She drowned

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That what everyone thinks anyways. But, that's not what really happened, and its a miracle that, that's not really what happened in the end. It happened 8 years ago. I should be about 15 going on 16. I've known Emma since we were both about that age. My twin sister Cleo is now afraid of it.

Our little sister was only 5 years old, she should be about 12 now, we're about 3 years apart from her. We'd gone to the beach, tonight would be a full moon. During the day we'd came across this island. I'd surfed there plenty of times before. I'm really good at surfing, not so good at the swimming part.

Probably how that above part came to happen, and I am lucky to be alive. Our parents told us that we could go out and surf whenever we wanted to, as long as we stuck together. Cleo and I did everything together. I liked pretending that I was a mermaid. I loved the water, but couldn't swim very well.

On this island there was a volcano, it basically was the island, and in it, where lava probably used to be, it hadn't erupted for like a long time like 1,000 years probably by this time, that's how long ago. I always had a hard time sleeping. I'd gone out.... But, like I'm one of those clearly wide awake kinds of sleepwalkers.

I barrowed a boat from the docks, and went out that night, it was a clear night. And since I was sorta kind of asleep I didn't wake my sister. But, she must've seen or heard me leave, cause she's also a light sleeper, or knew that something was wrong because she followed after me, but was too far behind.

Farrah?! She'd called after me, but with the motor running I didn't hear her. If I'd been awake maybe I would've I'd been told I do strange things in my sleep. The boat was going pretty fast, I just for whatever reason had to get to the island. In it was a little moon pool, something about the full moon had always drawn me to it, to the full moon. I loved the moon, Emma was kind of the only friend I had aside from Cleo.

Emma understood me to some extent since she likes swimming to and is a competitive swimmer, even when we were 8 years old. Cleo had gone back inside to wake our parents. Cleo sweetie go back to bed its like 3am. Farrah's sleep walking again! She cried. She took a-a boat, and is headed to the island that we always go to. In that moment they spring awake and got our sister out of bed, and raced to the docks to get our dads fishing boat, he owned like a majority of the dock, he had his own company, and was a great fisherman.

I'd docked the boat, my parents called on the radio of the boat to get a rescue team out there. I got into the volcano part. I looked up through the hole, mesmerized. I just wanted to reach out and grab it, but with one slip, I fell into the moon pool and as the moon shone down on the pool bubbles started rise. I was still asleep, but after getting touched by the water I was wide awake, and taking on water.

But, I was surprised by what I saw next. A tail began to form. I *gasped* in shock. I knew I couldn't get caught or I'd be experimented on. By the time someone got there it was too late. I was a mermaid now. At least part one anyways. I'd have all the powers that my sister and her friends would soon have 8 years later. But as far as anyone knew I'd drowned.

To look on any bright side, I was actually safe, but could never show myself again. The rescue party couldn't find me. But they swore they'd seen a mermaid tail, but they could've just been tired since it was 3am. But I got my wish, but because of an accident. For about 4 years my father never stopped looking for me. They'd mourned over me, but weren't sure if I'd really drowned or had been saved.

I didn't have any kind of grave. My sister was heartbroken the most. That if only she'd gone with me, woken me up instead of turning to go back inside. That she thought she could've saved me. But it wasn't her fault. I was scared by what people would think about me if they saw me as a mermaid, even though this had been my dream, this was what I always wanted.

In those 8 years I traveled the world gone to places I'd never been to, but as an 8 year old girl who had been born and raised in Australia that was kind of hard. Swimming was much faster, now that I was sea creature I could swim so much better now, and nothing bothered me, and no one, not even sharks. I stayed away from humans. But I always returned back the moon pool it was my home.

It was now time for me to come home for good. I was 16 now. I felt a little guilty for staying away, but I was more scared than anything. They even had dedicated a boat to me. The boat that I'd gone off in that day. No one uses it, Cleo won't go anywhere near the water or touch it. But she never thought she'd ever have a good reason to keep away from it. That she'd ever "suffer" my same fate. My real fate, what had really happened to me. And I'd be there at the end to make sure that she and her friends would be ok.

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