Rare fish smuggling

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Today (outfit 7) we were all crowded into mine and Cleo's bedroom as she and Emma sat on her bed while she cried about her dead fish Pluto. Rikki was sitting in a beanbag to the side Jordan and I were on the floor by the bed looking up at her while Emma comforted her. I never knew Pluto so I didn't feel anything for a dead fish but at the same time a fish in a tank or one of our one we had that in common. Cleo admitted that he was pretty old but that they had shared so many memoires with each other.

But because Rikki didn't understand the sentiment she wasn't sure why this fish meant so much to Cleo. He was a good fish. Cleo said. How? She asked her. He was loyal he was honest. Did he do any tricks? She asked him. No of course not Cleo said. So what do fish do exactly? She asked Cleo. The same things we do but in water! Cleo told her. Sorry. Rikki apologized.

But it got worse when she asked Cleo if we were going to throw him away or flush it and Cleo said neither and went into the bathroom. You know how much time Cleo puts into those fish! Emma scolds Rikki. She loves them. Hello? Fish have no long term memory they forget who she is 3 secs. Rikki argued back. She was being really insensitive but she didn't understand what the big deal was.

Emma claimed to Rikki that if it wasn't about her she wasn't interested that she was very self centered. No I'm not. She argued back. Oh yeah? I asked her. What was the fish's name? Jordan cut me off. While Rikki thought as if to prove to us that she wasn't really even listening. How Cleo cries and doesn't turn into a mermaid I'll never know but when she came back Rikki left.

At the dock Rikki was gone and the rest of us took the fish in a box to hold a funeral for him before my sister picked the fish up by the tail and let him drop back into the ocean. Now I return you back into the deep she said dropping him back in. Even though it wouldn't really matter anyways since he was dead now but even if we had flushed him as we know all drains lead back to the ocean.

When Rikki came back we were already done and she had gone and got her a new fish she was trying even if she didn't understand why it meant so much to Cleo. That even though it wasn't an exact match she said the pet store guy told her that the new fish would be just as much fun to talk to. And hey at least she was making an effort. But it didn't seem to matter to Emma because this fish couldn't go into the fish tank it was different from the rest.

Now what? She asked Emma when Cleo walked off. Cleo and Farrah collect salt water fish not fresh water fish. Emma told her before she too walked away. It's ok Rikki I told her placing a hand on her shoulder. Thanks for the effort. I smiled at her. You did your best. Jordan shrugged at her trying to find the right words.

Then help me make it up to her. She encouraged us. How? Jordan asked her as we lifted an eyebrow at her. We can find away to get her a new fish that can go into your guys fish tank. But before we planned on doing that we went back to our room and it seemed like the other fish were feeling the loss as well according to Cleo and then we came in and Rikki tried to apologize again.

Cleo told her it was ok because she understood that Rikki had a hard time with empathy. So you mean like I'm self centered? No Rikki I shook my head at her. It's just that other people's feelings aren't exactly on your radar. Jordan finished. And Cleo agreed with us. But I'm not complaining Cleo told her. Because sometimes I think I'm too worried about other people's feelings. I could say the same about Farrah and Jordan one is my twin sister the other.... Well they are a match made in heaven.

However, I know you mean well Rikki that's the thing Cleo told her. Right guys? She turned her head past us to the fish and told Rikki that they thought so too and Rikki was glad that she got the fish's approval. And she promised she'd try to be worthy. I know how you can help me she whispered into my ear. Let's go she pulled on my arm.

We'll be right back Cleo. I said pulling Jordan behind me. Once we were out of ear shot and following Rikki.... So Rikki what's the plan? We're gonna get you guys a new salt water type fish and I know just where we can get one for free. Where? I asked her crossing my arms lifting an eyebrow. Yeah I don't like the sound of this and Farrah is the one that usually comes up with bad ideas no wonder minus the empathy part why two get along so well. He teased.

