Find your voice

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Today (outfit 9) we were all at the juice bar cafe place everyone was listening to Miriam sing. And she sounded good I'd give her that. But I knew I could sing circles around her any day anywhere any time.

Cleo on the other hand my sister was gifted with many things but singing wasn't one of them or sewing for that matter I have no idea how she is at acting but she's over her fear of water now.

And we were all about to hear her sing this would not be good but Rikki put our names on the list. I heard the owner say Cleo's name and she tried to not go up but Rikki was encouraging to her.

Even though Lewis was just saying how much he hated karaoke he changed his mind right away we thought Cleo would make us proud put only I knew the truth. But I gave her a supportive smile and a thumbs up.

Actually its not me that can sing its my sister. She's the singer. She tried to encourage. But Miriam knew things were coming up her way and everyone would love her more after hearing Cleo sing.

You're going to regret this. Emma warned Rikki. She'll be fine. She told Emma. You haven't heard her sing yet. I warned her as Emma agreed with me. But Cleo tried anyways and then everyone started booing at her and laughing.

She started crying as the mic was taken from her. Cleo was so embarrassed. She sat back down at our table and the owner was too surprised hearing Cleo sing that he skipped over me which was ok with me. Hard to follow that.

I think you did ok Cleo. Lewis told her. But she just held head in her hands trying to hide her face. While Emma and I offered a comforting rub on her back.

Some time later Cleo went to work and was feeding the dolphins practicing her singing. But even the dolphins hated her singing. Come on I don't sound that bad do I? She asked them. The next time she opened her mouth I did the singing.

She jumped. Sorry didn't mean to scare you. Hi I waved. The dolphins clapped their flippers I dramatically bowed. Thank you, thank you I'll be here all afternoon. Really? Well I came to see you. I'm working. She turned back to the dolphins.

They jumped at us almost splashing us when the strange women came by and warned us about the full moon tonight. Yeah thanks we're already preparing for that but will it be worse than it was last time?

Will anything weird happen to Emma or my sister and Jordan again or Rikki or I? Because I would hate that. She warned us that no matter what we did never to touch water on a full moon. Which I knew and Jordan knew and now them.

But that didn't stop us from nearly giving away our secret last time. Cleo's phone rang and mom wanted us to go pick up some milk. But when she got off the phone the lady had disappeared. I wish she would stop doing that. She *sighed*

It's ok Cleo ya'll will be ready this time. I rubbed her back. Ya'll? Where do you think we are? And you grew out of your accent. By the time you got back home. Cleo I barely had one to begin with as it was. Come on lets get going.

By the time night came all the girls were over and Lewis and Jordan. Jordan we didn't mind having over but Lewis wasn't a mermaid. Which in hindsight is probably a good thing cause he was the only one of us not affected by the moon.

Why are you here Lewis? Rikki asked him. We were supposed to be having a sleepover tonight keeping each other out of trouble but also of course now that my parents knew the "truth" my family was watching me like a hawk now.

Not a good time to be a mermaid on a full moon. Hey, I'm the only one of us here that won't be affected by the moon so if someone falls asleep I'll be right here next to you. Is that so? I've got my eyes on you both. Dad told them.

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