Evil mermaid cult

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Today (outfit 13)myself, Jordan, Emma and Lewis went to Mako and we had finished helping Lewis pull his boat up to the land when we got there, and we were there to try and find out how this happened and why it happened. You see that volcano all the way up there? I asked. The caves are up there. Emma pointed. Where we got our powers, let's go. Jordan finished.

When we got to the above ground entrance that's where we parted ways, otherwise we'd get wet from the waterfall. So, how do you get down there? Easy we swim. Jordan shrugged like it was as easy as saying that 2+2= 4. Which seemed pretty obvious to me since I knew the whole island like the back my hand.

Whoa wait so there's another way? I didn't have to hike already up here? I could've swum? 50 meters? Emma questioned. Without coming up for air? I giggled. Yeah right. Jordan teased. Ok, ok you got me, you got a good point. See ya guys on the other side. Either way its better this way, air is good and it's better if I discover it the same way you guys did it's more scientific that way.

Ok, but we didn't all discover it the same way, Cleo and I knew it was here for a long time, and I got my powers 8 years ago on a full moon from sleep walking. And I got them about that time too just the next day ironically enough also during a full moon. And it was a full moon when they got their powers too, I pointed out. You know? Lewis questions. I was there, this is my home away from home.

Ok, just be careful not to fall. Emma reminded him. Guys I'm a scientist, I think I know what I doing. He says before falling. Nice job Lewis, this is exactly how they discovered it the first time. I called down. On a different note, Jordan nudged me.... Are you ok? Fine. He called up. We'll meet you down there. Emma called down to him.

When we arrived.... Wow! The guys looked at it in awe. Pretty cool huh? Emma questioned. Why are you gawking in awe? I asked Jordan. I haven't been in here forever. Hey, there's someone's stuff here in the back like a HQ kind of bedroom. Lewis points out. Yep, I know it's mine.

So, where do we start? Emma questions. First I wanna map the place out then I wanna collect rock and water samples. Lewis tells us. Something in here triggered that transformation and if I can figure out what that something was, I can figure out how you guys grew those tails. And then we can start asking those why questions.

Meanwhile on land at the café.... Cleo and Rikki were looking at a flyer for the sea queen pageant when Miriam came by asking them if they were thinking about joining but Rikki said she would rather die. And Miriam said she was gonna enter and that they were just jealous and if Cleo was thinking about not to bother to save herself the trouble and not tryout, but Rikki insisted that Cleo didn't want to do that anyways.

They were talking about how instead of skintight dresses it was a costume and the theme this year was marine which was ironically conveniently right up our ally. At home Kim was home asking for Cleo, complaining that she's never home anymore and wanted to go into her room to borrow a belt.

Too bad she found something more interesting like her diary and Cleo had written about her secret life as mermaid, and about me coming back and Kim was reading through it wondering if it was all true. At the marine park where Cleo was working Miriam and her friend showed up and saw Cleo working there. And was bragging about the competition and how her costume was to die for.

She said no one was on her level in the pageant except maybe her friend Tiffany who might at the least get 2nd place. When her boss asked her to work extra hands for the pageant that's when Cleo made her plan. At home Kim was acting suspicious asking our mom if she thought that Cleo had acted a bit strange lately. As if she might be in a cult or something.

Mom though that was ridiculous. Although, the other night when she put out 5 plates that was a bit odd, but Kim do you even know what a cult is? No, but I know that it makes people do weird things. When Cleo got home she had to talk to mom and it was about something that didn't involve Kim and made her go away.

She asked mom about sewing, not right then but later on because she said right now she had fish that needed her and that made Kim even more suspicious. On the other side of our bedroom door, Kim had her ear and a glass up to the door, listening for something anything unusual, but on the inside Cleo had her gloves on and her fish floating in the air.

While she cleaned their tank, and was sure not to get a drop on her she thought it was easier this way. When Kim came into her room after knocking first, she asked Cleo why she was always shutting her door. To keep you out Cleo told her. Did I say you could come in? Why do you need to keep me out? Because you're annoying now get lost bye.

Before Kim left she looked at the fish tank seeing there was no fish or water in the tank. What did you do with your fish? They're in the bath, she told her, but when Kim went to go look when she came back everything was back in place. How did you do that? There was nothing in the bath? Did I say bath I meant the bucket. After that Kim left.

When Cleo was done she sat at the kitchen table working on something while Kim sat on the couch pretending to read something for school but was really reading Cleo's diary. What are you reading? Mom asked her. Something for school. Kim said. Must be cool, mom said. Oh believe me its very educational. Kim said going back to her reading.

While mom was cleaning she knocked Cleo's water and it spilled on her, Cleo freaked out. Cleo ran to the bathroom making sure no one was watching her and closed the door as she transformed. But the door wasn't fully closed and as it finished closing Kim saw her tail, and was shocked and speechless.

Kim ran right over to Emma's house, and studied Emma when she was let in looking for her younger brother Elliot. I have something to tell you. Kim said, everyone else went to Emma's room to "help her clean her room." Kim took out Cleo's diary and told him to read it. He said he wouldn't read it cause it was private, but she insisted that she thought that it was possible that all the girls, and my other sister's boyfriend Jordan were all mermaids, and I think maybe my drowned sister Farrah is possibly alive and that she's hiding somewhere and that it's possible she's also a mermaid.

But it was at least all in code, but she said it was all there. But Elliot thought she was crazy and that it may just be drawings. But she thought if she was right that we had powers over water and that my sister was in hiding for a reason. Besides I saw my sister in our bathtub with a tail. Then Emma came down and overheard them talking.

Emma didn't hear anything they were saying but said she was only getting a drink and Kim thought it couldn't be water guessing we probably can't touch the stuff. But then she pulled out a water bottle. Then put a straw into it, and walked away back upstairs.

You were saying? So, what? She's smart she drinks her bottled water with a straw so her skin doesn't get wet. But Elliot didn't believe her. So, even if that part isn't true where is this supposed to be drowned twin sister of hers? Huh? Elliot questioned. I'm not sure but I'm gonna find out. Besides a couple nights ago Cleo set the table for 5 people, there are only 4 of us.

I'll see you at school, Elliot said to Kim pushing her out the door. Fine but if you don't open your eyes you may be their first victim. As if we're dangerous. Later that night when Elliot was in the shower, he had been in there for 20 mins and Emma wanted to shower, so since she was upset that there might not be any hot water left, she used her hand to lean against the door frame and inside the shower it turned cold, the water turned to ice, and started falling on top of him.

After that he got out of the shower into a rob and looked at his sister suspiciously running away from her, but now at least Emma had the bathroom all to herself. Now he called Kim back and thought that she was right and in the following morning (outfit 26) they had a plan on how they would get their proof.

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