That's not true I shake my head. Oh yeah? Whose idea was it to make an HQ on Mako Island and live there 8 years before she came back to living when everyone thought she was dead? Ok, that was there long before the incident happened. But you stayed there and let everyone believe you were dead but sent your sister dreams of you being alive and helped them follow their destiny. Ok well.... I slept walked into mine I pointed out. You followed me in the next day and got caught! Whose idea was that? I teased back.

Now that we were by the dock Rikki rolled her eyes and pushed us into the water as we zoomed off into the ocean in our mermaid forms. Since we are now surrounded by fish at our picking we decided this might not be as bad of an idea as we thought it would. All the saltwater fish we could find and we could pick one out that looked just like Pluto.

MT: There Rikki! I pointed out to her. That one right there. RT: Perfect, it looks just like 'im. JT: Cleo will be thrilled. Once we got out and were dried off and had the fish in a plastic bag we started making our way back. But on our way back one of the fishermen guys saw us walking by and called out to us. He asked us about the fish and Rikki said she knew a spot and he said it's just that I work for the marine park and that part of his job was to breed rare fish like the one we had.

He was wondering if we could give him the fish and she said no sorry it's got someone else's name on it. And he told us awe that's too bad I would've paid you a great price for it. Rikki turn back now before it's too late. I whispered to her pulling on her arm while Jordan laced his fingers between my other hand. Besides we should really get out of here before someone recognizes me.

At the word of pay though she had second thoughts but we pulled her along back to our house and gave Cleo the fish. And she was so happy to have him. Thanks you guys. No, no I encouraged Cleo shaking my head. Can't take credit for this one. I gestured to the fish. Yeah, this one was all Rikki we're just accomplices. Jordan smiled as I nudged him. It's not like we committed a crime there Jord.

Thank you Rikki he's so cool. He's a little quieter than Pluto but he'll settle in. Cleo told us. Emma and Louis also happened to be over when we were showing off the fish. And actually I don't doubt that someday you two will be accomplishes in a crime Louis teased us. That's not funny. Jordan told his brother. Not funny? Come on guys when we were little kids you were the top pranksters. And it was always Farrah's bad idea you were always her hitman.

Cleo laughed along side him. Anyways that is such a rare breed. Louis pointed out. Yeah he's gorgeous Cleo complimented. Yep nothing but the best. Rikki reassured her. You guys must've gone to so much trouble Cleo turned back to us. You can only get these fish from licensed breeders. She told us. Something we wish we had known for a little bit down the road.

Because now Louis turned to us giving us his thinking suspicious look on his face. Especially after she told us that he would've cost us a lot of money. JT: I don't like that look it never means anything good. At least we're not still little kids. You ok Jordan? I whispered to him and watched him flinch as Louis lifted an eyebrow. Nothing, but can we switch places just in case he whispered back. You're ridiculous. I muttered back to him as I crawled over him and he scooted over into my spot.

How did you afford him? He said to the 3 of us? We looked at each other than at Rikki. She said we got him easily because we had gotten ourselves a new job. BT: Uh oh! "What new job?" I mouthed to Jordan. He shrugged at me as we turned to Rikki to watch her lie for us. One thing Jordan and I needed a little more help in. You got a job? Emma questioned her.

Yes we did. She smiled at her. Where? Somewhere she told her. And Cleo was happy we had gone and spent all that money on her. Anything for you Cleo your my sister. I leaned over and squeezed her hand gently. And according to Rikki there was plenty more where he came from. The next thing I knew we were making our way back to the ocean again to catch more fish.

MT: So Jordan what was that? JT: What was what? He shrugged at me. I rolled my eyes blasting water at him. He held his arms out in front of him trying to keep the attack from hitting him. MT: You know what I mean. With Louis? I encouraged. JT: Oh that. Don't worry about it, I'll tell ya later he smiled back me. MT: If you say so. Cause gee the last time I saw you this jumpy when he gave you a look like that was anytime we got caught doing our pranks.

