Short film contest

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Today (outfit 33) we were all sitting at a table watching a short film Lewis had put together from the short film contest last year at the juice bar café place and it was literally the cutest thing ever.

For whatever reason Emma wanted to do the short film contest but we had to pay special attention the rules. It's a short film contest you write a short film how hard can it be? Rikki asked. One of the films got disqualified for being 7 secs over 3 mins last year. Cleo told her.

Geez these short firm people take this contest really seriously I complained. No offense Lewis that was a really cute video you made for last years I wish I'd been there for it. I frowned. T: And I could've been if I hadn't been too scared to show myself until now.

Luckily this year the theme was heroes and to me there was no bigger hero than the ocean herself. After all she had saved me from drowning by turning me into a mermaid so that I wouldn't had drowned and died for real but that would be kind of hard to film.

And because of Zane's dad both being one of the judges and being wealthy and generous the prize money had doubled as our reward for winning. Making Rikki want to it that much more. I guess I would sit back on this one I wanted no part in any of it.

Don't get me wrong the short films have always turned out cute but they were a lot of work and not worth my time. At least not anymore. When we were little kids before the drowning incident Jordan and I had made one of us pranking people, harmless pranks might I add and we not only had won that year but people learned to fear the trouble twins.

And we'd won the year after that too for our surfing short film video. But now it just didn't seem worth it. Especially because of the money it wasn't about the money it was always about having fun.

Why does Zane's dad get to judge? Rikki asked us. Well for one the obvious but he was a genuine hero himself up above the bar hung this wave rider and Emma was telling a story about him going riding it to Mako and back in record time.

IDK how that made him a hero but Zane was of course determined to win the film contest. You know if I was entering I'd pick you Farrah Cleo whispered. Me? Whatever for? I asked her. I'm not a hero I shake my head.

At least not the kind that we can share. I added. You're be my inspiration everyone thinks you drowned and died and you would be living proof that you turned out just fine not to mention that you saved us that night that we became mermaids she whispered even softer. Even though we had no idea it was you.

Ok, that's great and all Cleo and I love you dearly but even if everyone knew I was really alive even though most know that already and somehow our parents don't know but that sounds more like an inspiration piece than a hero piece.

What about you she asked me? Who would you pick? It's not a who she's the ocean. She? Lewis chocked on his drink. Of course she saved me from drowning by making me into a mermaid and so the ocean is a friend of mine she could've let me drown and die for real but she saved me instead. Ok but what about the ocean makes it a she? Lewis asked me. It just does. I shrug.

But if we were gonna insist on doing something together we needed to do research and by research Emma meant movies. Cleo had romance movies Emma had foreign language movies and Rikki had Jaws since it wasn't romance and shark in every language was still shark and she didn't need subtitles to know what was going on.

But just before that Rikki said to Zane.... Your dad was a real hero huh? You must've been such a disappointment to him. And even though Zane didn't say anything and wasn't gonna show we got to him I could tell he looked hurt. But for as long as I can remember Zane had always been a jerk and part of it is Jordan and I's fault he and Miriam were our usual targets for pranks.

On Zane's dad's boat he brought him a DVD of old photos he had a hard time getting a hold of. And his dad said it wasn't easy that he had to dodge stingrays and sharks and total exhaustion to get that record and it had taken him 35 mins a record he held for 20 years that Zane wanted so badly to break.

But his dad seemed to only be reminiscing about his past not caring what Zane had to say of how many hours he spent looking for all of this stuff and told his dad someone would break it but his dad told him no one could. No not anymore not now for two reasons it's a shark breeding area now and two the most important Cleo's sister Farrah drowned there.

Her family lost one daughter and almost the other 8 years later almost to the day same with Lewis his brother Jordan almost died and drowned Mako was deemed to dangerous and Emma and their friend almost drowned and died out there too when they were all out near Mako I would've hated to tell their parents about that incident. It's far too dangerous out there now.

Back at the juice bar café place Lewis had no idea still what he was gonna do this year but he wanted Jordan's help to do it. And as the 4 of us sat down at our own table Emma decided we should use the idea that was most developed already as in her own. You have an idea already? Cleo asked her. This is Emma were talking about. Rikki stated.

