But we're not sick

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This (outfit 40) morning we were at Emma's having yogurt as part of our breakfast. It was us 4 and Jordan. We were trying to go on our way to school only to discover it was raining not a problem for humans but a major problem for merpeople. Not so much for me since I could go to school or not if I wanted to I wasn't exactly registered for school exactly but going somewhere so that I wasn't around the rest of the family when they didn't know I was there. But now they just haven't enrolled me yet but that didn't mean that the rest of them didn't have to go to school. So, we had to come up with some reason to not go to school say being sick.

And to top it off they were supposed to have a biology exam in class today. Yeah being sick on a day you have an exam that's believable. Did anyone hear that sarcasm? We have plenty of time for that. Rikki said. But Emma didn't want to miss it because she had studied all weekend. Because of course she did. I mean as she should but this is Emma we're talking about so.... But it turned out Rikki nor Cleo had studied. I made Jordan study I smirked at him. And even I know the answers. You got Jordan to study? How? Cleo asked me. Lewis says he has trouble getting him to sit still long enough to study. Well he didn't sit still for me either we made studying into a game.

For who? He crossed his arms. Well for me mostly and you were having fun too you were laughing. What is so funny about studying? Emma asked us. Its not the studying its when he gets them wrong. So, in a way even Jordan studied. Otherwise he wouldn't want to go to school today either. Does it show? Rikki asked after getting back to Emma's question on if they studied or not. Cleo said she only managed 20 mins. But said every moment was agony. You two are hopeless Emma said. So is Jordan but apparently not with Farrah. Oh that agony too but rather her than Lewis he'd have too much fun using that against me not that Farrah doesn't but at least I can get her back unlike Lewis. Someday I'll know your secret Rikki smirked at him. It's not that hard a puzzle to put together Rikki. I shrugged. But the more people that know the more people would use it against him or me.

Anyways.... You were saying Emma? Come on let's go then. We followed Emma to the door only to look up and see that its raining. Looks like we're not going anywhere until the rain stops and we're gonna miss school. Maybe we should call in sick. I suggested. But then I studied for nothing Jordan pouted. Not for nothing. You should study to get good grades. He rolls his eyes. They closed the door and we came back in since we wouldn't even make it to the street without tails. So, I guess since we can't go to school we'll have to stay here. Rikki suggested. We can't just sit here! Emma reminded us. Emma's mom came down to see we were still there. Why are you girls and Jordan still here? She asked us. It's raining buckets out there. We'd told her. She said she'd drive us to school that the car was just outside. We started following her out as the rain got harder. It's just rain a little water won't hurt you. But I cowered in fear hiding my face in Jordan's neck as he swept my hair to the side playing with it. Come on she motioned us. When she reached out for us I groaned backing up. As I put my hand to my stomach not feeling good.

It's just a little dash Cleo what's the matter with you? She asked her before she pretended to faint Rikki and Emma caught her. CT: Saw what you were doing and followed your lead. I heard her think to me. They laid her down on the couch in a blanket the rain got harder. What about you Farrah I saw you holding your stomach. I feel cold and clammy and my head is killing me. Sit down. Jordan guided me to the chair. The other girls were confused. Cleo said she was feeling dizzy and had a headache. She said her tummy hurt really bad and she's got a cough and then she coughed. And I coughed too. I feel nauseous. I groaned. Jordan seemed to understand what I was doing saying he thought I felt warm. Don't touch me Jord you'll get sick too. Well I always knew that Cleo and Farrah shared just about everything was always sick together dot dot dot except her sleep walking thing. Well then we'll have to watch her last time she did that it was a full moon she did some strange things and before that she took her boat to Mako and almost died. Lay down. He laid me down and had me turn on my side as he brought me to the ground carefully.

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