It's better to just be friends

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Now that my (outfit 31) secret was out I could be myself out in public with no interruptions, distractions, or feeling guilty about people still thinking I was dead, and the best part was is that we won part of the short film contest. However, when I say we I mean Jordan since he shot it and had his name on it I was just the inspiration. So, now here we all were hanging out the juice bar when Byron showed up as we all greeted him.

He really wanted to talk to Emma but he thought maybe this wasn't the best time to do it. It's ok we won't listen. Cleo told him as he sat down next to Emma and Rikki was clearly listening and not even pretending not to. He said the school swimming sports were coming up and that he really wanted to beat Zane. It's ok to come in second. Emma told him. Which was rich coming from Em.

But Byron seemed to develop this need to win. And if anyone could understand that it was Emma. I need you to teach me how to beat Zane you know with that killer instinct but only temp he told her. He told her that he didn't want to be hooked on winning. So, will you help me? She turned to look at us Cleo and Rikki shook their heads Jordan and I weren't sure how we felt about this. I mean according to Byron Emma was a swimming star and it was a mystery to him as to why she quit in the first place. But remembered to praise me for my surfing skills from back in the day.

But when she turned him down it was probably for the best. She was doing the right thing. At least when it came to our mermaid secret. It was just a risk we couldn't take. After Emma walked away Lewis joined us with his working glasses and notebook in hand. He was trying to do experiments on us to see which substances turned us to fish and poor Jordan was at the blunt of the attack since he lives with him.

He said he was looking everywhere for us and that he wanted a hair sample. Don't you have enough from Jordan? I'm sure his hairbrush has tons of it on there. Yes, but he's a male version and you all are different, each with your own set of powers he'd said in hushed tone. Then there's the two of you who have all of them. Yeah, Lewis could you take from my brush next time you want my hair? Jordan complained you didn't need to take it right from my head.

Awe poor sweet baby. I cooed reaching my hand across the table to grab his hand with a smile on my face. Here Lewis I turned to him. Here is my brush take as much as you need. After we left Rikki felt the need to share her opinions on Lewis and his experiments apparently they were starting to bug her a little bit. I don't mind it I shrug. But then again I've known both of them since forever I trust Lewis and his brothers.

But you trust me most right? Jordan asked intertwining our fingers. Of course I kiss his cheek squeezing his hand. As we all were walking down the beach. Cleo decided he was only trying to help and I agreed. I do too but it's a little difficult to tell when you're the one that lives with him. Jordan agreed with both sides. Rikki doubted it she thought he liked annoying us. Ok, maybe he does but it would only be to annoy me as his brother.

You're angry. Cleo confirmed. He would be too if he was guinea pig. Rikki said frustrated. But Rikki I live with Lewis and Cleo and Farrah have all known each other since we were 5 and we've never seen him get angry. Annoyed at our pranks when we were little or frustrated but never angry I agreed. Besides he always got us back when we got caught. I bet things wouldn't change now if we still did them. Jordan smirked then shivered. I can just feel the payback already not great when you have nowhere to go to get away from him except the water. Jordan stated. Which doesn't make things easier during transformation, but luckily after 8 years of this we now have superspeed.

Too bad it doesn't work on land too. Ok, what are you two going on about? Rikki asked while Cleo smirked. Sorry Rikki we don't speak of those consequences. I shake my head. But yeah no Lewis doesn't get angry. Well we'll see about that. She told us having every intention to prove it. At Emma's she was looking through her scrapbook of her swimming days when the doorbell rang and she opened the door with Byron on the other side. What are you doing here? She asked him.

He apologized for what he said earlier had she taken offense to anything that was said but he said he figured it was because she couldn't get wet. Emma freaked out. But then he said she had swimmer's ear, that or that she really didn't like him that much which would've made him very sad. Zane came knocking on the door with a new blender for her mom And as he was leaving he wanted to know what they were doing. But when Emma said nothing Zane saw the journal sitting open and figured they were going over tips for the race.

And as he was leaving he told Byron that Emma wouldn't be able to help him that he would never win not while Zane was around. So, Emma changed her mind and decided to coach him to beat Zane. Cool. Great, but on one condition it has to be our secret. She warned him she probably didn't want us to find out she had decided to help him anyways even though I'm sure we'd find out anyways.

So, the next morning (outfit 21) she was out by the pool in a workout suit clipboard, whistle, timer and all, all prepared to coach Byron into becoming the best swimming machine he could be. She even had towels and she was upset that Byron was 15 mins late as he tried to come up with an excuse as to why. He stripped down and she told him to do 20 laps. But he questioned it and told her what he usually did but those days were over with Emma as he coach as she handed him a pair of goggles.

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