But while Lewis wanted Jordan's help coming up with an idea he was anything but focused as he watched me. I think the title should be called "my mother" she told us. But to Rikki if they the hero didn't have superpowers a human shouldn't be caught on screen. But she said her mom was a real hero that never gets her face shown on the screens.

And there's a reason for that. Emma told us she already had an entry form and that she was ready to go. Jordan? Lewis nudged him. But Jordan looked like a love sick fool caught up in his own world. Jord? He called again. Before he smiled and wet his finger before sticking it in his ear. *Ug* Lewis?! He whined nudging his head against his shoulder before using his heating powers to dry the inside before he had time to turn.

At the sound of his childish whine I turned and laughed. I have an idea. He beamed. Great! Lewis thought. Oh sorry not anything you can use and it was an idea for me for my own personal business. If she'll let me. She's not exactly a hero. No, and she hasn't been "exposed" to being alive yet. If she'll let me I can make a film about her and it could be a fun idea of showing people she's alive but I'd have to get her to agree for me to use it if not I'd just keep it for myself and film her anyways.

And hope to get footage of her not watching me. Like right now. He said taking out his phone putting it on recording mode making funny faces making me think that he was taking selfies but really he just wanted me to laugh. But he got what he wanted. Me laughing and saying his name while he smiled in the background.

And then Lewis smiling trying to give him a second wet willy as he moved away this time. Lewis stop he whined laughing trying to shove him away. You wouldn't want to break your phone would ya? I suggest you put the phone down and help me with my own project. Fine but that's going on the bloopers.

I'll have to edit it later. He said shutting off the camera. Juice time? 4? Make it 5. I giggled. Got it she ruffled my hair. Luckily Jordan had caught the motion on his phone before Lewis shoved him out of his chair. As she asked for the drinks and another entry form. Jordan asked for one of his own as they both got handed to them.

But at Emma's house I wore my hat and sunglasses and one of our old wigs. As we worked on our project Emma interviewing her mom while Lewis worked the lights Cleo wrote down things and Rikki recorded everything. It was so awkward. While I was there for moral support and Jordan had gotten some shots of me in my disguise he'd do the voice over later.

But while everyone was taking a break Jordan myself Rikki and Lewis had our own things we wanted to do. Rikki wanted Lewis's help shooting things underwater and wanted to go to the North side of Mako Island and film sharks. Jordan wanted to get underwater shots of fish and the ocean and of Mako Island with the little hideout and the moonpool with its sky roof. And wanted to go back again at night and shoot the evening there too. Shoot our little HQ that was still there as well.

Lewis thought it was a bad idea for Rikki. Jordan had convinced me we were doing this all for the sake of fun. For his own little video. Shouldn't you had asked for my consent for that first? I giggle. Too late for that I've already got a little bit of it. And I wanted to know for some crazy idea of mine if you could let me make my own film of you like Cleo wanted of you coming back from the dead. I could get you saving people and cut out the mermaid part.

You could come back to life and let people know you're alive or I can just shoot things for the fun of it make a little video and I can keep it to myself. And of course I'd make a full short film bloopers and all and save that for myself without the editing and make one with editing if you'll let me make that video.

IDK Jordan I frowned. I can't make my parents angry or upset with me if and when they find out I'm back I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell them. Other than I'm back and came back and that when I drowned I hit my head and was lucky not to die but had amnesia and had been coming back to Australia and Mako Island but didn't know why and that my friends and my sister had been helping me figure that stuff out trying to think of the best timing when to tell my parents I came back.

So, that's the story we go with. I cut out your words so that it doesn't look like a lie and use voice over. But they'd want to cry and I'd get wet. Then you tell them you don't want tears because you're still shook up and trying to ease yourself back in wanting to go about it your own way. And they'll believe you. And be happy and no one will care because everyone will be happy. And you can claim just like Cleo to be afraid of it now, that it brings back bad memories.

But of course I'd have to interview you for that part and you don't seem to actually turn when you cry anyways. Cleo was crying over Pluto and never turned. IDK how but she didn't. We can do a reenactment of when the girls and your sister found out you were alive but you'd have to wear the same outfit again. Give your explanation all over again. The long film before cutting it to 3 mins I'll keep and the mermaid stuff I'll cut out of the one I edit.

