You're making things worse

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*Ug* they were at it again! IDK when or how or why it started but today Cleo came down to scold Kim about her MP3 player. First she asked her if she wanted to listen to something good and when Kim said yes Cleo told her she couldn't and neither could she because she had broke it. Kim obviously got offended. She said she never touched it. And that maybe Cleo would like to do her own washing up. She stepped closer to Kim since dad was in the room and didn't seem to know Cleo had been paying Kim to do her chores for her. Cleo said she paid her good money to do that and Kim was once again offended because she thought it more as small change.

Kim thought that Cleo was using her like a slave to do her chores. Using her so that she could hang out with her friends. And our sister who BTW has been missing for 8 years need I remind you?! Don't bring me into this! My friends are not dumb! You are! Cleo told Kim. Well then I guess I'm too dumb to do the dishes then I'm on strike! She told her. And Cleo looked upset. You can't do that! I'm pretty sure I can Kim said tossing a wet sponge at her. Soaking her shirt as water flew almost on me as well. I ran after Cleo into our room as she stomped off. And then she transformed. Mom got involved as they came knocking on the locked door.

Mom asked Cleo to come out there and talk to them but she said she couldn't. Mom said Kim said Cleo had been bullying her. Cleo said that wasn't true. I have to agree with Cleo mom that's not bullying that's just the two of them bickering like sisters. Would you stay out of this?! Kim scolded me you're gone for 8 years no one knows where you've been you come up with this story that you had amnesia come out of nowhere and you try to push yourself back into the family like you never left! You don't get a say. Anyways I tried to talk to her about it maturely like you tell us to but she just runs off! Kim that was really uncalled for mom told her. Apologize to your sister right now! Why she's the one that started it?! The other one obviously. Why it's true?! And they had lied to us about it ever since she got back until they made a film about her coming back. They talked about the ocean as if it were a real person.

Please like the ocean can save people who drown in it. Kim?! She's right mom Kim has every right to be upset. I disappeared and came back without a trace saying here I was 8 years later and making Cleo hide me until I was ready to show myself. Because I felt bad. And what does she do? She runs off with her boyfriend the boyfriend she's had ever since she could pretty much talk. Mermaids this trouble twins that. Kim you are too young to even remember any of that happening. I've got it all on video and there are these things called stories and some have scrapbooks. You don't even stick around you go off with your boyfriend and Cleo and never hang around here! You've been avoiding us ever since you got back! Then I have a good reason to then don't I? For times such as these! I did not! Cleo exclaimed about her running off. I just had to come dry my hands. Why it's not like you did any of the washing up?!

A few moments later Emma Rikki and Jordan showed up. Hi girls hi Jordan. Dad greeted them. Do me a favor and never talk to me again! Cleo was saying to Kim. Fine I won't! Kim agreed. And that one can do us all a favor and go crawl back to wherever it is she came from we were doing just fine without her and her story is too suspicious oceans saving her from drowning having amnesia showing up after the water police find Cleo and her friends on Mako Island. Kim you leave Farrah out of this! This is between the two of us she has nothing to do with this! Exactly its like she's not even here. Was she hear the whole time and we didn't even notice? Who knows? Let alone who cares?! I was upset but not because she was upset with me but because I was upset with me and Kim had every right to be upset with me. But yes I believe maybe it would be best if I never came home. Not that I could ever say it out loud but I feel that my sister and my friends probably knew me better than that by now already. And if that weren't enough Cleo had had it with Kim about us both. So she told our friends she'd be ready in a moment then made the water explode on Kim when she was doing the dishes.

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