days of love was worth seeing. Emma reminded her that it was a romance movie. But her only response was that we should get going if we didn't want to be late. As we rounded the corner Zane and Lewis bumped shoulders and Zane was all like he didn't want to catch anything off of him. Like what? Intelligence? Lewis asked him. Nice comeback I'm totally crushed was Zane's sarcastic response. What a loser. A waste of space. Cleo and Emma were saying while Rikki said nothing and walked on. After school we went to the Juicenet and we sat at a table and talked about what we learned. Cleo said she sat by them both in science and math. But there was nothing not even eye contact. Emma said she didn't see anything in P.E. either. But to Cleo that meant it was pretty serious. Why would they keep it a secret otherwise? Well I dragged Jordan around with me all day so I wouldn't be all alone. As we watched Zane. And for someone who's in love he's still very obnoxious. Lewis started. Yeah if I wasn't a well you know I wouldn't hesitate to prank him like we used to. Jordan teased.

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