Maybe you're not as bad as everyone says

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Today (outfit 43) Jordan and Lewis had come over to the house and Lewis said he was pumped and thrilled and ready to go but disappointed that Cleo and I were not. And by the look on Jordan's face he didn't really want to go either. He reminded us that this was a fishing competition. Which may be why as he said it out loud why we weren't too enthusiastic. He reminded them that they enter every year well more him and Cleo Jordan always had an excuse as why he couldn't go. And now Cleo might have a good reason too all of us. But it was disappointing because it seemed to mean a lot to him. Cleo was sorry but told him she couldn't this year. He thought it was because our dad was a judge but Lewis is a scientist he should be more worried about the stuff that Cleo Jordan and I were afraid of. Fishing meant water water meant turning to a mermaid in front of everyone equals not good equals experimented on.

Lewis felt this would be the first time he was gonna win and upset that Cleo couldn't be there. He was more upset about the fishing and her not being there then the 4 of us getting exposed. Weren't you gonna win last year? Jordan asked him. Cleo agreed but Lewis didn't much care for his twin brother's teasing. As he threatened to get him wet as he was the only one of the 3 of us that wouldn't transform. Hey that's exactly what we don't want. Cleo reminded him. Bicker somewhere else. Teasing or otherwise. Anyways yes he turned back to Jordan before turning back to all of us. But last year I didn't have this. Jordan rolled his eyes. Someone's gonna get hurt on that thing. He warned. And I'd rather not be a test dummy. Cleo asked him what it was and apparently it was a lure he made himself. Then dad came down he said hello to Jordan and questioned Lewis on if he broke something but then he told dad that it was his new lure dad asked if someone sold it to him and then he said he made it.

We all had little smirks on our faces as dad questioned Lewis he seemed to like Jordan and wasn't too sure on Lewis. He asked dad what he thought of it and dad said as a judge he shouldn't give his opinion. Which seemed logical to Lewis. When we went to the juice café we tried to convince the other girls to help us out tried to convince them how fun it would be and how we should be supporting Lewis. But Rikki said fish hooks made her nervous recently and that she had something better to do anyways. When she tried to leave Zane walked in and they almost walked into each other as if they'd had an awkward break up. Meanwhile Cleo Jordan and I met up with Lewis outside where all the fishing people were meeting up and even Nate was there and dad was talking to people about the competition. And according to Lewis he couldn't win unless he beat the best of the best. So, there Lewis went down to the docks and apparently it would last 2 days and who ever caught the biggest heaviest fish would be the winner. But there was a problem and that problem's name was Nate. He set a trap for Lewis as he took some fishing line and made him trip on it when he cast his line and fell into the water.

At least he wasn't a merman. Everyone but the 3 of us laughed at him. And then when he got out he went back to the café Cleo said she tripped all the time that accidents happened but when we saw Nate Lewis said it hadn't been an accident. Lewis pushed at Nate exclaiming it was him that did this to him but Nate teased that Lewis was an armature and couldn't even fish. We tried to warn Lewis that Nate was all talk and Lewis said he didn't care what Nate thought but he was going home but if Lewis does that Nate would win that's what he wanted. Meanwhile Rikki had run into Zane at a hotel. What are you doing here? He asked her. A little surprised but more so surprised than rude. And then she asked him the same thing. I asked you first he said. I asked you first? How old are you 10?! She asked him. He told her that his dad was a speaker at the seminar and that his dad begged him to come. And that it was totally boring. Which she knew all about. Meanwhile at home Lewis came over because Cleo wanted him to use her fishing rod.

We had faith in him she told him it was top of the line. But with how enthusiastic we had all become suddenly he had to know why we suddenly cared so much. Cleo claimed just because we did and he was glad but I knew her tone of voice and I figured she probably had a plan. He said he just needed to make a few adjustments. And that's when he brought out his lure that looked like an uncooked piece of pasta. And when he went back Nate had hooked a fish and dad was so proud. And then Lewis said he got one that he had caught a bite after Nate told him to get all packed up and go home. But it turned out to only be a tiny fish compared to Nate's. The 3 of us decided we had enough so we went down to the ocean to our spot where we transform. Under no circumstances were we gonna let Lewis lose to Nate or be anymore humiliated. And then Emma came to see how things were going. Said it would be going better if he could catch a decent sized fish then she asked where we ran off to.

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