And I'll make a copy of the whole thing minus the mermaid stuff as a video to show your family the whole thing after the events of the film contest. With parts of the voice over and your own words. But what if my parents hate me and yell at me for not coming back or they don't believe my story?! They're your parents they love you unconditionally. Just like I do. You love me? I smiled blushing putting my hair back.

Of course I do love at first sight. I remember it like it was yesterday and I'll have to find some old footage of our trouble twin making prank days. And you and your surfing competitions with everyone chanting surfer girl surfer girl. And we can take shots at night and recreate the night you drowned. Shoot that stuff in the evening. Have Cleo calling after you as you get into the boat that is now named after you as you this time "sleepwalk" back to Mako and fall in and wake back up. I'll get the splash and then I'll do some funky editing stuff to make it look like you're always just swimming under water or get you transforming and then when I go into to edit it make your mermaid form look like a cartoon.

And you can be all like this what really happened to me and it can be like all real but people will think it was just a fantasy segment part of the film and everyone will think it was just for the film because your family knows how much you loved mermaids and how much you loved Mako and your HQ. And you can watch all the way through on your own and they can watch all the way through with Kim and Cleo and when the movie is over and everyone's crying that's when you show up and tell your side of the story.

Ok I'll do it! I smile. Now let's get started. And in reality this will probably be the end after all the end is only the beginning. And what parts are you going to show for the short film? A picture of you with the newspaper article a few secs of Mako and of the HQ and the ocean. Then a little bit of the recreation of that night it happened and do a few secs of one of our pranks and a few secs of surfer girl and then me convincing you to let me shoot this coming home video. That you were a hero because and mention the incident of you saving your friends and Cleo even though at the time they had no idea it was you.

Have some words in the back of your whispering back and forth to your sister while she's asleep that you were alive. Those strange dreams of you sending her those dreams. It would start of probably telling a story of the girls and Mako and them wondering how they got saved something like that. That it will be you coming home but the ocean will be part of the hero story you were talking about. I like it. Maybe it's time I come home. I'm sorry it took me this long, and I love you and I hope you can forgive me for not coming back soon enough.

Did you get all that? If you're gonna do this we're gonna do it right. Come on I waved him. But while we were filming our stuff for his film idea Rikki was saying her project was heroes of the deep getting footage no one else can get. It will be great. She tells him. Rikki told him to think of it as a back up plan thinking that she would never win with Emma's idea. But Lewis said no. Oh and I'm in for your idea Farrah, Jordan I think that's a really cool thing you're doing. You are being so brave. I'm sure your family misses you. Lewis told me. Yeah and we can get the girls on it and we can help you make it.

Rikki agreed, and I love the cartoon idea of our mermaid secret. You must be a wiz at film making and editing. She praises. You haven't seen anything yet Rikki he tells her. So with Lewis saying no and Jordan and I needing our own footage we decided to leave Lewis out of it. We didn't need him to help us anyways we were mer people. We can help each other.

But at the café Zane said he wanted a form for the contest but Wilfred told him he wasn't eligible since his dad was one of the judges. Zane was not happy about that and went to go find Lewis who was busy fishing. Ironic still isn't she? Zane whatever you want the answer is no! Lewis tells him. When Zane wanted to do a reenactment he knew we already told him that and that it wasn't original. And he told him he'd be capturing a moment in history that Lewis would film the whole thing.

So, he had to bribe Lewis by offering him his camera after they finished filming his stunt. And then Lewis was on board. And at Emma's once it started getting dark we managed to get our earlier footage and we could shoot the late night footage tonight when we were done here. And it was such a pity that Lewis was missing this.

And after we were done there we met up at the boat dock where my boat was and I closed my eyes I knew it was supposed to be fake but sometimes when I sleepwalk I look wide awake. We shot the reenactment of the first part. And then went to Mako and we used our powers to heat up the water in the pool once I "fell" in and then got a shot of the moon which I'm glad was not full tonight but beautiful just the same. And then we shot the part of the girls swimming in the ocean and me helping them get to the surface just as it happened the first time minus the being mermaids part.