I always wondered how he always found out. JT: Not always just towards the end. He shook his head at me. MT: Uh huh I smirked. JT: Come on don't look at me like that! He rolled his eyes as I laughed. RT: Hey you two less flirting more fish catching. BT: Right behind you. Now because of Rikki we (outfit 23) now had a new fish catching job so that we can earn money from the fish breeder guy down by the docks.

So pretty rare hey? She asked him. Yeah and this color suits your eyes. He smiled at her. Uh oh crushes on people your worked for never turned out well. Now Rikki the girl "nobody likes" was being flirted with herself and it wasn't a 10 year old or however year old boy. It was a boy closer to our age. And I had the strangest feeling he's not one of the good guys.

But then he started asking us the kinds of questions we couldn't answer. Like where did we get it. And he would just have to trust us on the fact that we didn't get it from some endangered species place. But what did we learn about trust and working with people who flirt with us in our last episode?! That we can't trust them. And since he was gonna just have to trust us he gave us the money he owed us that Rikki said would be a good idea and I had the strangest feeling this was gonna end badly.

This doesn't involve anything dangerous does it? He asked us. I mean I could come with you if you wanted me to. He told Rikki. No thanks I shake my head. This one is all we need with us. Trust us we know what we're doing. I tell him. And once we left we gave Rikki our cut cause we had a bad feeling about this guy and gave her the money. And then we girls plus Jordan all got together again and Rikki was in a new outfit showing it off.

I like the look. Emma complimented. Did you win the lottery? She asked her. No I told you. We got a new job and I decided to experiment. She told them. Well I think you look great Cleo encouraged I've never seen you in that color and it really suits you. I think it matches my eyes. Rikki told her looking down at her outfit admiring herself. But then Rikki invited us to go shopping with her. And the girls said they were broke and Cleo said she didn't get paid till next week.

That's ok my treat. Well what are we waiting for let's go. Emma encouraged. No you guys go ahead Jordan and I will catch up later. No, no, no I'll catch up with guys later I've got an errand to run. I'll go with you. We never talk anymore about anything other than mermaids let's talk about anything else. No, because you want to talk about that he pointed at me as I wiggled my eyebrows in a teasing manner even though I was confused on what he was going on about.

You go this is something I just need to do alone. He leans over and kisses my cheek. Don't let her out of your sight. He whispers to Cleo. Never again she shakes her head smiling at me taking my head as she drags me along. Bye girls he waves after us. And I was the only girl that didn't buy anything since I turned all my money over to Rikki and then we ended up at the juice bar while Rikki was talking about our "next trip."

Next trip? Emma asked her. My feet hurt. Cleo complained. This is shopping girls she said to Cleo and I. Fine but right now we need a rest and a drink. K my treat. Rikki said. Cleo check it out. I pointed at the fish tank. They're beautiful Cleo admired. Yeah, great eyes. Rikki told her before we took an even closer look at the fish in the tank. Rikki got worried when she recognized the fish. And I got scared too.

I picked up my phone and called Jordan. Me: Jord we got a problem. I think I said to him in a empty corner. Him: Hello to you to Mi amore. I'm going great how are you? Me: Not now. Where are you? Man on other end of phone where Jordan is. Here you sir she's going to love it. He placed the phone on his ear between his neck. Thank you so much. Huh? He asked me with a smile on his face holding a box in his hand.

Me: Where are you? What kind of errand was so important and secret you couldn't let me come with you? We do everything together or did before I more or less died and now we're together again. Him: I know what you mean love and it's a surprise you'll love it trust me. See ya later. Me: But Jordan we've got a problem! Him: Oh? What is it? Me: I'm not sure yet but we're at the juice bar café place and there's something really familiar about the fish in this tank.

Him: Probably just a coincidence I'll be there soon. Bye love you. Me: Love you too Jord. Rikki and I went over to Wilfred the café owner and told him we thought he had some great fish. He told us that some guy was selling them down at the marina and that he paid half the amount he would usually get them at the shops. And we had Cleo check in with her boss on it and there was no one by the name of the guy we'd been working for which was where the.... I don't think this is a good idea was gonna come back and bite us in the butt.

