Don't get too close

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There Emma and Rikki were. Emma was taking pictures of people while waiting for Rikki for some reason or another. She apologized for being inconsistent lately. Emma told her it was ok because she knew that Rikki would tell her when she's ready. And shortly after Bryon showed up. And came over to say hello. So I stand out do I? She asked him. He meant it as a compliment but he told her she was dependable always had the same look and the same vibe. It's like you can count on the sun and Emma. He finished. But her smile had dropped to a frown. And confusion. But after he left she wasn't sure if that had been a compliment or an insult. And Rikki wasn't really helping things because she told Emma it was a toss up. And then they met up with Jordan Cleo and I (outfit 44)at the marine park at a table for lunch. While Cleo served us. Which was odd because that's not the part she usually worked.

Am I predictable? She asked us. I didn't want to get in the middle of whatever this was. So I let Cleo answer while I felt Jordan grab my hand under the table as we interlocked our fingers. Let me answer your question with a question. Rikki started. Do you count how many times you chew each mouth full? She asked. What does that have to do with anything? I asked her. That's not being predictable Emma cut us off. That's just good health sense. She told us. You know what I think? Cleo asked us. I think our lives have gotten so nutty lately that it's nice to have a normal person we can rely on. But by the look on Emma's face she didn't like hearing that either. So Emma came to the conclusion that she was in fact predictable. That's not what she meant. I reminded Emma. The sun and Emma I know what this is about. Rikki said. This has got nothing to do with Byron. Emma told Rikki. Uh huh. I nodded along not convinced.

You guys just confirmed it for me Emma said. She didn't want to be dependable anymore but being dependable wasn't a bad thing and really neither was predictable. She said she needed a change and then proudly announced she was coloring her hair. But I wasn't sure that was a good idea or if it would stick because coloring you hair meant water. And getting wet and mermaid. And then Miss Chatham came over to us glad that she bumped into us as we greeted her. How are you? Emma asked her. She said in all honesty she was very concerned. As she normally is when she comes to us. She never comes to just say hello and talk about the whether. It's always about some kind of warning and about being exposed. Where did she come from anyways? Always showing up in the right place at the right time. She told us that we all must stick together no matter what. As if we didn't already do that already. And so when she was concerned the rest of us were also confused and concerned because she was also cryptic with her warnings.

You must be there for one another promise me she told us. Emma told her she wasn't sure what she was so worried about. But as far as Emma was concerned there was nothing she wouldn't do for any one of us. Including Jordan. And we all smiled and agreed with what Emma said. Cleo agreed that we were all like best friends and Farrah and Jordan have pretty much been BF GF since they were 8 years old. Cleo reminded her. We have no secrets. She shrugged her shoulders. I had to think about that one. I didn't think I did I was sure of it. But its possible that someone at this table did but I knew it wasn't Jordan or my sister. We all agreed with Cleo but Miss Chatham looked at Rikki when she said she was glad. And Rikki looked confused and worried. How could it possibly be possible that she knew she had a secret she was keeping from us. And what had it been? Rikki held her shoes in her hands as she walked the beach and then Zane showed up. Rikki? He called to her and they were kind of matchy matchy. Both wearing blue and red and he also had his shoes off in his hand. So when? He asked her. When what? When are we going to go out? He had a big smile on his face. The two of us? She had this look on her face like she was ready to laugh at him as if that would ever happen.

She told him he had to be kidding. He sounded disappointed. That she had to be the one that was kidding that they were disappointing everyone. Disappointing who? She asked him. As they walked along the beach together. Your friends. How are they ever gonna tell you that I'm no good for you if you don't go out with me? And then she laughed as he smiled. They challenge each other and have more in common then they thought. They were perfect for each other but Jordan and I always used to make trouble for him and Miriam and he was always making trouble for us and people like Cleo and Lewis. And what about my mates? They're just waiting to hassle me for hanging with the "Freaky weird chick." As he put it. Come on a lot of people have a lot of riding on this he nudged her. Wow you have friends? Rikki come on he begged her. Zane we can't. She almost sounded disappointed. Forget it. You may be saying no today he started. But the other day when we kissed your lips they were saying yes. Zane the list of reason why we should never ever go out is endless. And on top of it until a few days ago the thought of him made her hurl. And now? He asked her. I-I found you less repulsive she picked her words carefully. He felt that was progress and then Rikki turned around to see Miss Chatham standing on the boardwalk watching them.

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