That would all be cartoon. And in the morning we'd put on the clothes we wore then and shoot the arrival part of me coming back. And proving it, but we had Emma's film to work on until then and on the side Rikki was working on her own film. Since Emma's wasn't going very well. We would shoot the morning stuff in the morning and we already had my "confession" and my story of what I said happened. And I had the videos of me surfing when I younger and a part of the end result of our prank video and Jordan and Lewis had dug up the article from 8 years ago from me drowning.

This was turning out to be easier than we thought it would be, but we had to make sure all of it was under 3 mins. Except the whole thing for our family. And we had made it a mystery film calling it "ocean or girl whose the real hero?" Meanwhile Zane was at the café and was gonna get the surfboard thing his dad used from it so that he'd have it for his own film. And in the morning the girls shot our stuff while Lewis and Zane did Zane's film.

And when we got back it was just Emma and Rikki and Cleo hadn't come back yet. But they got right to it. And while Emma was suggesting things Rikki wanted to "test" things while they thought of a plan and she would use this time to work on her own film work. We were doing like 3 different projects at once and even if Jordan's idea didn't win everyone would still know the truth.

Only problem was where Zane was gonna beat his dad's record and they both were excited to do so as Zane zoomed off Lewis was having a problem with his boat he couldn't get it to keep going and now Zane had been nowhere in sight. At Emma's house she was asking her mom if she had saved anyone ever and she talked about a time she saved a boy when she was 12 and if she hadn't he would've drowned and Emma really wanted the name of this person.

It turned out that boy was Zane's dad and that after the incident he seemed to avoid her. But she remembered thinking that if she didn't save this boy he could've died and it was a lot of pressure for a 12 year old. Rikki was underwater still shooting sharks around the same time Zane was slicing through the water on the wave rider thing and Lewis hoped he was ok because it seemed he had flooded the engine.

A shark saw the boat and knocked into Zane and he fell off the wave rider thing and into the water. That was not good. Zane was surrounded by sharks and Lewis finally got the boat working again as he went after him to help him. Luckily Rikki happened to be nearby and her Zane screaming for help. Rikki used her heating powers to scare the sharks away from Zane even though she didn't like him she couldn't let him get attacked by sharks.

By the time Lewis got there Zane was saved. And they got back to his dad's boat and watched the footage they had for the film they made. And because only Zane knew what had happened his dad thought he had made it because he knew he couldn't break his record. And wanted Lewis to get rid of the film. And at Emma's she got her mom her certificate since her mom said she finished the training but never got it and she had it framed for her.

But when we all came back together she had changed her mind about filming her story. Sometimes heroes didn't need their stories published sometimes it was better just knowing the truth. You're right Em which is why Jordan's idea to bring me back to life is a good idea after all. I said taking off my disguise. Her mom was in shock.... You-you're.... Yes, I'm Farrah, Cleo's sister and its a long story the short version of it you can watch at the film contest and the longer version we're saving for a our family.

Lewis? Rikki asked him Hm? I need a favor she told him as they left the room. But when she told him what she had done and had no idea how to turn it into a film she tried so hard to figure out how but she decided she couldn't show it anyhow. But at the short film festival Lewis turned his footage into a comedy but Rikki didn't think it was funny because she had been there.

We do have one more video to show tonight made by Lewis's brother Jordan. Brace yourselves. Ready when you are Jordan. This film is called Ocean or girl whose the real hero? It started with a picture of me on the newspaper. Farrah, a girl a that drowned at Mako Island a little over 8 years ago some say she died since the body was never found. There was a shot of the ocean. And the photo of the newspaper. When she was a little girl they called us the trouble twins for our pranks. He started. As we heard a scream from a young Zane or a young Miriam as everyone laughed.

We were feared and respected. She was known as surfer girl for her amazing surfing skills. A lot of people cheered me on as I surfed the waves. But then one tragic night happened. At 3am 8 years ago almost to the day. Everyone thought she was dead. There was the footage of how Cleo reenacted calling after me in my boat as I "slept walked" to Mako like I done once before. But do you know the real story about what happened?