And the worst part or one of the worst parts was that we had no way of contacting him because even though this mysterious guy was Rikki's boss it was a casual meeting. And Emma was worried that we shouldn't even be wearing the new clothes. But Rikki got offended when they said something about law and crime and that she paid for them with real good money and that it wasn't like they were stolen.

And when we all got back together again Louis had been on the phone with all the same guys names that we told him was the guy we worked for and got nothing. Jordan? I asked him. Yeah? Why are you wearing a hoodie? I lifted an eyebrow. It's like 60 70 degrees outside. 60 70 degrees is still a bit chilly 50 is kind of cold still and 60 is no better really this is like low for us. Br. He faked a shiver.

Louis? I asked him. What? Do you know anything about this? I asked him. He's YOUR boyfriend he shrugged at me. Fine I roll my eyes I see I'm not getting anywhere with either of you. "Thanks." I saw him mouth. While Louis rolled his eyes patting his shoulder. And then we did a quick recap on what we knew. That a strange guy was on the pier that we were selling fish to only for him to turn around and sell it for half the price to people.

Which we now are finding out is illegal. I turned all my money over to Rikki and so did you Jordan. So how in the world did you afford whatever surprise for me you have hidden away probably hidden in your hoodie? You don't know my life. He shrugs. After 16 years yeah I think I do. You were gone for half that time. Minor details. I flick my wrist. Now where did you get it and how did you pay for it? Minor details he mimicked me flicking his hand at me the same way I did.

Doesn't matter it wasn't from the money from the "job" Rikki was doing if that's what you want to know. And now we were up in the bedroom trying to sort the whole thing out. No wonder he went by a fake name he knew he was doing something illegal and we didn't until now. How much do you get paid at the marine park? Emma asked Cleo. $9.75 an hour. She told us.

And how much were you 3 getting paid? She asked us. I was about to come clean but Rikki still wanted to lie through her teeth. Between the 3 of us for one job? Not much more than that. She told her. And then she saw the looks on all our faces and she told us she had been paid a few hundred that she separated between the 3 of us and we gave it back to her because we knew it wasn't right we just didn't realize what we had been doing was illegal.

But until this was a problem they had no problems with her spending it on us. And after scolding Rikki about the job she had done she then apologized because we stopped before any real trouble had been gotten into. But to Rikki isn't about the money it was the fact that he had strung us along and made Rikki feel dumb. And to Emma she told us that he had probably done this lots of times and that we weren't first or the last.

Too bad that didn't seem to make us feel any better about it. But she did feel like getting even and Emma told us the best way to do that was go to the police. But in a case like this normally yes but thanks to Louis he knew we couldn't go to the police without the evidence against him. And if getting back at him was what she wanted Jordan and I were her troublemakers.

I don't need evidence you guys said Farrah and Jordan were good at pranks and this guy is a creep and we're gonna do something about it. Rikki told them. Like what? Cleo asked us. Just watch. Rikki said as she left the house. Emma decided that just because we wouldn't call the police didn't mean she couldn't but Louis stopped her. Um one of the things the police are going to ask Rikki and the two troublemaker twins is how they came across the fish we sold him.

What are they going to say? Trust us we're mer people? Ok we might have to bend the rules a little for this one. Emma said sounding defeated. Coming from you that's big. Louis encouraged. Let's not over react Rikki isn't crazy. Emma said. Sometimes she's crazy. Louis reminded her. Sometimes she's really crazy and has our twin siblings with her who are known for getting people back and pranks.

That reminds me.... Louis pulled out his phone with a smirk on his face to text Jordan. L: Just remember how I got you to tell me about your guys pranks in the past if you guys do anything prank worthy. ;) J: Whatever you say (rolling eyes) And done. Now let's head out there to make sure that nothing too crazy happens our siblings are masterminds. Cleo reminds Emma.

