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This was the strangest thing ever. Well to us at least. Rikki and Zane were walking together eating ice cream. When he pulled her in and made her ice cream hit his shirt. You should watch where you're going she teased him. They laughed as he put ice cream on her nose. That was a bad move she told him as she took off running and he chased after her while she giggled running away from him. This was Zane we were talking about. He can not know our secret he'd tell everybody. But we had to have faith in Rikki. He chased her until he caught up to her. Say your sorry he said back to her. But when she refused he tried to shove ice cream in her face. And then they kissed. They laughed as they walked along. They deserved each other they were perfect for each other. They were both stubborn and hot headed. And I love Rikki but she's got a temper and an attitude. And Zane used to pick on us.

But I'm glad to see that she's happy. He asked her to go on his boat with him she said a different day. He said she said that all the time. And maybe they'd see a mermaid. Zane forget about the mermaid she begged him. She said she wasn't getting on his boat. He asked her why? Why? She asked back. Yeah why? You're always so secretive. He told her. And then she looked into a window she saw a necklace that matched Cleo's. And then she went inside to get a better look. Where did you get that locket in the window? She asked the guy in charge. He told her it just came in from a deceased estate. And that he didn't know very much info on the history of the item. She asked to see it. Zane asked her what the big deal was. It looks exactly like Cleo's. So? He asked her he didn't get it.

How much is it? He said it was unusual and an antique and that it was $250. Wait she asked him. She pulled out her phone. You don't charge extra for photos do you? Once they left she said she would see him later and he was so confused. What were you doing with her? Miriam asked him. As soon as Rikki left. Uh nothing he started. Listen girls like getting jewelry right? He asked her. Like for a gift? He asked. Yeah but not that. Miriam said looking at the exact necklace Rikki was looking at. She said her nana would wear something like that but I had a feeling that she was cooking up some kind of plan with the evil smile on her face. Meanwhile Rikki had her phone out showing it to Cleo while she was working. Wow they're identical. Where did you find it? She asked her. At the mall with Zane we were hanging out and.... You didn't tell him anything about the locket did you? We(outfit 46)  asked her. Well I told him it was the same was Cleo's and that I wanted it. She admitted.

And that we're mermaids. Kidding! She exclaimed after the rest of us gave her concerned looks. It's not funny! Emma scolded her. You shouldn't had told him anything. Secrets and more secrets it's getting to be a pain in the neck. Rikki said. But now Emma wanted to find out more about the locket. And right after we ran right into Miss Chatham. What locket she asked us as we went right up to her. And then we all sat down together Jordan had his arms on my shoulders as she looked at the picture Rikki took on her phone. He rubbed them in comfort. Julia she said. And we were very confused. She's gone? She asked Rikki. So Rikki told her what the guy at the store told her. So she's gone she confirmed that's ok she stroked the picture. She was your friend wasn't she? Cleo started. Yes a very special friend Miss Chatham admitted. A friend like the 5 of you. She continued. Yours belonged to Gracie she told Cleo.

The one around her own neck she said had been her own. And then she looked at the phone again she said the one Rikki had found was Julia's. Rikki promised her she would get it back for her. And that she would make sure of it. As she took her phone back. At that we all got up. Emma made Miss Chatham a cup of tea and told her she was sure Rikki would get the locket. And there the rest of us had sat with them. Miss Chatham told us she didn't want to be a bother and we told her it was ok if she didn't want to talk about it. But she said that talking was good healthy even. Tell us about Julia Cleo asked her. Miss Chatham went into a flashback said she was 15 years old. She said she and her friends had been just like us. There they had been getting into the water into the moon pool. She had been about the same age as the others when they first became mermaids. She called it exciting and unbelievable as they looked up at the full moon as it came over the hole where the top was. And the water bubbled and particles danced in the air like they had done for all of us just not all in the same year. It was magical. She said they shared the secret and they shared the adventure. I don't have to tell you how special that is. She came back to the present as she opened the locket of all of them in it.

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