Our first full moon together

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Hey, where are you going? I asked coming out of the bathroom (outfit 30) to see Cleo leaving it. Don't you think that shirt is kind of ironic she laughs at me. Yeah, that's why I'm wearing it. I'm leaving to go help Emma set up her dads party. I'll come with you. And risk her mom seeing you or even her brother? Cleo asks closing the door. She's met me before from Emma's party. That's where she gave me the necklace to look after remember? I ask her picking it from my dresser and putting it around my neck.

But her brother doesn't. Fine, don't say I didn't warn you. Cleo I'm great at keeping secrets I did it for 8 years I shrug. Yeah, I know. Come on we're picking up Rikki and Jordan on the way. Actually.... I pause. I turn and open the window, and caw. He leaps in and hugs me. You already called him here? Cleo questions. Yeah, I mean Jordan always knows when a parties going on kind of like a blood hound.

At Emma's Elliot is double knotting the balloons for the party when Emma starts freaking out because they're black. And shortly after Cleo, Rikki, Jordan and I walk in. My gothic dream. Rikki teases. It's not funny its my dads birthday and everything needs to be perfect.

Emma talks to Cleo about having the fish ready and at the place by 7:45 sharp, Rikki thinks she looks stressed. I'm not stressed. Emma tells. But Em you're grinding your teeth. I remind her. It's called a smile Farrah, she whispers my name. Then Elliot comes over with the balloons. Elliot don't just do black and yellow get other colors too. Ok, alright, he says tossing a balloon at her face as I hold back my laughter.

If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. She mumbles at us. Emma hands us a each a piece of paper with the stuff we're doing on the list for the night saying that we'd have meet and greets from 8 - 8:40 and that her dad would be home by 8:50. And what if he doesn't? Jordan shrugs. Was just gonna ask that. Cleo and I say in sync. They laugh cause we did it in sync. Just like old times Cleo laughs.

Later she says we'd have celebrations and party until some 9ish time I forget what she said not that I or Jordan could probably stay. I get this cold feeling on the back of my neck. Sis? You ok? Ah, Jordan complains rubbing the back of his neck too. Why is my neck cold all of a sudden. You too? Well gee not for the last 8 years. I shrug.

Ignoring that. Emma looks at us confused. Emma says that she even had a speech prepared and has worked it down to 26 mins. And wants to test it out on us. She reads us the first part. Rikki gets up and walks away to sit in a chair at the end while Cleo and I listen and Jordan plays with my hair. That's beautiful. Cleo and I say together. Do they do this all the time? Rikki asks her. Yes! Emma and Jordan say in sync this time as we all laugh.

At the marine park where Cleo was working the lady that knows we're mermaids and about the necklace warns Cleo not to look at the moons eye. The moons.... She questions? The full moon. Cleo looks at her in shock. See you know, she gestures to her. It's dangerous. Well, I mean IDK about dangerous just that when its a full moon my sister sleep walks, and sometimes sleep talks, and 8 years ago she became a mermaid her and her friend Jordan both.

Don't ever look at it or its reflection and whatever you do don't touch the water. She warns. That's what happened to my sister, she could look at the moon all night long she must've saw it when she was sleep walking. She took a little boat and road it off to Mako and walked towards the moon pool reaching up for the moon then slipped into the water and nearly drowned and became a mermaid.

Her boyfriend Jordan went out after her the very next night. When Cleo looks away after we all call for her, when she looks back the lady is gone. When we come she tells us what she saw that she was standing right beside her that she knows about us and said that the full moon was dangerous. I rub my neck again. My neck is cold again. Gee mine too. Do you know if its been 8 years to the day yet? I question him.

I'm not sure, I lost track. I'm so cold. I wrap my arms around me. That's weird you never get cold and I don't think fish do either. Cleo says. Yeah besides it doesn't get cold here. Jordan says wrapping his arms around me to keep me warm. You're shivering. I shrug my shoulders. Well, I mean she could know something, it's not necessarily dangerous but that is how we our powers.

Then Emma shows us her new shoes and then Bryon comes by and she flips her hair as she walks by. T:It's already happening, Emma's not acting herself. Since fish can talk to each other under water, but we can't "talk" under water we can read each other's minds. JT: Farrah? You ok? MT: Fine, its just we're both cold and Emma is flirty, that's out of her character. I'm worried. JT: I'll be with you the whole time.

Something wrong? Just the sudden cold spell? I lift my eyebrow in question. At the house, Emma's mom loves that she's going through all this trouble and that her dad will love it too and she knows that it will be a party that no one will forget for a very, very long time. That could very well be true if tonight is a full moon again.

At the party (outfit 10) I put on a hat and sunglasses. Just in case my parents show up at the party, and Cleo whispers to us that she's been thinking about the full moon thing. We're mermaids not werewolves. Rikki mumbles back to her as Emma mans the door. What's with the hat and glasses? Jordan asks me. In case my parents show up, and besides if I'm right it could be a full moon and maybe 8 years to the day if with the sudden cold feeling. Gosh I feel sleepy.

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