When we got there we stood a ways away and basically told him that we found out what he was doing. And he didn't seem too surprised that we found out about that. But he didn't think we were dumb just that he thought he'd go and spare us the business details but forgot to mention he was crook. But because we'd done better than flipping burgers for a living Rikki got offended.... So what that makes it ok for you to lie to us and manipulate us?

Well sweetheart he told Rikki this isn't going to increase your cut.... I don't want an increased cut she cut him off we don't want anything more to do with you! And I'm not your sweetheart! Our friends came running down to the pier making sure that we hadn't gotten ourselves into anymore trouble. Emma stopped Cleo from going after us and now that she thought we were done we'd be smart and contact the police.

But no we chased after him instead. We jumped into the water and zoomed off after him and when the cost was clear so did Emma and Cleo. Now we had seen him caught him right in the act and dived back down. While Cleo and Emma swam after us, while we watched. We got back on land dry and followed after him. Inside we watched until we were found snooping around and caught.

He wanted to know how we found the place and who else we told but when he thought we were making jokes he assured us now was not the time. And had our friends not had come after us we might be in some real serious trouble after all. Once our friends arrived they got out and looked at his boat. Inside he was threatening us to tell him where we found the fish and maybe he'd be nicer to us.

He thought we were all out of our depth but he'd be surprised how far we could go. Now that we were surrounded by water we were in our element. Rikki heating things and Jordan and I had every other power. We started off letting Rikki take the lead in heating up the drinking water supply canister thing. As it bubbled heating up. And while she did that we were messing with the water pipes getting ready to scold one of them with heat and "pity" them for having no insurance against the accident we three were gonna cause them.

When things exploded we made sure to make a run for it not to get hit by the water. Our friends arrived back in their human forms chasing after the screams trying to find us before anything bad happened. When our backs were turned more guys tried to kidnap us but Jordan and I and Cleo used our own water powers to make sure no one made that mistake and then the 3 of us Emma Jordan and I worked together to freeze them in place.

But while our friends helped us with their powers and Louis was on the way we went after our "boss" and he was scared of us now just as he should be. Stay away from me! He told us. But we got closer and closer and then he fell off the dock. Happy swimming. We were lucky none of got splashed from that, that would've been so bad.

But we still got closer helping her heat the water up under him. As we took our revenge. Luckily our friends were there to stop us from going too far because we had if they hadn't been there. That we had gotten even for him making a fool of us but we had done that to him too but now if we go further than this it was just us wanting to hurt someone and Jordan and I weren't like that. We looked at each other back at him and then to Rikki and stopped.

Rikki stopped and when we heard sirens we ran away. And we went back all together. Louis had discovered what was in the where house and thought it was surely enough evidence for the police. And now they got what they deserved. And Cleo named her new fish in honor of Rikki. Hot Stuff. Then Kim came in to ask us if our friends were staying for dinner. Hey? You look familiar do I know you?

I Cleo's best friend we're like sisters. I've heard so much about you. I'm Faith. Which is what my name translate to or at least as I've been told. Nice to meet you Kim. Uh Kim what are we having for dinner Cleo asked her. Fish she said closing the door as we all laughed. You know Farr's. Jordan said sticking his hands into his pockets. The fish people got what they deserved and so do you.

What's in the box? I asked him. Close you eyes. He smiled at me. Jord? Please? I close my eyes and he comes behind me luckily my hair was in it's usual ponytail as I felt cold metal go around my neck and then a warm hand slide against it. Don't! I giggled leaning away. With him came the other necklace as he handed it to Cleo. And then I was told to open my eyes. This is what I was doing when you were all shopping.

Jordan? I cooed. It's beautiful (necklace) I said throwing my arms around him. Then kissing his cheek. Thank you. Why is it sitting on the moon? I asked him. Because I couldn't find a full moon with a mermaid and that's how we became mer people. Very clever I nodded my head. Besides it's not as beautiful as you. He told me as he leaned in to kiss me. Let's just hope that while we were at dinner that no one would recognize me. Because I needed a plan and I knew there would be tears and I couldn't risk that.

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