I got it

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We six (outfit 29) were all walking near the beach one day when Lewis told us that he'd figured out something having to do with our transformation. To be perfectly honest I wasn't paying attention, then again why would I need to?! Jordan and I have been mer-people since we were 8 years old, and the girls have figured it out by themselves for the most part.

Was it the tail for you Cleo? Rikki asked her. Since she was going on about how we kind of already figured that much out ourselves. Ease up on Lewis guys he's only trying to help. Cleo defended. Exactly, you see the world of science can open up many doors, answering the questions of life.... Or something like that he'd told us. But you don't care do you?

Jordan and I were listening I promise, but we were a little distracted by being cute as he leaned over and intertwined our fingers as we swung our hooked hands as we walked with the rest of the girls and his brother to go do to go wherever or do whatever it was we were doing. Guys I'm gonna have this great opportunity to, to, to oh forget it.

We stopped walking as Jordan and I separated and he and Rikki encouraged him to continue what he was so excited to go on about whether we cared about it or not. He was excited about this Denman Dr. lady coming to the marine park where Cleo was working to do dolphin research.

And he wanted to talk to her about her research in hopes of helping to figure out us and our powers. But Emma had a point. How are you going to get in touch with this Dr. and her research Lewis? She'd asked him. I have my methods. He mumbled. No way! Rikki exclaimed, you're not going to tell a real scientist about us!

Guys this is me we're talking about. I'll be careful. And what do you mean by "real scientist" he asked Rikki. She can't know about us. Emma reminded him. What if she wants to dissect us? Rikki asked him. Or wants to go public with us? Cleo asked him. They're right brother, we can't see this going right at all, if you expose one of us you'll expose all of us and that includes me.

Jordan reminds him. That and if she went public on us Cleo and Farrah's parents would know she's alive before she got a chance to tell them herself and which would've proved Kim and Eliot's theories all along minus the evil cult part. Jordan pointed out rubbing his thumb over my hand.

But Lewis wanted to get us all answers and he really loved science and really wanted to get his hands on her research but how was he planning on doing that without him spilling his guts to her about us. Which Rikki then said my thoughts out loud wondering the same thing the rest of us we're thinking.

I was thinking charm? He teased. No seriously Cleo asked him. As Jordan lifted an eyebrow when he said that. I'm serious you guys all I'm asking here for is for you all to trust me. Come on Jordan back me up here? He asked his brother. Ok, we do need to know what has happened to us Cleo confirmed. And you won't get to meet her anyways Rikki informed him.

Yes, I will he told Rikki then turned to Cleo since she works there and the next day (outfit 35) she toke Lewis with her to work and they stumbled onto an area they weren't supposed to be in when Lewis opened the door and saw all this cool science stuff. So, what do you think she looks like? He asked her. Well she spends a lot of time in the water, I'm thinking maybe a prune. Cleo said almost sounding like she was jealous.

But if that were true we'd look like prunes too, but then she came in lab coat and all and she was beautiful. She came in and Cleo stepped out of the way. Can I help you she asked him. Then they introduced themselves. Leaving Cleo kind of a 3rd wheel more or less. You're the one that sent me 48 emails about the research assistant position? She asked him shaking his hand. Yes, I am. He tells her.

He gives her his resume and she seems to be very much looking forward to working with him and then he introduces Cleo and Cleo asks if they can see what she's working on currently. But unfortunately and suspiciously she kicks them out since she's at a very critical stage of her experiment but will look at Lewis's resume.

After leaving work and meeting up with the rest of us Cleo tells us all about her while Emma tells us that she looked her up and that she seemed legit. I bet she's not even a real blonde! Cleo says jealously as the rest of us laugh. What? She asks us. But Cleo was worried about Lewis that we should've seen him that she was worried he'd fall under her influence and tell her about us.

And we meet back up with Lewis at the juice café place and ask him just what it is he thinks he's going to talk to her about while all he wants is one faith from us to him and two access to her lab. You mean to tell us that you didn't notice she had a pretty face? Emma asks him. No, I'm a scientist you think I noticed if she had a pretty face or not?! Besides she wasn't that special anyways. He says as his phone rings then he gets excited that it's her.

This worried us, especially my sister since know we knew that he had her number in his phone already. When we heard his nervous laughter we were reminded that, that was not good at all. Is he twirling his hair? Emma asked the rest of us. Oh boy Jordan concurred as we laced our fingers together and he pulled my head onto his shoulder as his other hand ran through my hair and I cuddled up close to him. He's got it bad.

Well then that would be the pot calling the kettle black wouldn't it? Rikki gestures to us. We're a couple and we've known each other for like 16 years its different. Technically it's only been 8 since I was gone for 8 but I know what you mean I correct him. Then we see Lewis laugh and compliment her sense of humor as he sits on the pool table while some guys try to play a game. We're in big trouble Cleo concurs.

And he was ready to give himself over to her day or not to work with her and that he was counting the mins as he hung up with her and came back to sit with us. We'll I'm convinced. You can't be trusted Emma tells him. He thinks that's silly and takes offence to this. Lewis forget about her for a min she tells him, this is us we're talking about. Do NOT reveal anything to her.

And the next day (outfit 2) at the marine park Lewis went back. Only to turn around and find her in a wetsuit in the water with the dolphins. She introduced him to Marge the dolphin then handed him a special underwater camera as she stripped from her wetsuit into a swimsuit underneath. They went to her lab where she was finishing getting dressed and he started messing with the equipment.

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