There was a shot of me walking towards the moonpool and the a shot of the HQ.... I walked into the moonpool and under the water used my powers to make the pool bubble and then a shot of a moon as I transformed. And for the transformation it was a cartoon body of a mermaid. This is what really happened. The ocean wouldn't let her drown but she did hit her head, she was lucky to be alive.

No one found a missing body. Why? She had disappeared but always came back over that course of 8 years, but didn't remember why or what for. Then there was the scene of the girls jumping into the water of the moonpool and using our powers to make it bubble again and cut me out of the shot to help them up onto the boat we had used my boat. And then the scene where I came back and proved I was alive. She saved her sister and her friends that night they were caught but was scared to come back.

But the girl we thought was dead is alive all this time. And he had footage of me laughing at the café the first day. And us at the docks. Ok I'll do it! Come on let's get started! And then an ending shot of me jumping into the water and splash! As the end. Everyone clapped and cried not sure of tears of joy or tears of sorrow or relief. There ended up being two categories one for comedy and another for mystery. We won the mystery, and Lewis won the comedy and Zane won best actor.

He wanted to donate the prize money the company for the café for any trouble he had caused. He walked out to the docks with the award and Rikki followed him out. Rikki praised him for his stunt work with the waver rider said it took guts. But to Zane she was the only one that thought so. And at home.... Mom dad Kim? Cleo asked coming home. I had went to my room through the window to watch the whole thing the whole edited thing.

They came to meet her at the door. I have an extended version of Jordan's winning film I think you need to see it. Trust me. And you might want some tissues. She put the DVD in the player and hit the lights as it movie played and the rest of the family gathered at the couch. For the most part it was a repeat of what was said and what had been shown as mom cried. And then the part we shot of my story happened.

IDK Jordan I frowned. I can't make my parents angry or upset with me if and when they find out I'm back I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell them. Other than I'm back.... I had sat down and cried while saying this whole part trying to explain myself. Which just made my mom cry more. My friends and my sister had been helping me figure that stuff out trying to think of the best timing when to tell my parents I came back. But what if my parents hate me and yell at me for not coming back or they don't believe my story?! They're your parents they love you unconditionally. Just like I do. You love me? I smiled blushing putting my hair back. Of course I do love at first sight. I remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe it's time I come home. I'm sorry it took me this long, and I love you and I hope you can forgive me for not coming back soon enough. And then it ended the same way it ended with the big splash. And in it had my explanation of not getting wet because I feared the water now bringing back bad memories.

Cleo is this why you tried to set up those plates for 4 of us that one night? Our mom cried hugging her. I think the explanation would make more sense if *sigh* if I gave it myself. I said coming down the stairs with tears in my eyes hoping that they wouldn't hate me. But they hugged me and cried while I gave my "confession" and my story that I had planned. Of course we forgive you, there's nothing to forgive you were under a lot of pressure and you were scared. And we could never hate you. You're our daughter and we love you and we're so glad you're home. I was so glad I wasn't turning into a mermaid right now with everyone's tears getting me all wet.

I'm sorry we ever doubted you Cleo. What about me? I was the one that thought she was still alive. Granted I also thought my sister and her friends were mermaids but I see that part's not true after all she'd be a mermaid right now with all the crying. So, it can't be true anyways. Kim decided and thank G-D for that. We love you sweetheart. That was such a brave thing you did, I knew I recognized you somewhere but you know you're all grown up now.

Are you hungry? I can make you your favorite foods as a welcome home present. IDK how you've been eating when no one knew you were alive. Cleo brings me food. I nodded my head at her. They were so glad I was home that they didn't care about how or what had happened and would respect my water wishes. And not to mention Jordan was right all along. Of course they couldn't hate me. And they were right its not like it was a situation I could've helped. The ocean saved me and I had saved my sister and her friends. We were all one big happy family again now.

And despite the sharks now that everyone knew I was alive after all and the HQ was still there it wouldn't be thought of as, as dangerous as it was before this time. But it made me think about how Jordan confessed he had loved me. I picked up my phone once I was ready for bed for the night. And texted him. Me: Love at first sight?! I love you too! <3 XOXO You made a great film and the bloopers are to die for XD ;)

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