The ocean is a friend of mine and without my powers I am nothing

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Previously..... The Dr. Denman has proof that we're all merpeople and of who we are and Zane has proof that mermaids exist. But what's worse is that we have no idea either of them know about this. And yet now here we all are thinking about and talking about Mako Island our home away from home. Sitting on the edge of a dock. Mrs. Chatham was telling us that Mako had been there long before us and will still be there long after we were gone. But what if it wasn't? What if they turned into a resort now that they knew our secret? She reminded us it was another full moon which made even more fun. People know mermaid exist people we didn't want to know our secret and a full moon always made things twice as bad. Oh yeah it's a full moon again tonight. Cleo confirmed. Is it gonna be as bad as last time? I asked her. First we had my anniversary and we had Emma's dad's party where we were stuck in mermaid form. And when we were sirens. And then there was the time we were out setting fires everywhere and Rikki and Zane kissed for the first time. I don't think we've had one since then.

And it happened to be a full moon tonight. As we all knew the full moon was a powerful force I just wish we could remember the things we'd done during the time we had been under the influence of it's power. She warned us this time it was even more powerful. Really how do you know? Emma asked her. I know she told us. Not everything can be explained Lewis confirmed. At least he was getting it now. There see now you're getting it. Jordan nudged him. Do that again I will "nudge" you into the water. You and your little girlfriend too he smirked back at him. That's not funny. Jordan rolled his eyes. Anyways things need to be taken on faith. He continued. Color me shocked who did you body swap with? I teased him back. Right? He asked her. That's right Lewis. She confirmed. But where we couldn't see there were was someone taking our pictures. And I couldn't help but think that we were being watched. I had this overwhelming sensation as my heart beat rapidly. Hey whoa. Farrah? Farrah?! Jordan called as I started breathing heavy. The others looked around for anything that could've startled me. While Jordan held me against his chest his arms wrapped around me.

Hey you're ok. He ran his fingers through my hair. What's wrong? He whispered into my ear. What has frightened you so? I nuzzled into him holding his shirt in my tiny hands with tears pricking my eyes. I just can't help but have the strangest feeling that we're being watched. I muttered to him. While everyone else looked around again. Let's move back from the water. But be subtle about it as if we're getting up to go somewhere else. Actually I do have somewhere I need to be. Rikki said getting up. Not too long after there she was standing against a tree with a tire swing attached to it. I've been looking for you. Zane said. They were so cute all matchy matchy like a real couple dressed in their red shirts and blue jeans. You are not going to believe this! He pulled her away from the tree all excited about something. But that's the problem because she did believe it. I believe you told me to leave you alone?! Rikki confirmed pulling her hands out his own. Is this the start of a bad apology?! There are mermaids he smiled back at her totally dismissing her last comment. I've seen a photo. He confirmed. While Rikki looked concerned ready to jump in and tell him that there was no possible way of there being any proof that what he saw was in fact mermaids.

A photo there's more than one of them but I knew that before because 3 of them saved me and one of them I think was male. They were out by Mako. Where did this photo come from? She demanded. And then he mentioned Dr. Denman. And her cameras and she knew we were in big BIG trouble. He mentioned motion censors and how he was there when she printed out the "big" one. And he told her she couldn't tell anyone yet. So now he was asking her to keep a secret that he knew that we existed and that the people we didn't want to know about our secret that we existed. But he said that he had to tell her. And he was so excited about it. Isn't great? He asked her. Yeah that's amazing. She started. Congratulations. But she didn't look happy and then we sat in our normal both with each other all squished in with an extra chair on the end. So there was a camera? Lewis asked. We didn't see it when we were swimming in. Rikki confirmed. Cleo? I muttered to her switching my head from Jordan's shoulder to hers. I don't feel so good. I feel an alarming feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sh sh everything will be just fine. She scrunched at my hair. Too make things worse it's another full moon. I could feel the squeeze coming from both their hands on either side of me. Trying to calm me down. But I couldn't fight the feeling that within the cameras photos they might have seen us meaning our faces. That someone was watching us earlier that same day.

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