Finally I have proof

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Under the water Lewis was swimming around with us. But it felt kind of like a double date. Lewis was looking for us while we hid from him. Not sure if it was supposed to be more like tag or hide and go seek. But he looked mostly dressed the part to be under water. Cleo was playing more like a hiding type game while Jordan and I played the game more like tag but with each other but every so often watching Lewis and Cleo play their own game. The 3 of us all had these big grins on our faces. MT: Tag you're it. I reached for Jordan connecting through to his mind. While at the same time Cleo reached forward and grabbed Lewis's flipper. He turned around as she smirked back at him and we popped our heads out of the water. I got you she giggled at him. You're it! I tapped Jordan again. As he rolled his eyes although with a grin also on his face smiling from ear to ear.

Wanna go to the moon pool? He asked us. Sure we complied. Great I'll get out and walk around he started. No I know a short cut. Cleo grinned back as she dove under the water. Race you. I turned back to Jordan before diving under as well. Cleo wait! Lewis called to her before she took his head and they swam together diving down along the water. Until we got to the cave entrance and he got out. I win I smirked back at Jordan. Yeah yeah he pulled himself up out of the water attempting to splash back at me. And Lewis got out too and then Cleo swam up watching the 3 of us. But neither of the two of us got out. I watched as Lewis made a heart in the sand by the edge. Jordan felt that was child play and made one in midair by using the power we share with Cleo and then freezing power. I took it as it fell into the water. As Cleo splashed up at Lewis. It wasn't long before our double date was moving on to the outside.

Meanwhile Emma was at home while her parents were packing beach towels. Her father exclaiming they had only 3 weeks to go. 3 weeks before what? Emma asked. Turns out they were getting ready to go to some kind of beach resort and her mother said her father pulled some strings and got them an apartment right next to the pool. Yeah I see that going well. And Emma said she wasn't going. Her parents were very confused. As to why she felt she couldn't be go going. She said she couldn't go. Her father said it had already all been arranged. Her mother said Emma looks forward to this holiday every year. Well except this year now that she's a mermaid and her parents don't know her secret. And her brother does as well said he counts down the days till this day. She said she knew that and then her mother held up a trophy something about how they always win at water polo every year as a family. Which was another problem.

Ah I see what's going on she exclaimed. You do? Emma asked concerned. Yes you're getting older her mother continued. She thought Emma was suggesting it was a bit uncool to go on holiday with her family. Although Emma said no that wasn't it my IRL sister would feel the same way. She's never home and never wants anything to do with us then again she's 17. And probably felt that way ever since she could talk at the tender age of 9 months. Anyways Emma disagreed she told her mother that she wanted to go. But? Her mother asked. Her mother said she could tell her. But Emma said she couldn't and that she wasn't going and to just leave it at that. And then went upstairs.

On the island after our little swim. There was a boat there. Cleo and I (outfit 49) were sitting by each other on a picnic blanket. Lewis still looked very wet then again he didn't have to worry about wet or not because he's not like us. But that didn't put a damper on any of our happiness. We were impressed they had gone through so much trouble for this. Maybe it would be a little hard if he was wet and his residue of being wet onto us. But we were happy and we were hungry after a swim. Cleo was surprised that it ended up with the two of them. Who would've thought? Um well everyone except the two of them or Cleo for that matter. We leaned in to all kiss but Lewis pulled away as he got up to go to the boat where he pulled out binoculars and he saw a boat like an actual boat I'm pretty sure by what kind it was it was probably one of Zane's or his dad's rather. Which would be bad if he had actual proof any of us were mermaids or that they were real.

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